
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


طرح مسئله: نظام های بهره برداری اساس کشاورزی ایران را تشکیل می دهند و نشان دهنده نوع و شکل رابطه انسان با طبیعت هستند. استفاده صحیح و اصولی انسان ها از طبیعت و نهاده های تولید و ابزار در بهره برداری های کشاورزی اهمیت زیادی دارد و این استفاده درست و اصولی خود را در پایداری و پویایی نظام های بهره برداری نشان خواهد داد. هدف: این پژوهش، نظام های بهره برداری خرد دهقانی و تعاونی های تولید را با توجه شاخص های توسعه پایدار در استان اصفهان بررسی و ازنظر تطبیقی تحلیل کرده است. روش: روش پژوهش به لحاظ هدف، کاربردی و براساس ماهیت، توصیفی- تحلیلی است. روش جمع آوری داده ها مبتنی بر روش های اسنادی- پیمایشی است. نتایج: تکنیک WASPAS نشان دهنده آن بود که ابعاد اجتماعی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی در شرکت ارگ رودشت بیشترین رتبه را در مقایسه با سایر شرکت ها دارد؛ همچنین مقدار کمتر Qi (در این شرکت، Qi در نظام خرد دهقانی 0787/0 و در شرکت تعاونی تولید معادل 0506/0) در نظام بهره برداری تعاون تولیدی نشان دهنده موفقیت بیشتر این نظام در مقایسه با نظام خرده دهقانی است. شرکت گلستان قنوات، برزوک و تنگ چاییده در پایین ترین رتبه در مقایسه با سایر شرکت هاست. با کمک تکنیک CODAS، نظام های بهره برداری خرده دهقانی و تعاونی تولید بررسی و سنجیده شد و نتیجه این تکنیک نیز حاکی از آن بود که شرکت ارگ رودشت در نظام بهره برداری خرد دهقانی و تعاونی تولید بیش از سایر شرکت های استان اصفهان بوده است. با توجه به مقدار فواصل اقلیدسی محاسبه شده، نظام تعاونی تولید در این تکنیک نیز موفق تر از نظام بهره برداری خرده دهقانی بوده است. براساس تکنیک CODAS شرکت تنگ چاییده در نظام بهره برداری خرد دهقانی و شرکت سرداب سفلی در نظام بهره برداری تعاونی تولید کمترین رتبه را دارد. نوآوری پژوهش: در کاربرد شاخص های متناسب با شرایط محلی، نوع آزمون ها و مکان پژوهش است.

Comparative Analysis of Small Farming and Cooperative Production Systems Based on Economic, Social, and Environmental Indicators

