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توصیف کیفیت ایجاد جهان مادی بایستی در ابتداء بر اساس مدلی پیشینی و سپس انطباق گزاره های پسینی با آن صورت گیرد، بر همین اساس در این نوشتار با تکیه بر آراء صدرایی به روش توصیفی تحلیلی، به این سئوال که کیفیت ایجاد و تکامل جهان مادی چگونه بوده است، پرداخته شده و در نهایت دانسته شد: ماده-المواد جهان مادی، هیولای اولی است که از حیث معقولات اولیه، ادنی مرتبه وجودی و حیثیت بالاجمال شده حقیقت وجود بالتفصیل است و بنحو جعل بسیط ایجاد شده، اما از حیث معقول ثانی منطقی، جنس سافل و از حیث معقول فلسفی جوهری جسمانی است و در ضمنِ بسیط بودن، دارای اطوار متعدده بوده، بگونه ای که به محض جعل شدن عاری از هرگونه فصلی بوده و بعد از جعل شدن، بواسطه حرکت جوهریش آناً به نوعی از انواع هیولاهای ثانویه تبدیل شده و بواسطه ترکیب انضمامی همین هیولاهای ثانویه صورت جسمیه مرکبه ایجاد شده اند؛ ازسوی دیگر بر اساس مدل فریدمان، ماده اولیه حیثیتی لازمانی و لاابعادی داشته و جوهر صرف بوده که با توصیف هیولای اولی صدرایی مطابقت دارد و سیر تکاملی ماده اولیه براساس مدل فریدمان و تبدیلش به ذرات بنیادین، ذرات هادرونی و دیگر عناصر، با تحلیل انجام شده از گزاره های صدرایی مطابقت دارد، بطوری که هرچند بررسی کیفیت ایجاد ماده اولیه موضوع علم فیزیک نیست، اما گزاره های مدل استاندار ذرات و مدل استاندارد کیهانشناسی که مبیّن سیر تکاملی جهان مادی هستند موافق آراء ملاصدرا رأی داده اند.

The Quality of Creating and Developing Prima Materia in the Sadrai Wisdom System and Comparing it with Cosmological Physics Propositions

The description of the quality of creating and developing the material world tends to be based on a priori theories rather than a posteriori equations because it is impossible to describe cosmic phenomena by a priori experiences; therefore, to outline a comprehensive model, its geometry is first founded on a priori model, derived from ontological and epistemological basics, while it is then explained by a posteriori equations. This study used Sadrai’s works using an analytical-descriptive method to answer this research question: How is the quality of creating and developing the material world? It was concluded that the material world was created by a prima materia, which is an existential concept from an analytical viewpoint while being physical for all elements from an essence viewpoint, as it is created in an evolutionary form, with the nature of the truth being a detailed existence. An evolutionary prima materia goes through various states. They are formed due to their intrinsic movements, manifest a form of themselves and become a type of secondary matter based on time incidence, with each type combined together for their intrinsic movements, thus manifesting combined physical forms.   Keywords: Prima Materia, Secondary Matter, Essential Movement, Physical Forms, Fundamental Particles. Introduction The task of outlining a comprehensive model of the universe, covering the quality of its creation and evolution, necessitates a qualitative depiction of the realization and intrinsic nature of the primary substance, along with the phenomena and both perceptible and imperceptible cosmic variables. The primary objective of this study is to sketch a preliminary model concerning the quality of the creation and evolution of the primary substance and the material variables originating from it. It also seeks to expound upon imperceptible material phenomena and their correlation with perceptible material variables. This proves challenging because frameworks like positivist research or Husserlian phenomenology, rooted in experientialism or intuitionism, face limitations in describing these imperceptible phenomena. Given that most cosmic variables are beyond sensory experience, addressing the inquiry of "how the quality of the realization of the primary substance has been and what its intrinsic nature is and how it has evolved" requires a preliminary philosophical model based on ontological and epistemological foundations, such as transcendental existentialism. This model must articulate an ontological geometry alongside precise epistemological discussions concerning the quality of the creation of the primary substance and cosmic phenomena, both perceptible and imperceptible. Following this, the philosophical model must undergo transformation into a mathematical model, handed over to cosmologists through exploration. The indispensability of the philosophical preliminary model presented in this study, grounded in transcendental existentialism, lies in its capacity to describe imperceptible variables and concealed facets of perceptible variables, transcending the constraints of subsequent mathematical models.   