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فردریش شِلِگِل یکی از شرق شناسان آلمانی است که با مطالعات سانسکریت و بازنگری نظریات افرادی چون ویلیام جونز، نقش فراوانی در تحولات زبان شناسی و فلسفی اروپای قرن نوزدهم و پس از آن داشته است. از آثار مهم وی می توان به کتاب «زبان و خرد هندیان» اشاره کرد. این کتاب که به ریشه زبان های هندواروپایی پرداخته، در رشد زبان شناسی و نشر ادبیات شرقی در غرب جایگاه بسزایی دارد. همچنین توجه شلگل به زبان هندی سبب شد تا شرق شناسان به تاریخ زبان ها نیز توجه کنند و باب جدیدی در زمینه شرق شناسی گشوده شود. بااین حال در بسیاری از پژوهش ها نقش شلگل نادیده گرفته شده و نامی از وی به میان نیامده است. مسئله اصلی مقاله حاضر این است که اثر او چگونه توانسته در زبان شناسی تحول پدید آورد؟ نتیجه پژوهش که با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی انجام شده، نشان داد که شلگل در این اثر با تأکید بر شباهت ریشه های زبان، ابداع روش های جدید در زبان شناسی و اثبات نظریه های زبان شناسان پیش از خود، توانسته است توجه بسیاری از صاحب نظران و پژوهشگران جوامع علمی و ادبی را جلب کند.

Schlegel and Consequences of Indian Language and Wisdom on Linguistics

Friedrich Schlegel is a German Orientalist who has contributed greatly to the linguistic and philosophical developments of nineteenth-century Europe and beyond by studying Sanskrit and revising the theories of people such as William Jones. His most important works include the book of Indian language and wisdom. This book, which deals with the origins of Hindu-European languages, plays an important role in the development of linguistics and the publication of Eastern literature in the West. Schlegel's attention to Hindi also led Orientalists to pay attention to the history of languages and to open a new chapter in Orientalism. However, in many studies Schelgel's role has been overlooked and his name has not been mentioned. The central question is how his work evolved in linguistics. Descriptive-analytical research has shown that Schlegel's work in this work has attracted the attention of many scholars and scholars by emphasizing the similarities of the origins of language, devising new methods in linguistics and proving the theories of earlier linguists.   Introduction Linguistics can be considered as a new science dating back to the beginning of nineteenth century. It was in this century that linguistics took on a scientific tone. The impetus for progress in this new discipline was the familiarity of European scholars with Sanskrit. As Westerners turned their attention to the East and travels to the East increased, learning Indian languages became especially important because Europe's economic ties with India were established sooner than other countries. In late eighteenth century, French and English orientalists began learning Sanskrit. They studied Sanskrit, the living language of sacred Hinduism texts, mainly from Indian scholars to acquaint European audiences with the knowledge of ancient India (Hemmati, 2007: 102). In nineteenth century, a new generation of orientalists emerged who believed that linguistics, namely historical analysis and comparison of languages, was the main tool for understanding Eastern themes. Thus, from the middle of nineteenth century onwards, modern tools and methods were introduced and new disciplines such as anthropology, sociology and history of science appeared (Lockman, 2004: 68). Scientists studied the language of the Indian subcontinent and were surprised to find that there were several similarities between it and European languages and that the similarities were so high that did not seem to be accidental. Therefore, they detected the common origin of these languages and called them collectively "Indo-European". Long after that, research into Pahlavi (Middle Persian), Dari, Avestan, and Old Persian started, and it was even more surprising when they found that Persian and Indian languages were much closer to each other than Indo-European and that all had a common origin, so another branch known as "Indo-Iranian" was introduced. Some scholars believe that Europeans made a mistake in this designation because all these languages should have been called Aryan languages (Junaydi, 2011: 13; Hall, 1984: 190). In 1768, an Indian by the name of Gaston Cordox compiled a list of more than 200 similar words in Sanskrit and Latin; however, the list was published in 1808 and he was not able to register his name as the first scientist in this respect. Therefore, it was William Jones (1746-1794) who at the Third Annual Meeting of Asian Society of Calcutta in 1786 delivered a speech on similarities between Sanskrit and European languages (Nickel, 1985: 38). This lecture has been considered as prelude to a new discipline called linguistics and it has also been mentioned as one of the important developments in linguistics. Although the relationship between Sanskrit with some European languages had been mentioned before Sir William Jones, his discovery had a more profound nature and his works and expressive remarks inspired European interest for studying India (Robins, p. 134). After