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یکی از مهم ترین مسائل فلسفه فارابی، بحث از خدا و صفات او و بررسی رابطه او با سایر موجودات است. فارابی خدا را مبدأ وجود همه موجودات می داند و او را «اوّل»، «موجود اوّل» و «سبب اوّل» می خواند. موجود اوّل در اندیشه فارابی نه تنها موجودی ا ست که سایر موجودات در وجود به او وابسته اند؛ بلکه موجودات تنها به جهت ارتباطی که با او دارند صلاحیت بررسی در مابعدالطبیعه را اخذ می کنند. لذا شناخت دقیق موجود اول و ویژیگی های او و ارتباط او با سایر موجودات، از جمله مهم ترین و محوری ترین مسائل پژوهشی در حوزه فارابی شناسی است. از آن جایی که برخی از آثار منسوب به فارابی قطعی الانتساب نیستند و چارچوب فکری متمایزی از آثار قطعی فارابی دارند، در این مقاله کوشش می شود تا با توجه به این امر، آراء اصیل فارابی استخراج شده و گزارش و تحلیل دقیقی از آن ها ارائه شود. بر اساس آثار قطعی الانتساب، فارابی خدا را واجب الوجود نمی خواند و نظریه فیض را که برای تبیین رابطه موجود اوّل با سایر موجودات طرح کرده، بر اساس وجوب و امکان داتی بنا نمی کند. همچنین با توجه به اینکه فارابی در آثار قطعی اش برهان مشخصی در اثبات موجود اوّل ندارد، در این مقاله کوشش می شود تا موضع فارابی نسبت به اثبات موجود اوّل در خلال عبارات و بیاناتش بررسی شود. تعمق در آثار او نشان می دهد که نوعی برهان علیت از بیانات او قابل استخراج است.

Fārābī on The “First Existent” and Its Attributes (In Ārāʾ ahl al-madīnat al-fāḍila and al-Siyāsat al-madaniyya)

Introduction A scrutiny of Fārābī’s works reveals that one of his major concerns and a key philosophical problem in his view was God as the origin of other existing entities as well as His attributes and His relation with the world of being. As a founder of Islamic philosophy, in his efforts to establish the intellectual system of Islamic philosophy, Fārābī not only takes the study of God as a metaphysical problem, but also considers it as a key central problem in metaphysics. Indeed, in most of his works, he defines metaphysics in terms of God (the First Existent: al-mawjūd al-awwal) as the study of the First Existent and the study of other existents in that they are caused by the First Existent. Accordingly, in Fārābī’s view, the First Existent is an entity on which other existents depend in their existence, and in fact, other existents deserve to be studied in metaphysics just in virtue of their relation to it. For this reason, it is the most significant and central issue in the study of Fārābī to research into the First Existent and its attributes as well as its relation with other existents. A scrutiny of Fārābī’s view of the First Existent will give us an understanding of the main metaphysical problem in his philosophy, which is crucial to an understanding of other problems of metaphysics as well as the entire system of his intellectual doctrines. Additionally, a major offshoot of this is a more accurate understanding of the relation between Fārābī’s theology (study of God) and Avicenna’s theology, which results in an enhanced study of Avicenna’s philosophy. Accordingly, the main problem tackled in this article is an analysis of Fārābī’s view of God and His attributes. In this way, the article is chiefly concerned with a study of God as the First Existent and His attributes from Fārābī’s perspective. However, since Fārābī’s theological studies largely appear in his Ārāʾ ahl al-madīnat al-fāḍila (Opinions of the citizens of the virtuous city) and al-Siyāsat al-madaniyya (Urban politics), this article focuses on these two works, although it also reviews the rest of Fārābī’s works when they involve a reference to the problem at hand. It is necessary to note that this article overviews and analyzes Fārābī’s views in terms of his own intellectual context and only draws on the jargons prevalent in the works that are attributed to him beyond any reasonable doubt. Discussion and Results In many parts of his works, Fārābī discusses theological issues, but a large part of his theological studies appears in two of his works: Ārāʾ ahl al-madīnat al-fāḍila (Opinions of the citizens of the virtuous city) and al-Siyāsat al-madaniyya (Urban politics). The jargons Fārābī uses to refer to God include the “First” (awwal), the “First Existent,” and the “First Cause” (al-sabab al-awwal). Unlike Avicenna, he does not believe that God is the essentially necessary existent. Fārābī ascribes several names and attributes to the First Existent, in particular its being immemorial and the most perfect. These attributes encompass other divine attributes. Indeed, other attributes ultimately refer to these two. Fārābī explains that although multiple names and attributes apply to the First Existent, this does not add up to the multiplicity of the First Existent, because it includes all those attributes in its essential unity. In Fārābī’s view, when common names are predicated of the First Existent and other existents, they are not predicated by way of univocity (or a common meaning: al-ishtirāk al-maʿnawī). Moreover, because of a resemblance and relation between the First Existent and other existents, the predication is not by way of equivocity (or a vebal commonality: al-ishtirāk al-lafẓī) either. It is indeed a different variety of predication by which common names are predicated of the First Existent and other existents not as univocal, but by virtue of a sort of relation and resemblance and in terms of priority and posterity. This resemblance or rela
