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پژوهش درباره رمان و داستان غنایی به عنوان زیر مجموعه ای از ادبیات غنایی، یکی از زمینه های مطالعاتی نوین در نقد داستان محسوب می شود که تاریخچه آن به دهه های اخیر بازمی گردد. برای نخستین بار آیلین بالدشویلر در مقاله ای در سال 1969 از عنوان داستان غنایی برای تعدادی از داستان هایی که واجد ویژگی های غنایی بودند، استفاده کرد؛ از آن پس، پژوهشگران برجسته ای چون رالف فریمن و جاناتان کالر، افق های دید این نوع مطالعه را گسترش دادند و بر غنای آن افزودند؛ در نتیجه امروزه معیارهای دقیق تر و علمی تری برای شناسایی و تحلیل آثار داستانی غنایی وجود دارد. مقاله پیشِ رو، به دنبال بررسی و تحلیل رمان شب های تهران از غزاله علیزاده  برمبنای نظریه  غنایی جاناتان کالر است. جاناتان کالر هر متن غنایی را چه نوع نثر چه شعر، تنها بر اساس یک شاخصه اصلی غنایی می شمارد و آن عنصر عاطفه است و برای این شاخص اصلی، پنج زیرشاخه و مصداق قائل است. در  مطالعه حاضر، این سوال مطرح است که وجود چه عناصر و مولفه هایی در این اثر  باعث شده که یک رمان ِمدرنِ غنایی محسوب شود. نتایج حاکی از آن است که می توان شب های تهران  را یکی از بهترین نمونه های رمان غنایی محسوب کرد؛ زیرا مهمترین ویژگی های داستان و رمان غنایی که در نظریهکالر مطرح شده، مانند: عاطفه غم و اندوه، عاطفه شادی، عاطفه خشم، عاطفه اعجاب و شگفتی و عاطفه عشق و دوستی با کیفیت و کمیّت قابل ملاحظه در این اثر  به کار رفته است.

The analysis of the nights of Tehran novel based on lyric theory by Jonathan Culler

considered as a new field of study in story criticism that its history goes back to recent decades when it was Eileen Baldeshweiler, who used the topic of lyric story in her essay (1969) for the first time and for some stories that contain the especial elements of lyric novel. After that, some other eminent scholars such as Ralph freeman and Jonathan culler have expanded the horizons of this study and thus today there are some more exact and scientific criteria for the ones who are interested in studying the domain of lyric novel. the present essay is going to study the novel of shabhaye Tehran of Ghazale Alizade on based on jonathan culler theory of lyric story. Cullers theory includes five main emotions with their subdivisions. In the present study, this question was answered: what elements and factors have characterized the shabhaye Tehran  novel as a modern lyric story? The results show that shabhaye Tehran  can be considered as one of the best examples of lyric novel in Persian literature because the most important features of lyric story raised in Jonathan culler are found in it with high frequency and considerable quality.  Extended 1-IntroductionLyric literature with an extended concept is one of the important literary genres and is poems reflect personal emotions and feelings (shamissa, 2008: 127). According to this definition everything that state the emotions of the poet and writer by some literary words can be incorporated in the domain of lyric literature. Poetic or lyric story is one of the modern stories. With the advent of modernism and the changes resulting from it, society's values ​​and political issues have been challenged, and along with that, literature and art also changed. "The golden age of realism in our short stories was the late 1940s and early 1950s; But at the same time, another trend named modernism was emerging beside realism. Modernism in Iranian short story has become the dominant form of story writing since the early 1360s (payandeh, 2012: 61). The first manifestations of modernism in Iran's fictional literature can be traced back to the 1940s and the works of writers such as Sadegh Chubak, Simin Daneshvar, Taghi Modaresi, Bahram Sadeghi and Hoshang Golshiri in a broad and organized way (Mir Abdini, 2016: 663). The greatest change by modernism is affecting human thoughts; A period that is considered as the dominance of humanism. Humanist thinking introduces human as a "knowing, knowledgeable, focused and complete who is in the center of the universe (Ahmadi, 2009: 26). In modern stories, the appearance of the characters is no longer paid attention to, and the focus is on the inner characteristics and minds of individuals. "Modern writers used a kind of unconscious symbolism and their work was based on the free association of meanings, thoughts and mental images, delving into the unconscious aspects of the mind and entering into some trance and dream state" (Bahman, 1373: 87) modernism not only has made writing techniques more complex, but also caused new issues to be raised and caused people’s mind to get diverted from poverty and deprivation to the issues resulted from interpersonal relationships in urban life. Modernism also considers reality to be pluralistic and dependent to the individuals. One of the most important features of this type of story is paying attention to the dark and ambiguous world of the mind and digging into the mysterious depths of the characters' minds (see Payandeh, 2011: 16).we can mention lyric or poetic stories among the types of modern stories. This literary genre was first emerged in the 20th century with an essay by Eileen Baldeshweiler, which was specific to lyric short stories, and after that, researchers such as Susan Bennett, Jonathan caller, and Ralph Freeman also have extended the field of study domain of lyric fiction and considered it in novels and short short stories.According to