William Jones who just presented hypotheses about languages, a German scholar named Friedrich Schlegel demonstrated the similarity and kinship of Sanskrit, Latin, German, Greek, and Persian in a scientific work and presented several examples. This work led people such as Franz Boop, Rasmus Rask, Jacob Grimm, William Humboldt and others to pay more attention to the knowledge of India and Sanskrit and to specialize in each of Schlegel's theories and innovations in matters of linguistic kinship, phonology, grammar, etc. because Sanskrit presented appropriate answers that solved many Western problems, including the long-term romantic needs of Germany (Schwab, 13). The main question of the present paper is as follows: what are the consequences of Schlegel's work in the field of linguistics? The main goal of this study is to show the position and role of Schlegel in linguistic studies. It is necessary to examine the life and work of Schlegel given that his work contains new hypotheses and theories that have been relatively ignored despite influencing oriental studies and linguistics. Research method This research was done by descriptive-analytical method and showed that Schlegel in his work has been able to attract the attention of many experts and researchers in scientific and literary communities by emphasizing the similarity of lexical roots, inventing new methods in linguistics and proving the theories of linguists before him. The information and data of the present paper have been collected by bibliographic method. Discussion In 1808, Friedrich Schlegel published his famous book titled “On the Language and Wisdom of Indians or Hindus”. In his book, Friedrich enthusiastically considered the kinship of Sanskrit with Persian, Greek, German and many other languages to be undeniable. With this book, Schlegel provided a scientific text suitable for scholars and elites. In fact, this work was originally meant to improve the criticism of his time and as a reaction against rationalism; however, Schlegel deconstructively entered an area that did not concern him. According to him, in this book, unlike his youth, Friedrich seeks balanced and pleasant magic, and in fact pursues spiritual life by believing in the occult (Schlegel, 1860: a). Schlegel states that the aim of this work is to clarify the nature and roots of German language and how it can use the rich Indian literature and its hidden treasures. He intended to lay a solid foundation and structure so that future eras would certainly be associated with security and prosperity (ibid. 427). His main approach was to compare Hindi and Latin, but he used French, Portuguese, and so on wherever he could not express Latin roots in a few cases such as the Bengali dialect (ibid. 426). After foreword, the author gives a general description of the Indian language, its roots, grammatical structure, main branch of languages, basis of language, Indian philosophy, wisdom and beliefs, historical ideas, poetry, migration of people, colonization, importance and purposes of studying the East and literature. No information is available on the German version of this work, which was translated into English in 1848 by E.J. Millington and published in the final section of Schlegel's collection. Winfred P. Lamen published the final part of this collection separately in 1967 (in India). Conclusion Schlegel's method revolutionized scientific research, especially linguistics and oriental studies. He started with words and proceeded with grammar and other aspects of language. While Schlegel based his work on the use of words and explicit evidence to delight minds and to not engage in scientific work, he not only conducted scientific research with detailed and comparative comparison of languages but repeatedly engaged researchers in scientific work. Although the existence of Schlegel and his work has been relatively ignored, the role of his advice and research can be seen in the works of Boop and Grimm brothers. In an age known as Age of Thought, Schlegel created new ideas and was able to establish a connection between a large part of the human world by creating a connection between language, myth, history and archeology. Schlegel managed to bring linguistics into a new space and give it more depth by proving and strengthening the opinions of his predecessors and professors, as well as various innovations. One of the most important achievements of Schlegel's research was that he succeeded to attract the attention of orientalists to the field of linguistics.       References 1-Abolghasemi, Mohsen. (1994). <em>History of Persian Language</em>, Tehran: Samt. 2-Ahmadi, Babak. (2017). <em>Treatise on History (Research in hermeneutics of History)</em>, Fifth reprint, Tehran: Nashr-e-Markaz. 3-Bernal, Martin. (1987). <em>Black Athens</em>, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press. 4-Bix, Robert. (2010). <em>An introduction to comparative linguistics (Indo-European Languages)</em>. 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