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پژوهش های تعیین انواع ادبی در ادب فارسی بسیار اهمیت دارد و بررسی مباحث دستوری کمک شایانی به شناخت بهتر و تفکیک انواع ادبی به ویژه نوع غنایی می کند. در این پژوهش تلاش می شود تا با بررسی مبحث "فعل" درنوع غنایی ماهیت فعل در منظومه های عاشقانه تبیین شود. براین اساس با داده های آماری وبررسی بنیادی به شیوه استقرای تام سعی دارد تا شاخصه های خاص فعل در نوع غنایی از سایر انواع ادبی را شناسایی کند و این ویژگی ها را در چهارده منظومه عاشقانه ازآغاز تاپایان قرن هشتم هجری بررسی نماید. این پژوهش درصدد است تا به این سوال پاسخ دهد که آیا "فعل" در نوع غنایی ماهیت خاص و ویژه ای دارد؟ نتایج نشان می دهد که ساختمان فعل در نوع غنایی ساده و وصفی است. فعل ساده کاربرد بیشتری در نوع غنایی دارد. همچنین شعرا برای ایجاد تحرک درتصاویر از فعل وصفی درنوع غنایی سودبرده اند. البته هرچه بسامد وجود فعل درابیات کمتر باشد، آهنگ آرام بیت افزایش می یابد و درنتیجه تصاویر، یکپارچه تر و با جزئیات بیشتری تشریح می شوند. بررسی جایگاه فعل در بیت یا مصراع نشان داد که در نوع غنایی، غالبا فعل در اواسط یا انتهای جمله قرارمی گیرد و آهنگ بیت افتان می شود. این آهنگ افتان، قطب غنایی اثر را قوت می بخشد.

Explanation quiddity “Verb” in the Lyrical genre (Case study: Vers from the beginning of Persian poetry to the end of the eighth century AH)

Studies on determining literary genres are very important in Persian literature, and the study of grammatical genres helps to better understand and distinguish literary genres, especially lyrical genres. In this research, an attempt is made to explain the quiddity of the verb in vers by examining the subject of "verb" in the lyrical genre. Accordingly, with statistical data and descriptive-analytical study by complete induction method, it tries to identify the distinguishing features of the verb in the lyrical genre from other literary genres  and examines these features in fourteen vers from the beginning to the end of the eighth century AH. This study seeks to answer the question of whether "verb" in the lyrical genre has a special and special quiddity? The results show that the verb in the lyrical genre is simple and descriptive in terms of structure. The simple verb is more useful in the lyrical genre because of the more possibilities it creates for other words in the horizontal axis of the bit. Poets have used descriptive verbs in lyrical genre to create mobility in images. Also, the lower the frequency of the verb, the slower the bit cadence, and as a result, the images are more integrated and described in more detail. Examination of the position of the verb in the verse or hemistich showed that in the lyrical genre, the verb is placed in the middle or at the end of the sentence and the rhythm of the verse Slow. This rhythm of the verse Slow the lyrical focus of the work.     Introduction    One of these genres is the genres of lyricism, of which many traditional and modern definitions are available. One of aspects is to study the genres of lyricism, the grammatical, and to Explanation quiddity of the features associated with it. This genres, because it has special phonetic and musical characteristics, so in the rhythm of the word is very different from the language of other literary genres, especially the language of epic. The Bahre prosodic  of  Hazaj and the increase of abrasive sounds cause the music to flow slowly in the lyrical language. The purpose of this study is to Explanation quiddity of the verb in the lyrical genre and to examine them in fourteen important Persian Vers (Vargheh and Golshah, Weiss and Ramin, Khosrow and Shirin, Leily and Majnoon, Hafte Peykar, Shirin and Khosrow, Majnoon and Lily, Hasht Behesht, Khazerkhan and Dowalrani ,Eshghname, Azhar and Mazhar, Homay and Homayoun, Gol and Nowruz, Jamshid and Khorshid (total verses 64408). Research Method      The research method of this research is complete induction and the type of research is Basic research and statistical and quantitative studies reflect reliable results. Therefore, by organizing and classifying the receipts with Noor 3 receipt software, the researchers were able to perform the present study in a statistical and inductive manner. Discussion Scholars in the field of Persian grammar have given several definitions for the verb. For example: "It is a word that is always predestined and in other words indicates the occurrence or non-occurrence of something at a certain time from the past three times, present and future" (Khayyampour, 2007: 68). According to most grammarians, verbs are divided into three categories: simple, prefix and compound. The simple verb, due to its easier construction, makes it possible to place the Mitre of the poem anywhere. The adjective verb is also used more in the narration of scenes and the movement of the verse because it is not bound to time and person. Also, the overt and covert quiddity of the verbs in the literary genre of the work and its rhythm is influential. The more obvious the verbs of a poem and the more verbs the poet uses, the faster the images increase and, as a result, the more rhythmic the knock. Conversely, the more hidden verbs there are, the more complete the description of the images due to the lower speed, and the more calmly the melody is played. Accordingly, the bit gets closer to the lyric pole. In terms of the number of verbs of lyrical language, due to the melody and slow beat of Bahr-e-Hazj, it has fewer verbs than the language of other genres of literature, especially the genre of epic. In fact, the repetition of the verb and the high frequency of the presence of the obvious verb in the epic genre the sentences and cause the verses to be beaten. Unlike lyrical language where most verbs are omitted to make the sentence appear even longer in appearance and contribute to the beat of the beat and the integrated imagery. To examine the melody and arrangement of words, one must inevitably examine the largest linguistic unit, the sentence. In Persian, the normal order of a sentence is: subject (institution) + object + adverb + complement + verb. In Persian, news sentences have a pitch and question sentences have a pitch. Fluctuations in the melody, like fluctuations in the music, induce a special feeling in the listener. Khizan pitch are more dynamic and external than Aftan songs. In lyrical language the syntax of language is different. The principle in lyrical language is softness and the melody of the beat is a beat or a syllable. Therefore, if the verb is not omitted in the sentence, the place of the verb is either in the middle of the stanza, or according to the arrangement of the Persian language, the verb is at the end of the stanza, which can be a row or rhyme.   Conclusion In this research, an attempt was made to explain the quiddity of the verb in lyrical literature with statistical data and computer facilities, and to examine their frequency in  Vers from the beginning to the end of the eighth century. According to the data selection criteria in the research, the verb can play an important role in determining and distinguishing literary genres from each other, and some of the characteristics of the verb are the distinguishing feature of the lyrical genre from other literary genres. The verb in the lyrical genre is simple and descriptive in terms of structure. Other forms of the verb do not distinguish between lyrical and other genres. The frequency of these two verb structures in Vers showed that the simple verb has more application in the lyrical genre because of the more possibilities it creates for other words in the horizontal axis of the bit. Descriptive verb is intended by poets for lyrical genre in grammer to create movement in images. It was also stated that the number of obvious verbs in the poems can lead to dynamism, detail and ultimately the integrity of the images. The fewer the number of obvious verbs, the more the tone and calmness of the bit increases, resulting in more integrated and detailed images. In this sense, the lyrical genre is closer to the painting, and the images, unlike other genres, especially the epic genre, will have more details, variety and color. Examination of the position of the verb in the verse or stanza showed that in the lyrical genre the verb is placed in the middle or at the end of the sentence and the rhythm of the verse falls. 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