the principles they have mentioned for the lyric novel, now it is easier to identify and analyze the lyric novels scientifically. The nights of Tehran by Ghazaleh Alizadeh is one of the works in which we are faced with lyric features. In our country, there are few works, including articles and theses, which have investigated lyric stories based on the theories of lyric stories. The lack of such works requires the necessity of more works and studies in this field; Therefore, the present essay is going to analyze and consider nights of Tehran novel based on this approach. Research Methodology The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical. Necessary materials are collected and presented based on library sources and important sites and essay websites. since the theory of lyric novel by Jonathan culler is brought up for the first time, so the principles of it are explained in detail too. For showing the usage of this theory in analyzing lyric novels, one of the best examples of Persian lyric novels named the nights of Tehran is considered.  DiscussionAlthough many researchers have investigated the lyrical features in classical prose and poems; But there are also examples of lyric literature in the fiction literature which are noteworthy. A novel is one of the literary types that gives the author the opportunity to express his feelings in more detail. Tehran Nights by Ghazaleh Alizadeh is one of the works in which we are faced with lyrical coordinates. Lyric works have specific content and form indicators that define its border with other types.The content indicators are: being emotional and romantic, being romantic and mystical, having a negative view of the world, having a sad atmosphere, being descriptive, paying attention to moral qualities, introversion and....; Formal indicators are also like this: softness and softness of language and expression, musical richness, metaphors, similes, soft and gentle lyrical allusions.In this article, the analysis and analysis of the lyrical components in the novel Nights of Tehran based on the theory of Jonathan caller (2015) is discussed. American critic and writer Conrad Aiken coined the term "lyrical short story" for the first time in 1921. In 1969, Eileen Baldesweiler expanded this theory in an article entitled "A History of Lyrical Short Story", and following her, researchers such as Susan Bennett, Jonathan caller, and Ralph Freeman also added to the realm of lyrical fiction. They also examined it in novels and short stories. According to the criteria they set for the lyrical novel, now it is possible to identify and analyze the lyrical novels in a more scientific way.culler (2015) in his book entitled "Theory of Lyrical Literature" deals more with English lyrical poetry from the past to the contemporary period; But during the discussions, he also raised some points about the lyrical novel. Jonathan caller considers every lyrical text, whether it is prose or poetry, based on only one main lyrical feature, and that is the element of emotion, and for this main feature, he assigns five sub-branches, which are basically the same as the theory Writers of Iranian lyrical literature also raise it. ConclusionGhazaleh Alizadeh has created a modern story in the nights of Tehran by using some of the principles of fictional modernism. The nights of Tehran represent the world of sad and lonely characters who recount their mental upheavals from social and political affairs, especially from unfulfilled loves. Characters who go through an emotional journey and experience conflicting and diverse emotions. Inner monologue at the end of the novel, change of perspective, frequent associations, expression of inner and mental turmoil, prominent loneliness of characters, lyric and poetic language are considered as the main characteristics of lyric stories that the author has benefited from them in her book. In this article, the most important factors that have given lyric aspects to the nights of Tehran were shown through mentioning some features of lyric components based on the caller theory, which is categorized according to various emotions, Like the emotion of sadness, the emotion of happiness, of anger, of love and friendship, and of wonder. Each one of them has own sub-divisions. One of the most important results obtained is the high frequent and qualified methods of using some types of emotions in this novel.In particular, the emotion of wonder with the sub division of praise, the emotion of love and friendship with the sub division of confessional situation, and the emotion of anger with the sub-branch of sarcasm, which are significantly used in this work; So, despite of the lyric elements can be seen in this novel and also having the characteristics of modernism, the novel can be included among the modern and lyric fictions. ReferencesAlizadeh, Gh. (2020).  <em>The nights of Tehran</em>. sixth edition. Tehran: Toos.Baldeshweiler, E. (1969). “The lyric short story, The sketch of a history”. <em>studies in short fiction journal</em>. vol 6.Iss 4.pp 443-458.Babak, A. (1979). <em>The riddle of modernism</em>. Tehran: Markaz.Bahman, Kaveh,  (1975). <em>Modern novel in the absence of human</em>. Tehran: art center.Culler, Jonathan. 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