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این مقاله قصد دارد تا با ارائه نوعی داوری سیاسی متفاوت در عصر مشروطه به تبیین این مسئله بپردازد که سید جمال الدین واعظ به عنوان یکی از رهبران و مدافعین مجلس و مشروطه، چه شاخص هایی را برای حکومت قانون در نظر داشته است و داوری سیاسی مطلوب وی چه ارتباطی با آن شاخص ها دارد؟ در این خصوص سعی می شود پرسش پژوهش با بررسی روزنامه الجمال پاسخ داده شود. هدف این پژوهش روشن کردن ابعاد داوری سیاسی مطلوب نزد سیدجمال است که در قالب برداشت او از حکومت قانون تجلی پیدا می کند. این مقاله با استفاده از نوعی روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی می کوشد به یافته های خود دست پیدا کند و ازاین رو، این نکته را مطرح می کند که اندیشه سیاسی سید جمال به زبان گمشده ای در آن دوره اشاره دارد که بر نوعی داوری سوم تمرکز داشته و هدف آن برپایی موارد پیش رو است: 1. داوری سیاسی فضیلت مند؛ 2. مساوات، آزادی و عدالت برای همه آحاد ممالک محروسه ایران؛ 3. توسعه ملی در قالبِ رفع فقر، جهالت و استواریِ آموزش، مهارت و ارتقاء توانمندی های انسانی؛ 4. دفع استبداد مسبوق به سابقه در تاریخِ این مُلک.

the constitutional and the third political judgment: Rereading the political thought of Seyyed Jamaluddin Vaez Esfahani based on Al-Jamal newspaper

This article intends to present a different kind of political judgment in the constitutional era, to explain what indicators Seyyed Jamaluddin Waez, as one of the leaders and defenders of the parliament and the constitution, had in mind for the rule of law And what does her favorable political judgment have to do with those indicators? For this purpose, we try to answer the research question by examining Al-Jamal newspaper. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to clarify the dimensions of the desired political judgment by Seyyed Jamal, which is manifested in the form of his perception of the rule of law. This article tries to reach its findings by using a kind of qualitative content analysis method, And therefore, it raises the point that Seyed Jamal's political thought refers to a lost language in that period, which focuses on a kind of third arbitration, and its purpose is to establish future cases: 1.Virtuous political judgment, 2. Equality, freedom, justice for all members of Iran's fenced countries, 3. National development in the form of eliminating poverty, ignorance and steadfastness of education, skill and promotion of human capabilities and 4. Repelling the unprecedented tyranny in the history of this country. This article intends to present a different kind of political judgment in the constitutional era, to explain what indicators Seyyed Jamaluddin Waez, as one of the leaders and defenders of the parliament and the constitution, had in mind for the rule of law And what does her favorable political judgment have to do with those indicators? For this purpose, we try to answer the research question by examining Al-Jamal newspaper. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to clarify the dimensions of the desired political judgment by Seyyed Jamal, which is manifested in the form of his perception of the rule of law. This article tries to reach its findings by using a kind of qualitative content analysis method, And therefore, it raises the point that Seyed Jamal's political thought refers to a lost language in that period, which focuses on a kind of third arbitration, and its purpose is to establish future cases: 1.Virtuous political judgment, 2. Equality, freedom, justice for all members of Iran's fenced countries, 3. National development in the form of eliminating poverty, ignorance and steadfastness of education, skill and promotion of human capabilities and 4. Repelling the unprecedented tyranny in the history of this country.
