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برنامه های پنج گانه عمرانی و توسعه دوره پهلوی دوم سال 1327 به تصویب رسید. هدف اصلی برنامه های عمرانی این دوره، تغییر بنیان های اقتصادی و اجتماعی جامعه سنتی ایران به یک کشور توسعه یافته بود که مهم ترین مؤلفه های آن بالا بردن سطح استانداردهای زندگی و تبدیل به جامعه صنعتی و شهری بود. مقاله حاضر می کوشد اوضاع کشاورزی و کشاورزان استان کردستان را طی سال های 1327 تا 1351 (پایان برنامه عمرانی چهارم) با تکیه بر پژوهش تاریخی و رویکرد اقتصادی و اجتماعی، براساس جمع آوری اسناد از مراکز معتبر سندی کشور مانند: اسناد موجود در کتابخانه ملّی، مرکز اسناد همدان، مدارک موجود در سازمان برنامه و بودجه، مرکز پژوهش های مجلس و منابع کتابخانه ای مورد بررسی و موشکافی قرار دهد. با حذف نظام بهره برداری ارباب –رعیتی، نظام مدیریت سنتی روستایی بدون جایگزین مناسب برچیده شد. همچنین برنامه های توسعه اجتماعی- اقتصادی پهلوی دوم در استان کردستان بیشتر مربوط به طرح های خدماتی بود.(متاثر از رویکرد سیاسی- امنیتی) بنابراین در نهایت منجر به شکل گیری نارضایتی عمومی و آسیب پذیری سیاسی گردید. روش پژوهش در این مقاله به شیوه اسنادی و تحلیل محتوای اسناد است.

Kurdistan farmers and economic reform plans in the second Pahlavi era (Documentary studies)

Political, social, and economic developments are intertwined to such an extent that they do not have any clear boundary. As a result, their effects on each other cannot be ignored. Economic and social transformations usually take place in the hope of achieving development. Development is considered a qualitative, comprehensive, multidimensional, human, and social category, in such a view; citizens are the goal of development, not the tools of politicians and policy makers. In other words, designers and planners have to target and implement all aspects of development and mutual effects of politics, culture and economy in a balanced way. In terms of country divisions, Kurdistan province was the governor general at the beginning of the twenty fifties and was later recognized as the twelfth province of Iran. The newly established province of Kurdistan was considered deprived based on economic criteria. Its two economic bases; Despite the large capacity, agriculture and animal husbandry were at the lowest level of productivity. Fertilizers and industrial tools were still unknown and most of the lands were cultivated as rain fed. The serf lords system and proprietary interests had taken the motivation for development from the farmer serfs. Lack and high cost of fodder and livestock diseases were among the problems of ranchers. The private sector did not contribute and had no role in the economy. Apart from a number of employees of military departments and organizations, no job capacity had been created. Although in the second seven-year construction program (1955-62), the third construction program (1952-67) and the fourth construction program (1967-1972), rural orientation and special attention to the agricultural sector were of special importance from the point of view of the planners, and service plans. Electricity, water, telephone, public health, road construction, communications, and support for the development of industrial projects were provided.
