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ایران در قرون سوم تا پنجم هجری، شاهدیکی از دوره های رونق شهرنشینیاست. شهر این دوره شهر تجاری، دارای قابلیت تولید صنعتی و فضای شهر تبلور حضور فعال گروه های زنده اندیش است. در خصوص چگونگی روند و تشکل فضایی آن، مباحثات فراوانی بوده و هست. هدف این مقاله تبیین آن از طریق تحلیل پویش های عمومی توسعه شهرنشینی و شهرگرایی و تبیین ساختار و مفهوم شهر است. روش این بررسی روش تحلیل سیستمی تاریخی است.  مباحث اصلی در این تحقیق، بررسی رویکردها و روند تدارک ِتولید مازاد، تحول سیستمی متعادل نیروهای حکومت محلی با بازار، اصناف و سایر بنیان های اجتماعی آن، توسعه روند شهرنشینی، توسعه شهرگرایی و مهمترین یافته، معرفی ملازمت روند شهرنشینی و شهرگرایی است که رشد شهر آزاد اندیش در قرون سوم تا پنجم هجری ممکن کرد.این شرایط در دوره غزنویان و سلجوقیان با چالش مواجه شد: الگوی سیاسی حکام محلی و جانبداری از خلفا، نابودی استقلال نسبی اصناف، منازعات فرساینده گروه های خردگرا و جنبش های اجتماعی مردمی با خود و با حکومت و منازعات دینی، به تدریج خردگرایی و موسسات مدنی و علمی را در شهر زایل کرد، حاکمیت عقل از صحنه اجتماعی رخت بربست و زوال عقل و عدم ملازمت شهرنشینی و شهرگرایی به پیش شرط زوال شهر آزاداندیش بدل شد.

Processes of Towns Urbanization, Urbanism at the third to fifth centuries AD In Iran

Iran, between Third to fifth centuries AD, witnessed one of the urbanization boom periods in his history. In this period, Iranian towns were capable of Commodity exchange and  manufacturing  products. In this context, growth of knowledge and Rationalism , Moderation in politics, community participation, Growth and development of the intellectual trends and movements caused Rationality and reasoning. This period is named Iranian Renaissance. During the renaissance movement , scientific and cultural life of the people was important : at Literature: Rudaki, Jami, Abu-Shakur  Balkhi, Ferdowsi, farokhi, M, Khayyam; at  Philosophy and science: Farabi, Avicenna, Miskawayh , Khayyam  ; at training : Nezamieh schools , Ismailia centers, Tasavouf centers; at official Management(Divans): A. Balkhi, Saheb ibn Abbad, Hasanak the Vizier, abdol Malik kondri, Nizam al-Mulk, Taj al – mulk. at Tasavouf movement : Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali, Imam Ahmad Ghazali; at Religious Movement: Mu'tazilite, Mutekalemin, Motesharehin  and Fogaha, Batnyvn and Ismailia  are cases in point which shows  space of life which were crystallized in towns. In my opinion, growth of Asnaf (trade-union) activities and their link with scientists is one of the most important factors in Industrial production growth and business development, growth population in Towns and villages, formation of independent states and development of the policy.In this study, questions are:1 - Between third to fifth centuries AD, What mode of economic and social relations were dominated and which foundations of civic life were there? 3 -Through which mechanism, social groups are formed the urban life and a system of urban settlements that have been involved? 4 –which and how internal and external factors caused the collapse of civilization were sighted? In relation to these processes and its spatial form, there are a lot of debates.It seems, Due to continuous Tension, both in Infrastructure (Economics) and the superstructure (politics), and according to the dynamics of social interaction, our historical society has constant oscillation between the two systems: Feudalism and Asiatic mode of production .Thus, the urban life has not a relative stability for Sustainable accompaniment between processes of Urbanization and Urbanism. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the general dynamics of urban development and urbanism and explain the content of concepts of the Towns in that period .This study is based on systematical – Historical Method.The main topics of the study is to evaluate of Interactions system between market forces, local government, Asnaf ( trade unions) ,  social foundations, Material and intellectual production and upgrading of social life in towns. The most important findings are an explanation of the accompaniment between Urbanization and Urbanism which made possible growth of Town and made them librated from domination of government. And as in Ghaznavid and Seljuks periods is showed: due to pattern of local government– religious policy, accompaniment between process of urbanization and urbanism as a precondition of civilization declined and social life in towns began to confine. Thus spatial form of towns experienced a backward to pre -boeyan period
