
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


«بحران هویت در معماری و شهرسازی معاصر ایران» موضوعی است که تاکنون، تألیفات متعددی پیرامون آن نگاشته شده است. اغلب آنها به تحلیل کالبدیِ مصادیق این مسئله پرداخته اند اما این مهم، مسئله ای نیست که تحلیل و ریشه یابیِ آن را بتوان در حوزه های کالبدی-فضاییِ صرف ژرفکاوی نمود. پرسشی که شاکله اصلی این پژوهش را شکل می-دهد این است که «منشأ بروز بحران هویت در معماری و شهرسازی معاصر ایران چیست؟». برای پاسخ گویی به این پرسش، ضمن اتخاذ رویکردی میان رشته ای و بهره گیری از متون دست اول دینی، در مقام گردآوری داده ها از روش اسنادی-کتابخانه ای و در مقام تحلیل و داوری داده ها از روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی استفاده شده است. طبق یافته های این پژوهش، رمزگشایی از بحران فوق الذکر را بایستی در چالش تمدن اصیل اسلامی (به عنوان تمدنی الهی) و تمدن معاصر غرب (به عنوان تمدنی الحادی) واکاوی نمود. در سامانه ای که ارزش هایش ریشه در ملکوت دارد، بروز بحران هویت برای کنش ها و سبک هایی که محصولِ اصالت بخشیدنِ به مُلک در مقابل ملکوت است، امری محتوم است؛ به بیان دیگر، به دلیل عدم تجانس و تناسب مبانیِ بینشی و ارزشیِ معماری و شهرسازی معاصر ایران با کنش ها و سبک های کالبدی رایج در این نظام، این بحران همچنان تداوم خواهد داشت.

Seeking the cause of identity crisis in contemporary architecture and urbanism of Iran with emphasis on triple of vision and value and action

“Identity crisis in contemporary architecture and urbanism of Iran” is an issue that in recent years, numerous articles and books have been written about it. The question that forms the configuration of this study is so: "what is the roots of identity crisis in contemporary architecture and urbanism of Iran?" To answer this question, with an interdisciplinary approach and using religious texts, a synthetic method is used (archival research method for gathering data and qualitative content analysis for analysis step and judgment of data is used). According to the findings of this study, identity crisis in contemporary architecture and urbanism of Iran has a source beyond urbanism, and it is rooted in the challenge of genuine Islamic civilization (as a divine civilization) and contemporary civilization of the West (as an atheistic civilization). To prove this claim, numerous Quranic verses are cited which some of them are as follows: He said: 'I swear by Your Might, that I will seduce all of them. Except those among them who are your sincere worshipers. ' (Sura Sad, verses 82-83). And hold fast to the Bond of Allah, together, and do not scatter. Remember the Favor of Allah bestowed upon you when you were enemies, and how He united your hearts, so that by His Favor you became brothers. And how He saved you from the Pit of Fire when you were on the brink of it. And so Allah makes plain to you His verses, in order that you will be guided. (Sura Al-e-imran, verse 103). It is He who has sent forth His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to uplift it above every religion; no matter how many the idolaters hate it. (Sura Tawba, verse 33). (satan) said: 'My Lord, for Your perverting me, I shall make (matters) in the earth seem most fair to them and I shall pervert all, (Sura Al-Hijr, verse 39). A protection against every rebel satan; so they cannot listen to the High Assembly, for they are pelted from every side. (Sura Saaffat, verses 7-8). With analysis of above verses, it is shown that both theistic and atheistic civilizations are authoritarian; but because of the emergence of civilizations in the world of matter and characteristics of the material world, theistic and atheistic civilizations are relative and they cannot be in absolute terms attributed to true or false. So it is briefly stated that according to the early history of Islam, atheistic views and values and foundations of a civilization does not mean that there is no learning point in that civilization. But however, contemporary architecture and urban planning of Iran should maintain its physical individuation in order to extend its Islamic identity. But today, in the contemporary Iranian buildings (such as commercial, official buildings and etc.), no noticeable difference is not observed with similar examples in western countries. It is obvious that in such circumstances, speaking of the continuation of Islamic identity in contemporary architecture and urbanism of Iran is so far from reality.
