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توجه و اقبال گسترده در شبه قاره به آثار سعدی در میان پژوهش های سعدی شناسی در ایران تا حدی مغفول مانده است، حال آنکه بررسی شرح ها، فرهنگ نامه ها، انتخاب ها، استقبال ها، تتبع ها و ترجمه های گوناگون از آثار سعدی به زبان های گوناگون در شبه قاره می تواند راهگشای مشکلات ابیات و عبارات سعدی در تصحیح، شرح، خوانش، معنایابی و به طورکلی مکمل مطالعات سعدی شناسی باشد. از این رهگذر، پژوهش حاضر به بررسی یکی از تقلیدهای گلستان سعدی، یعنی تضمین گلستان اثر میرزا هرگوپال تفته سکندرآبادی (1214-1296 ه.ق) پرداخته است تا به این پرسش پاسخ دهد که آیا از طریق ابیات تضمینی گلستان در اثر تفته می توان به ضبط ها و قرائت های تازه ای در تصحیح گلستان دست یافت؟ تفته در دو اثر خود به اقتفای سعدی رفته است؛ در سنبلستان ، به بوستان نظر داشته و در تضمین گلستان به شیوه ای منظوم، ابیات گلستان را تضمین کرده است. این پژوهش به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی پس از بیان ویژگی های ساختاری تضمین گلستان و ذکر انواع تضمین های به کاررفته در آن، به مقایسه ابیات تضمینی از گلستان در اثر تفته با تصحیح های یوسفی، خزائلی، ایزدپرست از گلستان سعدی، پرداخته و با استفاده از اثر تفته، ضبط پاره ای از واژگان گلستان را در تصحیح های فوق بررسی و بازبینی کرده است.

Another Guarantee from Saadi Golestan

Sa''dī''s words, such as the paper, have gone hand in hand with This earth globally, and have been spotted on the eyes of readers and enthusiasts of poetry, one of the items that the works of Sheikh Ajil are always enthusiastic about, the sub-continent of India, and from The sentence of this magnanimous Mirzahar Aghpopal is the throttling of Pikandarabadi (1214-1296), which follows Sa''di''s works, and he has three works, called Four Barons, Svanbestan, in response to Sa''di Boulevard and Sa''di''s Golestan Sa''di. In this paper, we compared the guarantees of Golestan Hafez and Sa''di''s effect in expressing the structural property of the effect of speculation, and we examined and categorized the types of guarantees used in his work. Then, by comparing the guarantees provided by Golestan with the hypothesis of yusefy copies Khazaeli, the idolatry of Golestan Saadi, regarding the recording of a fragment of Golestan''s words, the importance of looking at the manuscripts in the subcontinent in the correction of the works of Saadi was pointed out; therefore, the comparison of two books can be from the perspective of correcting Golestan and then Landsat Saadi. Introduction The words of Sheikh Mosleh – ud – Din Saadi have been manipulated among the people of subcontinent for a few centuries. The publication of his works in the subcontinent began earlier than his original home, Iran. Indian subcontinent has the oldest manuscripts of Saadi back to 734, that stored at the Panjab Lahore university ''s Library at Ganje Siirani. The oldest vintage manuscript of Saadi was also found in 770 AH in Delhi (Hamshahri, 2009: May). Generally, the subcontinent was pioneer in publication of Saadi''s works; the first publication of the Generalization of Saadi was in Iran in Tabriz at 1257AD, while this was published 50 years earlier in Calcutta, means at 1205 AD, and then at 1210 AD (R.K. Mashar, 1350: 2317-2314). Also, the numbers of copies of Saadi''s works in subcontinent was more than Iran. By estimating the Moshar list, while the Generalization of Saadi and his choices was published 17 times in Iran and it''s 5 big cities up to 1352 AH, his works in subcontinent was published more than 50 times and in 40 cities. Some of them are incomparable in their kind, such as the printing of Golestan saadi with the image of thefamous painter Lekhneo, Sheikh Qaem Ali Naghash Lekhneoi (R.K. Sadraee, 391:368). Subsequently, in subcontinent different descriptions, dictionaries, selections, greetings and the translations of Saadi''s works are done in Farsi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindi, Gujarati and Bengali languages. Beside teaching Saadi''s works in traditional religious schools and new educational centers, research in biography and thoughts of Shirazian Sheikh and reading the Saadi works in meetings of indian Sheikhs are the reasons of popularity and importance of Saadi and his works in subcontinent. The British East India Company also search for Saadi''s works and translate and publish them, such as preachings, Golestan and Bustan and the Divan of Sheikh Saadi in India, especially in Calcutta, to recognize the indianculture, in order to follow out their critical interests (R.K. Anousheh, 2008: 1387 – 1390). In part of this article, the focuse was on the details of the fame of Saadi''s words in India. But despite the extent of subject, this was ignored in Iran and among the researches on Saadi, paying attention to these sources, while being researchers able to familiarize with new readings of Saadi''s works and solving the problem of abstracts and phrases of Saadu, whether in description or in reading and meaning, was useful in other literal areas including rhetoric, terminology, phrasing, the history of language and Persian literature. Along with this, in this article we have tried to correct the Golestan by using one of the Golestan rallies, simultaneously with the examination of types of insertions in this work. 1.1. Detailed Research Method This article is done in descriptive – analytic method. At first, it was paid to theoretical foundation of research including the impact of