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پژوهش حاضر درصدد پاسخگویی به این سؤال است که هرمنوتیک عینی گرایی اریک هرش، چگونه براساس معیارهای ناظر به مؤلف نظریه تفسیری علامه طباطبایی نقد و ارزیابی می شود. بررسی توصیفی تحلیلی دیدگاه هرمنوتیکی عینی گرایی اریک هرش نشان می دهد او با اعتقاد به مراد و مقصود مؤلف و توجه ویژه به ثبات معنا و جلوگیری از دخالت دنیای ذهنی مفسر در فهم معنای اثر، در مقابل ذهنی گرایی تفسیری و پیامدهایی چون تکثرگرایی و نسبیت ایستاده و رویکرد ناظر به مؤلف، خود را براساس معیارهایی چون تأکید بر مؤلف، قابلیت تعین معنا، تمایز میان معنای متن و واکنش مفسر ارائه می دارد. نقد و ارزیابی دیدگاه او بر مبنای نظریه تفسیری علامه طباطبایی حکایت از آن دارد که با وجود آنکه هرش این معیارها را در رویکرد ناظر به مؤلف خویش به سبب حفظ نقش و مراد مؤلف، گسترش کمی و کیفی فهم از متن و اثر بدون محدودیت خواستار بوده، دیدگاه مؤلف محوری او منجر به محدودیت هایی در فهم متن، برداشت های غلط و آمیخته با انحراف در تفسیر یا از میان رفتن مراد مؤلف شده است.

Evaluation and Criticism of the Approach to the Author in the Hermeneutics of Eric Hirsch’s Objectivism with an Emphasis on the Interpretative View of Allameh Tabatabai

The current research aims to answer the question of how the hermeneutics of Eric Hirsch's objectivism can be criticized and evaluated based on the criteria of the author in Allameh Tabatabai's interpretive theory. A descriptive-analytical investigation of the hermeneutic view of Eric Hirsch’s objectivism shows that Hirsch, with his belief in the meaning and purpose of the author, and paying special attention to the stability of meaning and preventing the interference of the interpreter’s mental world in understanding the meaning of the work, stands against interpretive subjectivism and its consequences such as pluralism and relativism. He presents the approach to the author based on criteria such as emphasis on the author, the ability to determine the meaning, and the distinction between the meaning of the text and the reaction of the interpreter. The criticism and evaluation of his view in the interpretive theory of Allameh Tabataba'i indicates that although Hersch uses these criteria in his approach to the author in order to preserve the role and meaning of the author, he calls for a quantitative and qualitative expansion of the understanding of the text and the work without limitations. However, his author-centered point of view leads to limitations in understanding the text, wrong perceptions mixed with deviations in interpretation, or the loss of the author's intention.   Keywords: Understanding the Text, Eric Hirsch, Allameh Tabatabai, Objective Hermeneutics, Emphasis on the Author.   Introduction Hermeneutics is the science of understanding and interpretation, which has faced many disputes and conflicts in its history, and theorists' opinions on the mission of hermeneutics and its scope have been widely different. Among the theoreticians of this knowledge, is the American Eric Hirsch, who has made a significant contribution to the evolution of hermeneutics. By criticizing the foundations of philosophical hermeneutics, Eric Hirsch emphasizes the author's understanding and interpretation and points out the necessity of having rules and criteria in the author's interpretation, under which the correctness and validity of the interpretations can be guaranteed and various interpretations can be measured. Criticism and evaluation of the criteria of the approach to the author in Hirsch's view in the interpretive theory of Allameh Tabatabai indicates that in discovering the meaning of the text, one cannot be satisfied only with understanding the meaning by the text or the commentator, because the purpose of interpretation is to understand the meaning conveyed by the author. Hirsch, by presenting his criteria in the approach to the author, believes that the meaning conveyed by the author is fixed and comprehensible to others.   Materials and Methods The present descriptive-analytical study aims to answer the question of how the criteria of the approach to the author in the hermeneutics of Eric Hirsch's objectivism can be criticized and evaluated in the interpretative theory of Allameh Tabatabai. In this study, library sources were used for data collection.   Research Findings The results of the study showed that although Hirsch has tried to express the meaning of the text in the context of the author's intention by considering the author, the criticism and evaluation of his opinion with the perspective of the author in the interpretive theory of Allameh Tabatabai reveals an objectivist hermeneutic. Hirsch creates limitations in the understanding of the author's meaning. He emphasized the author as his first criterion, and the understanding of all elements is based on the understanding of the author, in such a way that it is not possible to understand the meanings without the author. But Allameh Tabatabai, in addition to emphasizing the author, considers other elements, including relying on the text, to be effective in understanding the meaning. The ability to determine dogmatism in the expression of meaning is another criterion of Hirsch in the approach to the author, which indicates the existence of a definite and common meaning. Hirsch's dogmatic thinking and determination of meaning are such that some important issues, such as meta-rational ones, in discovering and creating meaning are neglected. The criterion of distinguishing between the meaning of the text and the reaction of the commentator is another criterion of Hirsch in the approach to the author because the reaction of the commentator to the topic of discussion creates another type of meaning that may be against the intended meaning of the author. Allameh Tabatabai believes that due to the indeterminacy of the meaning for each author, it is not possible to distinguish between the meaning of the text and what each author presents in the text. By preserving the text, the teachings of the Holy Quran have the ability to be universal and as a guidance program.   Discussion of Results and Conclusions Criticism and evaluation of the criteria of the approach to the author in Hirsch's view in the interpretive theory of Allameh Tabatabai indicate that in discovering the meaning of the text, one cannot be satisfied only with the understanding of the meaning by the text or the commentator, because the purpose of interpretation is to understand the meaning conveyed by the author. Hirsch believes that the meaning of the author is fixed and comprehensible to others. In this way, the meaning is divided into two conscious and unconscious parts. The conscious meaning is the meaning that the author pays attention to and intends when composing the text, but the unconscious meaning is not the intention of the author, but the mentality and environmental conditions the interpreter is involved in it. Therefore, Hirsch understands the meaning of the author including his conscious intention and will. Thus, the unconscious meaning, although plays a role in understanding the author's meaning, is not known.