Problem design: Exploitation systems form the basis of Iran's agriculture and show the type and form of the relationship between man and nature. The correct and principled use of nature and production inputs and tools by humans is of great importance in agricultural exploitation. Such a use could show itself in the stability and dynamics of exploitation systems. Objective: This research was based on the comparative analysis of small peasant exploitation systems and production cooperatives with regard to sustainable development indicators in Isfahan Province. Method: The research was based on an applied method in terms of purpose and a descriptive-analytical one in terms of nature. The data collection method was based on a documentary-survey approach. Results: WASPAS technique showed that the social, economic, and environmental dimensions in Arg Rudasht Company had the highest rank compared to those of other companies. Also, the higher value of Qi (0.0506) in the production cooperative exploitation system in the production cooperative company compared to its value of 0.0787 in the small peasant system in the mentioned company  indicated the greater success of the production cooperative exploitation system compared to the small peasant system. Also, Golestan Kanawat, Berzuk, and Teng-e Chayedeh companies were in the lowest rank compared to the other companies. With the help of CODAS technique, the small peasant exploitation and production cooperative systems were measured. The results showed that Arg Rudasht company was higher than the other companies in both the small peasant exploitation and production cooperative systems in Isfahan Province. According to the calculated Euclidean distances, the production cooperative system was more successful than the small peasant exploitation system. Also, according to the CODAS technique, Tang-e Chayedeh and Sardab Sofli companies had the lowest ranks in the small peasant exploitation and production cooperative exploitation systems. Research innovation: The innovation of this study was application of the mentioned indicators that were appropriate for the local conditions, types of the tests, and the studied places.   Introduction The strategic position and role of the agricultural sector in meeting the nutritional needs of the society and national development has created the need for fundamental and comprehensive changes in the structure of agriculture through the recognition of appropriate exploitation systems in the framework of long-term scientific planning. Today, despite various economic developments, the agricultural sector continues to be important in the development of rural and even urban areas. Agriculture can be the only way out for the millions of poor villagers, who have been pushed back by the economic changes of recent decades. With the development of agriculture in small towns, new jobs are created, small businesses become midwives, and eventually small towns are strengthened. One of the important aspects of the economics of agricultural communities is the study of agricultural exploitation systems. Accordingly, it can be said that the issues of exploitation system in any society are the most basic and major issues of the agricultural sector of that society. Planning and policy-making for the development of operating systems should be based on increasing production through performance per unit area without harming the environment so as to increase sustainable production capacity. The operating systems of economic and social organizations are composed of interconnected elements that, with a single identity and management and in mutual relation with the social and natural conditions of their environments, provide the possibility of producing agricultural products. Today, agricultural systems are exposed to exploitation beyond their natural capacities, the root of which can be traced to improper exploitation and mismanagement (Makhdoom, 1389: 19). The purpose of sustainable agriculture is to create sustainable agricultural production systems, which do not conflict with environmental and socio-economic benefits and basically emphasize the capacity to maintain fertility, while maintaining the survival of basic resources as well. On the other hand, the dynamism and evolutions of exploitation systems will be effective when based on considerations for sustainability in all economic, social, and environmental dimensions in accordance with the structure and performance of those systems. Sustainable development will be achieved if there is an overlap between ecological, economic, and social layers. This means that each of the ecological, economic, and social systems and subsystems must achieve the desired level of sustainability in order to judge the overall sustainability. In Iran, the biggest and most fundamental obstacle to the development of the agricultural sector and realization of its strategic goals is the structural obstacle related to agricultural system, which concerns the problem of the exploitation system of the center and its core. Of the most important types of exploitation systems in the country are micro-peasantry and rural production cooperatives.   Methodology The present study was an applied research in a survey manner according to the nature of its subject and intended purpose. The information required for the research was obtained by using a variety of field and library methods. The statistical population included 17,362 farmers, who were members of rural production cooperatives and 85,405 peasant micro-farming units in the selected cities. The sample size was calculated by using Cochran's formula and the sample size of each village with its company was calculated by using the proportional assignment method. Then, using the sample size, random sampling method was utilized to select the beneficiaries. A questionnaire was applied as the research tool by available sampling. Its validity was confirmed according to the opinions of the experts in the field of geography and rural planning and those of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture. Its validation was obtained by Cronbach's alpha method and the data analysis was performed by using SPSS software and WASPAS and CODAS techniques. Results The results of WASPAS technique showed that the various dimensions measured in Arg Rudasht and Anboukaran Kavir companies had the highest ranks among the other cooperative companies, while Golestan Qanavat Company was in the lowest rank. Based on a comparative study and the type of productivity in the two different systems of retail and cooperative productions according to the amount of Qi calculated, it was found that the cooperative production system was more successful based on the social, economic, and environmental indicators. According to the CODAS technique, Arg Rudasht Company had gained the first rank in both types of operation systems. Also, based on the values of Euclidean distances in this technique, it was proven that the exploiters of birth cooperatives had been more successful compared to the peasant exploitation system.   Conclusion Agricultural development in the society is not only a basic need, but also a necessity and the results of studies indicate that improving agricultural production is not possible except by reforming the exploitation system in line with the principles of sustainable agriculture as the center of gravity of agricultural developments. Exploitation systems form the basis of Iran's economy and rural production. They have been adapted to Iranian agriculture with its changes of forms in different eras. To this day, Iranian agriculture has remained stable. Therefore, any planning to increase production with the use of new technologies and via modernization in agriculture and rural economy should be started from exploitation systems. According to the research results, the exploitation systems in Isfahan Province did not have favorable conditions and stability. This instability was more evident in the peasant exploitation system, which showed the main form of exploitation in the province. These results emphasizes this point that the exploitation system of the province needed to be managed and guided quickly in order to achieve sustainability and keep the related villages and rural economy stable. Similar to the results of previous studies, the present study confirmed that modern exploitation systems, such as rural production cooperatives, could play a more important role in sustainable agricultural development in the current conditions of rural society and agriculture due to having relative sustainability. In the current research, to study the subject of the mentioned exploitation system accurately and comprehensively, VASPAS and KODAS techniques were employed. WASPAS technique showed that the different social, economic, and environmental dimensions were most effective and had the highest rank in Arg Rudasht Company. Also, according to the comparative results based on the CODAS method, this company had the highest Euclidean distances and thus the highest rank among the other companies. Also, the research results revealed that with a step-by-step management and careful planning, we should move from the peasant exploitation system towards new exploitation systems. A clear example was Rudasht Citadel Company. This company was located in Qortan Village in Benroud Region of Isfahan Province. The company had very successful experiences in the field of mechanization and phytosanitary clinics and had been able to use the positive results and produce a positive approach to the cooperative exploitation system of the region.   Keywords: agriculture, operating systems, WASPAS technique, CODAS technique, Isfahan Province   References: - Ahmed Badi, I., Abdulshahed, A. M., & Shetwan, A. G. (2017). Supplier Selection Using Combinative Distance-Based Assessment (CODAS) Method for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, ICMNEE . The 1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Management, Engineering, and Environment, pp. 27-38. - Avramenko, A. and Silve, J. (2010). Rural entrepreneurship: Expanding the horizons. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management , 11 (2), pp. 140-156. - Brower, F. (2004). Sustaining Agriculture and the Rural Environment (Governance, Policy, and Multifunctionality). 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