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زبان شناسان درباره چگونگی عملکرد فرایند حذف در جملات دارای فعل مرکب در زبان فارسی اختلاف نظر دارند و تحلیلی جامعی در این خصوص وجود ندارد. برخی از این زبان شناسان معتقد هستند که براساس فرایند حذف شاهد حذف موضوع[1] هستیم، در مقابل برخی دیگر بر این باورند که حذف گروه فعلی به همراه ابقای فعل کوچک[2] حاصل فرایند حذف است. با توجه به دوگانگی ذکرشده در مطالعات پیشین و همچنین ناکارآمدی آن ها در تبیین سایر جملات دستوری، این پژوهش بر آن بوده است که براساس رویکرد پویا به نظریه فاز در نحو کمینه گرا و براساس آرای بشکوویچ (2005; 2013; 2014) تحلیلی نو از این فرایند زبانی ارائه کند. یافته های این پژوهش نشان می دهد که در این چارچوب نظری، آنچه در جملات دارای گروه فعلی مرکب حذف می شود نه حذف موضوع است و نه حذف گروه فعلی با ابقای فعل کوچک، بلکه سازه محذوف در جملات دارای گروه فعلی مرکب فاز یا متممِ فاز است.   [1] argument ellipsis [2] light Verb stranding VP-ellipsi

Deletion in sentences with complex predicates in Persian: a phase-based approach

There is neither a general agreement among linguists nor any comprehensive works on how the process of deletion works in sentences with complex predicates in Persian. In this connection, on the one hand, due to the elimination process, a group of linguists believe that the very problem is concerned with argument ellipsis, On the other hand, others believe that the deletion of the light Verb stranding VP-ellipsis is the result of the deletion process. Considering the duality mentioned in the previous studies and also their ineffectiveness in explaining other grammatical sentences containing complex predicates with deleted constituents, this research is an attempt to provide a new analysis of this linguistic process. In so doing, the present research is grounded upon the dynamic approach to phase theory in minimalist syntax and specifically Bošković's approach (2005; 2013; 2014). The findings of this research indicate that what is deleted in the sentences containing complex predicates is the result of neither an argument ellipsis nor a light Verb stranding VP-ellipsis. But the deleted constituents in the sentences with the complex predicates are either a phase or the complement of a phase. Keywords: Argument Ellipsis, Verb Phrase Ellipsis, Verb Stranding, Phase Theory, Complex Verb, Persian Language     Introduction A complex predicate refers to a kind of predicates that consist of two independent words, in which the first word is a noun, adjective or adverb, and the second word is a verb. One of the phenomena that has been noticed in the studies related to the complex predicates is the investigation of the deletion in such sentences. Insofar as this article is dedicated to account for the phenomenon of deletion in sentences with complex predicates, we have merely reviewed the studies that are related to this phenomenon. As for instance, Tosarvandani (2009) believes that the deleted constituents in sentences with complex predicates in Persian language are the result of the light Verb stranding VP-ellipsis (vSVPE). Rasekhi (2014), on the contrary, believes in argument ellipsis (AE) in these sentences. Given different analyses on the nature of the deleted constituents in the target structures as well as their ineffectiveness to provide a comprehensive explanation of various data of Persian language, enabled us within the framework of dynamic approach to cast a new look towards the phase theory. Besides, based on Bošković's opinions (2005; 2013; 2014) we intended to explain the role of the internal structure of the phases in this process. In this line, the main questions of the present research are: (a) what is the category of deleted constituents in sentences with complex predicates? (b) Based on the dynamic phase approach, how can one provide a comprehensive explanation of the process of deletion of various constituents in sentences with complex predicates.   Materials and Methods The purpose and nature of the present research is theoretical and explanatory. Methodologically concerned, it can be considered as a is documentary study. Granted with the paradigm of generative syntax, the verifiability and reliability of the data and analyses were examined under the lens if native speaker’s intuition. To this end, the authors of the present research who are native Persian speakers, underwent verifying the reliability of the data and analyses. The present study employs the dynamic phase approach which has been given less, if not any, attention and credence in studying the process of deletion in Persian language. On these accounts, one can argue that the present paper has opened a new line of research in this field. According to the Chomsky’s (2000, 2001) approach, phasehood is understood as a rigid concept; that is to say, the phasal status of a category does not depend on its syntactic context. Therefore, CPs and VPs are always taken to be phases. This runs counter to the spirit of the Minimalist predecessor of phases: barriers. In the barriers system (Chomsky, 1986), whether a particular category is a barrier depends on its syntactic context. Thus, sometimes CP is a barrier and sometimes it is not, depending on its syntactic context. In other words, while phases are defined rigidly, barriers are defined contextually; that is, they are context- sensitive. A number of authors have recently argued that phasehood should also be contextually defined. As for instance, Bošković (2005; 2013; 2014) argues for a particular contextual approach whereby the highest projection in the extended projection of a major (i.e., lexical) category functions as a phase. This approach is contextual because the amount of structure (including the highest phrase) projected by major categories can differ both cross- linguistically and in different constructions within a single language. Based on the dynamic approach of Bošković, the highest phrase in the extended projections of the lexical categories functions as a phase.   Discussion and Conclusions In this article, the function of deletion process in sentences with compound predicates was investigated. Using the dynamic phase approach based on Bošković's (2005; 2013; 2014) framework, the authors indicated that the phase or the complement of the phase is deleted. In this way, contrary to Tosarvandani's (2009) approach, it was shown that the deleted structure is not the result of light Verb stranding VP-ellipsis (vSVPE). Also, contrary to Rasakhi (2014), we showed that what appears at first glance to be argument ellipsis, is in fact the result of the elimination process on different structures. This occurs within the framework of the dynamic phase approach through which either the phase or the complement of the phase being deleted. Unlike the duality in the analysis of constituent deletion in sentences containing complex predicates as either Verb stranding VP-ellipsis or argument ellipsis, a comprehensive and economic analysis can be obtained through using the dynamic phase approach.
