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آیت الله سید علی خامنه ای به عنوان رهبر جامعه ایران در خصوص پیشبرد آرمان های انقلاب اسلامی، دولت اسلامی را مهمترین و سومین مرحله از فرآیند پنج مرحله ای پیشرفت و دستیابی به تمدن اسلامی می دانند؛ البته ایشان معتقدند که به رغم تلاش های صورت گرفته، تاکنون دولت اسلامی در معنای حقیقی خود محقق نشده است. به همین منظور این مقاله به دنبال این است که به تبیین دیدگاه آیت الله خامنه ای در خصوص مبانی و شاخص های دولت اسلامی بپردازد؛ زیرا از یک سو اندیشه های ایشان به عنوان یکی از تاثیرگذارترین صاحبنظران مسلمان شیعه می تواند الگوی نظری و عملی فعالیت دولت اسلامی باشد و از سوی دیگر ایشان، رهبری جامعه ایران را عهده دار هستند و نظرات ایشان، نسبت به هر فرد دیگری می تواند در امور مربوط به دولت تاثیرگذار باشد. بر این اساس، مقاله پیش رو، با روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی به دنبال پاسخگویی به این پرسش است که از منظر آیت الله خامنه ای، مبانی و شاخص های دولت اسلامی چگونه ترسیم شده است؟ یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد که مبانی دولت اسلامی از منظر ایشان بر اسلامی بودن تاکید دارد که از سه رکن اسلام سیاسی، ضرورت زندگی اجتماعی و تحقق حیات طیبه تشکیل شده است. همچنین شکل گیری دولت اسلامی در سایه شاخص هایی نظیر جهتگیری ارزشی-اعتقادی، حفظ هویت اسلامی، پایبندی به موازین مردم سالاری دینی، خدمتگزاری، عدالت محوری، قانونگرای، علم محوری، خردگرایی، ظلم ستیزی و سلامت اقتصادی با الگوگیری از دولت نبوی و علوی تحقق می یابد.

The Foundations and Indicators of the Islamic State from the Perspective of Majestic Ayatollah Khamenei

In 1978, the Islamic Revolution achieved victory with the aim of fighting injustice, oppression, tyranny, establishing security, freedom, independence, and most importantly, forming a single nation. After the victory of the revolution, the first Shiite democratic system was established under the title of Islamic Republic based on the principle of divine sovereignty (Islamism) and people's sovereignty (Republic). Undoubtedly, the establishment of an Islamic state is one of the ultimate goals of the Islamic revolution, so that the laws and rulings of the Islamic religion are implemented, which, in addition to regulating the current affairs of the people, also guides the direction of the society towards perfection and nearness to God. But until today, the actions and efforts taken were not enough and the Islamic state has not yet been realized in the real sense. Therefore, the explanation of Ayatollah Khamenei's point of view as the great leader of Iranian society and also as the most important Shiite thinker in the Islamic world regarding the foundations and indicators of the Islamic state is very effective and can be a guide for the formation and theoretical and practical activity of the Islamic state. Because during his leadership period, he explained the five stages of the objectives of the Islamic revolution (Islamic revolution, political system, Islamic state, Islamic society and Islamic civilization) and drew the Islamic state as the most important and third stage of this process and repeatedly They have emphasized the importance and necessity of forming an Islamic state as an important factor in the realization of Islamic civilization. Therefore, it is requisite and necessary to explain his point of view regarding the foundations and indicators of the Islamic state. Question: This research seeks to answer the question that, from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei, how are the foundations and indicators of the Islamic state drawn? Methodology: The method of this research is based on the qualitative content analysis method, in order to benefit from this method, attention was paid to the hidden themes of Ayatollah Khamenei's statements from 1981 to 2022 and inference and extraction of meaning was made from it. Thematic search of the word (Islamic State) among the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei was obtained with the help of MAXQDA software, and the search results of his statements were prepared in the form of a slip, which is about the topic of the foundations and indicators of the Islamic State.  The next step after collecting the slips is the analysis procedure in three ways: purification, explanation and which is the structure analysis procedure of this research. The next step is to specify the units of analysis, which are divided into word (symbol), theme, character (personality), paragraph and title (item), and in this research, the unit of analysis is paragraph. The next step is coding to determine the categories. The next step is coding to determine the categories, which in this research was done in an open and inductive approach, because the qualitative view prevails in it. Therefore, for this coding, it is necessary to read and review the text of the statements 2-3 times, line by line, and then convert it into the smallest possible component, where similar codes are merged and categories are extracted from these codes. And finally, each of these categories is analyzed and interpreted. Result and Discussion: Using qualitative content analysis method, three categories were determined regarding the foundations of the Islamic state and ten categories were determined regarding the indicators of the Islamic state, and each of these categories was analyzed and examined, and several points can be made from the findings. He deduced the basic: From the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei, the Islamic state is the most important and the third stage of the five-fold process of the ideal of the Islamic Revolution, and if it is not fully realized, the Islamic society will not be formed. What distinguishes the Islamic state from other states; Its Islamic foundations and orientation are rooted in the connection between religion and politics in Islam, the necessity of social life and the necessity of realizing a virtuous life for the Muslim community in material and spiritual dimensions. From his point of view, the model of the Islamic State is the prophetic and Alawite state, which has indicators for the formation of the Islamic state at present, the most important of which are justice-oriented, adherence to the standards of religious democracy (importance of people's vote and opinion)., anti-tyranny, law-oriented, value-religious orientation, preservation of Islamic identity, service, science-oriented, wisdom-oriented, fight against corruption, etc.  
