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هدایت باطنی که با تعبیر هدایت به امر از آن در قرآن یاد می شود، جریان هدایت مستمر و پایدار الهی است که توسط «امام» تا رسیدن به سعادت ابدی صورت می گیرد. همچنین، انسان موجودی مختار است که در گزینش راه سعادت و شقاوت اختیار دارد. مسئله اصلی این است که چگونه انسان با حفظ اختیار خود در جریان هدایت باطنی امام قرار می گیرد. در راستای حل این مسئله آثار فلسفی و تفسیری علامه طباطبایی(ره) با روش توصیفی تحلیلی بررسی شده اند. درنهایت، دستاورد تحقیق این است که علامه براساس مبانی حکمت صدرایی، هدایت باطنی امام را تأثیر وجودی و تکوینی امام بر ملکوت انسان در کسب مبدأ معرفتی در انجام فعل اختیاری می داند؛ از این رو، هدایت امام، اختیار و اراده انسان را سلب نمی کند؛ بلکه فرآیند فعل اختیاری با استفاده از قوای نفسانی او به صورت کامل شکل می گیرد.

The Human Free Will in the Doctrines of Imam’s Inner Guidance: Allameh Tabataba’ie’s Views

The concept of "inner guidance" refers to the continuous and stable flow of divine guidance provided by the Imam, which aims to lead individuals towards eternal happiness. However, this raises an apparent contradiction: how can humans be guided along a predetermined path by the Imam if they possess free will? Allameh Tabataba'ie's philosophical framework reconciles this tension. He posits that the Imam's inner guidance does not negate human free will, but rather serves to provide the necessary perceptual and cognitive foundations for individuals to make voluntary choices. In other words, the Imam's guidance empowers people with the knowledge and understanding required to freely pursue the path towards felicity. This explanation allows for the rational defense of human free will within the doctrine of the Imam's inner guidance. The Imam's influence is positioned as an existential and perceptual facilitation rather than a coercive force that overrides individual autonomy. This articulation helps resolve the apparent paradox between divine guidance and human free choice. Keywords: Inner Guidance, Imam, Free Will, Allameh Tabataba’ie Introduction One of the central religious doctrines in Islamic theology is the concept of the "Imam's Inner Guidance" (Hedāyat Be Amr). Allameh Tabataba'ie, the renowned Shi'a scholar, developed a novel interpretation of this doctrine, grounding it within the philosophical framework established by Mulla Sadra. This exegetical contribution stands out from previous Islamic and Shi'a commentaries on the relevant Quranic verses. Allameh Tabataba'ie's analysis of the Imam's inner guidance raises a pressing question: how is human free will reconciled within this doctrine of divine guidance? Prior research has explored various aspects of the Imam's inner guidance, such as Soruri Majd's work on its role in community-building and Javadi Amoli's discussions of the rewards and punishments associated with guidance and misguidance. However, the specific issue of harmonizing human free will with the Imam's guiding influence has not been addressed in-depth. Conversely, numerous studies have investigated the concept of free will in human agency from the perspectives of scholars like Nabiyan, Nasri, and Taheri Soltani. These works have shed light on Allameh Tabataba'ie's views on determinism and free will. Yet, the nexus between free will and the Imam's inner guidance remains a gap in the existing literature. This article aimed to address this lacuna by explicating Allameh Tabataba'ie's reconciliation of human free will within his framework of the Imam's inner guidance. It sought to elucidate how the Imam's perceptual and cognitive empowerment of individuals enables, rather than negates, the exercise of free choice. Materials & Methods As this research fell within the realm of the humanities, a combination of descriptive and correlational methodologies were employed to investigate the research hypotheses. The data collection process involved both physical and electronic means, utilizing various library resources, such as books and academic journals. The philosophical, theological, exegetical, and intellectual works of scholars were extensively referenced and analyzed to examine the subject matter. Specifically, the research focused on elucidating Allameh Tabataba'ie's conceptualization of the religious doctrine of the "Imam's Inner Guidance" and its implications for the notion of human free will. This study, therefore, could be characterized as a fundamental and theoretical investigation that employed rational reasoning and analytical techniques. The overarching aim was to contribute to the expansion of philosophical-theological knowledge in this domain by clarifying the interplay between the Imam's guiding influence and the exercise of human agency. The library-based, conceptual approach adopted in this research allowed for a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of the topic, drawing upon the rich intellectual tradition within Islamic theology and philosophy. Research Findings According to Allameh Tabataba'ie's perspective, the "Imam" can exert a profound influence on the inner being of human beings. This is due to the lofty existential status of the Imam, which enables him to shape human perception and cognition. Specifically, the Imam's influence first grants individuals knowledge about the virtuous deeds necessary for the perfection of their soul. Furthermore, the Imam's guidance instills in the individual a sense of the necessity and importance of undertaking those perfective actions. When a person acquires this knowledge about the good deeds required for their spiritual fulfillment and concomitantly develops the conviction that performing those deeds is necessary, the psychological preconditions for voluntary action are established within them. This explanation elucidates how the Imam's role in human inner guidance, which operates through an existential influence on knowledge acquisition, does not actually negate or conflict with human free will. The Imam's part is limited to creating the perceptual precursors within the individual. The subsequent stages of the voluntary act, particularly the individual's own "will" - a crucial phase, upon which the realization of the voluntary act hinges - are entirely the responsibility of the human agent. This is the domain where human discretion emerges as a distinct characteristic of the human being. Therefore, based on Allameh Tabataba'ie's framework, the Imam's inner guidance does not necessitate predestination. Rather, it is compatible with the exercise of genuine free will by the human individual under the Imam's guiding influence. Discussion of Results & Conclusion The central issue addressed in this article was reconciliation of the doctrine of the "Imam's Inner Guidance" with the concept of human free will. Allameh Tabataba'ie's innovative approach provided a rational and philosophically-grounded defense of the preservation of free will within the process of the Imam's inner guidance of the individual. Tabataba'ie's novel interpretation of the Quranic term "Amr" (command) as referring to the Imam's existential authority and control over the inner realm of the human being was a key conceptual move. According to this view, the "Inner Guidance" exercised by the Imam stemmed from their divinely-bestowed perfections, such as knowledge, guidance, and infallibility. However, the Imam's influence was limited to the realm of cognition - their role was to remove human ignorance and facilitate the individual's discernment between good and evil based on their innate human nature. This existential influence on the perceptual precursors of voluntary action did not negate the autonomy of the individual's own "will" in ultimately determining and executing the voluntary act. While Tabataba'ie's interpretation of "Amr" might be subject to critical scrutiny, his rational and philosophical effort to resolve the theological challenge of reconciling the Imam's inner guidance with human free will was a unique and innovative contribution. He successfully demonstrated how the Imam's guidance could operate without undermining the individual's free agency. This conceptual framework preserved a space for human discretion and volition, even as it acknowledged the profound spiritual and existential influence the Imam could exert on the individual's inner being. Tabataba'ie's perspective thus offered a compelling resolution to the apparent tension between divine guidance and human free will.
