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هدف این پژوهش واکاوی انسان شناسی استاد مطهری و ترسیم شبکه معنایی الزامات تربیتی آن است. روش به کاررفته در این پژوهش توصیفی-تحلیلی و استنباطی است که از طریق مراجعه مستقیم به آثار و اسناد دست اول به انجام رسیده است. این پژوهش نشان می دهد شهید مطهری در آثار خود ابتدا با بیان تمایزهای موجود میان انسان و سایر حیوانات، نتیجه می گیرد که امتیاز انسان بر حیوان در گرایش های ویژه انسانی است که در سرشت و طبیعت انسان نهاده شده است. سپس در مرحله بعد با تمایز نهادن میان افراد نیک و بد تاریخ و نشان دادن علت امتیاز گروه اول بر گروه دوم، ملاک انسانیت انسان را ارزش های انسانی معرفی می کند و درنهایت استدلال می کند که ارزش های انسانی همان گرایش های ویژه انسانی است که ریشه در سرشت و فطرت انسانی او دارد. این ارزش ها که به صورت بالقوه در نوع انسان هست همان استعدادهای ویژه انسان است که شهید مطهری آن ها را فطریات انسان می نامد. شهید مطهری اعتقاد دارد در تربیت، شناخت انسان، استعدادهای انسان، شناخت دقایق ذهن و عواطف و مشاعر انسان و حتی ریشه ماوراءالطبیعه وجود انسان لازم و ضروری است.

The Semantic Network of Educational Requirements in the Anthropological Analysis of Morteza Motahari's Works

IntroductionA close look at the state of education in Iran and the world shows that despite all efforts to raise the quality of education and upbringing of decent, cultured, and socialized people, human societies are still facing many problems in this field. The way out of these problems is to develop an educational system suitable for human needs and talents. Anthropology is the general title and system of knowledge that includes any understanding of human beings from a philosophical, mystical, moral, and experimental point of view (Khosrupanah, 2014, p. 46). Without knowing human beings, it is not possible to know their talents and needs. with the correct knowledge of man and his various dimensions of existence, one can make the correct use of his talents. In other words, by knowing human beings, human talents can flourish. On the other hand, without knowing humans, the basic problem of education will not reach its final solution; That is, until the human being is unknown, it is not possible to present a correct educational system for the growth of the human being (Nasri, 2014, p. 29).Literature ReviewOver the past years, various researches have been conducted in order to analyze the ideas of martyr Motahari. For example, Hosseini (2009) in his work entitled "Religious-Educational Anthropology" has tried to show that the Islamic educational system pays attention to the elements and factors of the divine education of man and all the necessary propositions in the movement towards excellence. Karami (2007) in a research entitled "Human; Known Creature" investigated topics such as succession and guidance, legislative guidance and human perfection, moral guidance and inspiration, human inner desires and instincts, human knowledge and cognition, human psychological personality, and social life. Also, there have been researches in the field of moral education, such as Mousavi Faraz (2017), who in his research mainly focused on moral education based on the relationship between ethics and religion, the place of human dignity in moral education, and the place of truth and affection in moral education. Based on this, it can be seen that a complete semantic network of educational requirements according to the philosophy of Professor Motahari has not been presented. Based on this, in this research, we are trying to analyze the anthropology of Professor Shahid Morteza Motahari and explore the semantic network of educational requirements related to this anthropology.MethodologyThis research has a qualitative approach and has used descriptive-analytical and inferential research methods. The qualitative approach uses qualitative data to understand and explain phenomena and often seeks to understand the meanings, concepts, explanations, and characteristics of the subject under study (Delavar, 2019, p. 308). The first-hand documents used are the works of Professor Motahari and some articles and books of other researchers. To identify, extract, and categorize concepts, MaxQDA software and its coding tool were used. Qualitative content analysis is a method of subjectively interpreting the content of textual data through the processes of systematic classification, coding, and thematization. (Iman, 2011, p. 88). The qualitative content analysis method is a method to find the connection between different concepts and to recognize conceptual relationships.ResultsThis research shows that Shahid Motahari in his works, first by stating the existing distinctions between humans and other animals concludes that the superiority of humans over animals lies in special human tendencies that are embedded in human nature. Then, in the next stage, by distinguishing between the good and bad people of history and showing the reason for the privilege of the first group over the second group, he introduces human values as the criteria of humanity and finally argues that human values are the special human tendencies that are rooted in his human nature. These values, which are potentially present in human nature, are the special human talents that Shahid Motahari calls them human nature. In light of such knowledge, he believes that in education, it is necessary to know the human being, human talents, the details of the human mind, emotions and feelings, and even the supernatural root of human existence.DiscussionAccording to Shahid Motahari, a human is a creature with many privileges that distinguish him from other creatures, especially animals. What forms the foundation of human existence in nature (Fetrat), and Professor Motahari explains this issue completely by presenting the theory of nature. According to him, the main difference between humans and other living beings is the special human tendencies and the existence of freedom and choice. This point divides the duty of the teacher in the field of education into two very important parts. In the first part, the duty of the teacher is to provide the facilities, meet the needs of the student, and remove the existing obstacles and limitations for the flourishing of human talents. In the second part, the teacher has the duty of providing a system among human talents for the harmonious development of all of themConclusionIt is necessary to maintain a balance among all men's natural talents in human education. Paying attention to some talents and cultivating them, fighting with others, and not creating a balance between them, make a person a dangerous being. Accordingly, in order to answer the question of "how should a human being be educated", from the point of view of Professor Motahari, it can be said that every human being should be educated in such a way that he reaches his own goal; it means that his talents should be recognized and nurtured. That is, based on the knowledge of nature, we should cultivate all our talents in harmony with nature.
