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مقدمه: در تنظیم شناختی هیجان و رفتارهای پرخطر در نوجوانان ادراک زمان نقش بازی می کند. از این رو، هدف این مطالعه تعیین روابط ساختاری بین تنظیم شناختی هیجان با رفتار پرخطر نوجوانان با نقش میانجی ادراک استعاری زمان بود. روش کار: روش این مطالعه همبستگی به روش معادلات ساختاری بود. جامعه آماری شامل نوجوانان شهر تهران از مهر 1401 تا خرداد 1402 بود. بدین منظور، از بین نوجوانان شهر تهران به صورت نمونه گیری در دسترس 400 نفر انتخاب شدند. شرکت کنندگان پرسشنامه های خطرپذیری نوجوانان، ادراک استعاری زمان و تنظیم شناختی هیجان را تکمیل کردند. برای تحلیل داده های توصیفی از نرم افزارSPSS-26 و برای ارزیابی دستیابی به مدل برازش شده از نرم افزار AMOS-8.8 استفاده شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد؛ مدل مورد مطالعه از برازش مناسب برخوردار است و مدل تحلیلی رابطه بین راهبردهای تنظیم شناختی هیجان با رفتار پرخطر نوجوانان با نقش میانجی ادراک استعاری زمان معنادار است. از طرفی، با افزایش راهبرد تنظیم شناختی هیجان منفی، ادراک استعاری زمان نوجوانان کمتر می شود و همچنین با افزایش راهبرد تنظیم شناختی هیجان مثبت، ادراک استعاری زمان نوجوانان بیشتر می شود. نتیجه گیری: بر این اساس می توان نتیجه گرفت؛ در تنظیم شناختی هیجان نوجوانان با رفتارهای پرخطر آنها، درک زمان به صورت استعاری می تواند نقش میانجی بازی کند. از این رو، روان شناسان رشدی که در حوزه نوجوانی مطالعه می کنند، باید به درک زمان به صورت استعاری همراه با تنظیم شناختی هیجان و مولفه های آن توجه کنند.

The structural model of the role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies with the mediation of time metaphorical perception in predicting risky behavior in adolescents

Introduction Due to puberty, adolescents seek self-discovery, and some adolescents may not have stable mental states, which may lead to risky behaviors. Cognitive emotion regulation is an essential factor in the emergence of high-risk behaviors as a protective role, and its maladaptive aspect is a contributing factor. According to previous studies, there is a relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and high-risk behaviors. Adolescents with more problems in regulating their emotions have more maladaptive behaviors (9). Language is the primary tool through which people can share their views and thoughts. Cognitive linguists such as Lakoff and Johnson believe that language reflects the human mind and operates based on the same coherent pattern as the rest of human cognitive functions (12). In cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphors, as its main part, are mental or abstract domains by which mental concepts are conceptualized and are considered an inter-domain mapping in the human conceptual system. Therefore, mapping or metaphorical connection is the core of metaphor that matches the source domains with the target domains (15). Like any other abstract conceptual domain, time has a metaphorical nature, requiring source domains such as objects, places, paths, spaces, and the like to understand it (27). Therefore, this study aims to examine the fit of the model for predicting adolescents’ risky behavior based on cognitive emotion regulation strategies with the mediating role of time metaphorical perception. Methods This correlation study used the structural equation method. The statistical population was the adolescents of Tehran from September 2022 to May 2023. For this purpose, 400 adolescents were selected by available sampling. The participants completed the Risk Perception, Time Metaphorical Perception, and Cognitive Emotion Regulation questionnaires. The SPSS-26 software was used for descriptive data analyses, and AMOS-8.8 software was used to evaluate the fitted model. Risk Perception Questionnaire: This questionnaire, created by Zademohammadi, and has 38 items. It is scored using a Likert scale consisting of 5 options (Completely disagree=1 and Completely agree=5). This questionnaire includes the following subscales: drug tendency, alcohol tendency, smoking tendency, violence tendency, opposite sex intimacy tendency, and risky driving tendency (29). The Cronbach’s alpha for the whole scale was 0.94. Time Metaphorical Perception Questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed by Raiisi and Moghadsin designed this questionnaire, which has 30 items and three subscales of matter, place, and object. Cronbach’s alpha was reported as 0.89 for the entire questionnaire (30). Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed by Garnefski et al. and has 18 items. This questionnaire aims to measure the nine subscales of cognitive emotion regulation (self-blame, acceptance, rumination, positive refocusing, refocusing on planning, positive reappraisal, perspective-taking, catastrophizing, and blaming others) (7). Garnefski, et al. obtained the reliability of this questionnaire by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient equal to 0.91, 0.87, and 0.93, respectively (7). In Iran, in the study of Pazuki et al., the validity of the questionnaire was examined by correlating the total score with the scores of the questionnaire’s subscales, which ranged from 0.40 to 0.68, with an average of 0.56 (31). Results Demographic data indicated that in terms of gender, 68.25% of the participants were girls, and 31.75% were boys. Pearson’s correlation findings demonstrated a negative and significant correlation between positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and time metaphorical perception with risky behavior. In another word, a positive and significant correlation exists between negative cognitive emotion regulation and risky behavior. Table 1 presents the variables’ mean, standard deviation, and correlation matrix. Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix of research variables Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 Risky behavior 1 105.3 11.06 1 Positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies 2 28.80 7.21 -0.54* 1 Negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies 3 18.69 5.35 -0.77** -0.46** 1 Time metaphorical perception 4 98.15 17.51 -0.38** 0.55** 0.43** 1 In the obtained model, the indices of (RMSEA), (GFI), and (CFI) are equal to 0.04, 0.84, and 0.91, respectively. Also, the model has a suitable fit; in other words, the appropriateness of the fit indices indicates the conformity of statistical data with the model of the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and adolescents’ risky behavior with the mediating role of time metaphorical perception. Table 2 shows the fit indices of the model of the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and adolescents’ risky behaviors with the mediating role of time’s metaphorical perception. Table 2. The results of fit indices of the model Indices CFI GFI AGFI PNFI RMSEA X2/df Obtained values 0.91 0.84 0.88 0.56 0.04 1.65 Figure 1. Model of the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and risky behavior of adolescents with the mediating role of time metaphorical perception Conclusion The results of this study showed that the time metaphoric perception has a mediating role between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and risky behavior in adolescents. In summary, by increasing the negative cognitive emotion regulation strategy, the risky behavior of adolescents increases, and by increasing the positive cognitive emotion regulation strategy, adolescents’ risky behavior decreases. The main limitation of this study was that the sample was limited to adolescents from several districts of Tehran. Therefore, it is suggested that psychologists and psychotherapists use the results of this study in their therapeutic approaches and investigations for future studies. Ethical Considerations Compliance with ethical guidelines This study strictly followed all ethical guidelines, including obtaining informed consent from participants and ensuring their confidentiality. Participants were also free to withdraw from the study at any point. Authors’ contributions This study is taken from the second author’s master’s thesis, which was carried out under the supervision of the first author. The first author was involved in selecting the topic, research design, data analysis, and writing the article, and the second author was involved in the data collection and analysis. Funding This study did not receive specific grants or financial support. Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to all the teenagers who participated in this study. Conflicts of interest There is no conflict of interest between the authors of this article.