Materials and Methods The research methodology in this study is structured with a dual focus, employing a descriptive-analytical approach for data collection and a foundational approach concerning objectives. However, the analysis of cosmic variables deviates from positivist or Husserlian phenomenological philosophies, embracing the principles of transcendental epistemology. This departure is justified by the latter's reliance on sensory experience, confining studies to sensory variables and obstructing the exploration of imperceptible variables. Initially, the qualitative analysis of both perceptible and imperceptible variables is conducted within the framework of transcendental epistemological foundations. Subsequently, guided by ontological principles, the qualitative description and analysis of the creation quality and intrinsic nature of the primary substance are addressed. The inquiry expands to elucidate the evolution of material variables. Acknowledging that certain material variables have undergone prior analysis in cosmological physics, a comparative examination and occasional alignment are drawn between the variables explained in physics and those expounded upon based on transcendental ontological foundations. In addition to the descriptive-analytical approach, a comparative and correlative methodology is seamlessly integrated into the overall research strategy. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the cosmic variables under scrutiny, contributing to a nuanced exploration of the intricacies within the broader context of the universe.   Research Findings The present study, grounded in transcendental philosophy, outlines a posterior model detailing the creation quality and evolutionary process of the primary material in the material universe. The primary substance encompasses both existential and essential aspects. Existentially, it embodies a broadly graded truth, crafted in a straightforward manner under hierarchical levels. Philosophically, its bodily essence is deemed substantial, while logically, it qualifies as a base genus. This is because its bodily essence is actualized through another essence, and, as a first-order rational entity, must possess a lower bodily essence, identified as a base genus. The primary substance, as the origin of all secondary entities, transcends confinement to a specific category, defying alignment or conflict among these entities. Therefore, existentially, it is a base genus, embodying essentially a bodily essence and a base genus without form. Inherent motion, a prerequisite for any bodily essence, propels the primary substance (the first monster) toward self-intensification upon its invention. It materializes a form, categorized under a specific chapter. However, with numerous secondary monsters and the impracticality of one bodily essence accommodating all forms, the first monster must, while retaining simplicity, assume multiple forms. Each form, through inherent motion, contributes to the creation of various secondary monsters. Subsequently, through prevailing unity, amalgamation occurs, giving rise to a new element endowed with distinctive properties.   Discussion of Results and Conclusions By analyzing the statements of Sadra, the first monster must be an objective reality in such a way that, in the realm of primary rational entities, it is existentially of the lowest order, in the realm of secondary philosophical rational entities, the ultimate bodily essence, and in terms of logical secondary entities, a base genus. Therefore, since, existentially, it is a broadly graded truth, it must be created in a simple manner. However, after its concrete realization, upon its invention, its inherent bodily essence, which is self-motion, endows it with perfections that were initially lacking, due to the occurrence of temporal existence. Yet, because there are numerous forms of creatures, the first monster must, while being simple, have multiple forms. Each of these forms, through its specific existential breadth and inherent motion, intensifies in existence and transforms into a type of secondary monster. Then, through the amalgamation of these various forms of secondary monsters, compound physical forms and, through their amalgamation, physical forms of inanimate objects, plants, and animals take shape. On this basis, although cosmologists have not yet reached a comprehensive theory regarding the quality of creation and the intrinsic nature of the primary substance, the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is also subject to criticism. However, if we set aside this issue, all the stages that physicists have proposed in the evolution of the primary substance align with what Mulla Sadra has put forth.