Saadi''s word in subcontinent and the introduction of Mirza Hercopal Tafte, based on the exiting books and articles and access to them including the entries of the Encyclopedia of Persian Literature in subcontinent and through indexing the related library resources. Since in some parts of the present research enter to subjects related to correction issues was felt, in an eclectic way, this was confronted some of effects of Golestan with Tafte works and the correction of the issue was proposed. Discussion There are many imitators and influeners of Saadi in subcontinent, from Amir Khosro and Amir Hassan Dwhlavi to later poets such as Zib Magasi, Abdolali Akhond Zade, Sadegh Behqari, Mohammad Sedigh Panjgori, and Keshmiri. Among the Saadi''s works, the more attention was paid to Bustan and Golestan; The Mohammadieh'' description of Molina Mohammad Golhavi (R. K. Sadraee, 2013, 140/1), Bustan''s Bahar of Tikchand name Bahar (the same, 26. /6) are examples of Bustan''s descriptions in subcontinent. The famous Pamphlet of Saadi (کریما ببخش برحال ما) known as Karima (کریما) is as textbook in subcontinent, while this was published in 19 times in India, this work was published only once in Iran (R.K. moshar, 1350:4/4062). One of the most extensive descriptions in subcontinent is Baran Bahar of Ghiasuddin Rampori (R.K. Sadraee, 105/2). There are many admirations for this work; Shakhe Tooba by Sadegh Bekhari; Tohfe Ghotbe Shahi by Ali – Ben – Tifoor Bastami, two works named Shekarestan, one by Menat Ghamar – al – din Mashhadi and the other by Isri Akbarabadi (1091 AH), Aroose Erfan by Bahri (1130 AH), Badaye – al – Dohor in prose by Bidel Dehlavi (1054-1133 AH), Nakhlestan by Shafique, Nakhlestan by Taj - al –din Modaresi (1214-1274AH) … (R.K. Anoushe 1987: 1391) are some works in this subject. Among the insertions of Golestan we can refer to the works of Mirza Hergopal Tafte Sekandar abadi, the Persian poet in subcontinent in 1799-1800 AD. At first his pen name was Rami, but after his desire to Islam, he chose Tafte. He was the students f Mirza Ghaleb Dehlavi and his best friend and helped to Ashigh Azim Abadi in collection of Nashre Eshgh. He owns five Divan of Persian poetry, Masnavi Sonbolestan (1277 AH) versus Saadi''s Bustan and the insertion of Saadi''s Golestan (1272). The insertion of Golestan include 8 subjects and 4780 verse and unlike the Saadi''s Golestan is entirely versified. In the Saadi''s prelude in subcontinent in encyclopedia of Farsi literature in subcontinent Golestan insertion of Tafte was attributed to Ghaleb Dehlavi. This mistake originates from the Lists of manuscript catalogs; because this version in lists is introduced The Golestan Insrtion by Ghaleb Dehlavi. In this work Tafte had no role except writing the insertion. He used the most of the Saadi''s verses on insertion, deposition, Seeking help and analysis. It can be assumed that perhaps Tafte used the manuscripts of Mahjour in his insertion that is ignored in the present corrections of Golestan; so, the Golestan insertion can be regarded as a new version of Golestan''s verses. In this research after comparative comparison of the Tafte''s Golestaan insertion verses with the copies used by Yosefi, Khazali and Izadparast, we concluded that sometimes in the Tafte''s work we can find some copied of Golestan verses that is not exist in any of the basic and amended versions. We investigated some of these verses in this research. Conclusion The work of Tafte is not coherent. The diverse forms and different rhythms are due to the adherence of poet to insert the most of Golestan verses that not only has different forms and rhythms but also is the combination of poetry and prose. In first look this is a kind of innovation in structure and innovating a new way in poetry, but looking at whole work it can be concluded that Tafte was not able in create general coherence of the work and again by comparing with Golestan as a coherent and harmonic work that used some different ways of speech, he couldn’t make unity and unified structure among the verses and forms. In comparing with Golestan, the other point is due to the many repetitions of. this disadvantage is more significant beside the Golestan that itself is a masterpiece of conciseness. The poetry of Tafte has no Strength and power of fiction. These disadvantages and misunderstandings are significant because the Golestan insertion in comparison is one of the most brilliant literatures of the Iranian history. it seems the Tafte work can’t struggle with this. But with the all this weaknesses and disadvantages, and with the many corrections in subcontinent on Saadi''s works, the Tafte''s work was introduced as one of the representations of Saadi in subcontinent, in research on Saadi it is necessary to look at this works and the other works of subcontintents on Saadi. References 1-Anonymous (4th century AH). (2002). <em>Hodud al-''Alam-i-Menal-Mashreghe el-Al-Magharb</em>, Q: 1, Study: Yusuf al-Hadi, Cairo: Dar al-Sufiyeh Lelnshar. 2-Anousheh, Hassan. (2008). <em>Encyclopedia of Persian Literature in the Subcontinent</em>, Tehran, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. 3-Babafghani Shirazi. (1961).<em>Poetry Divan</em>, Tehran: Iqbal. 4-GharehChanlou, Hossein. (2001). <em>Historical Geography of Islamic Countries</em>, Tehran: SAMT. 5-Ghavim, Abdulqavim. (1978). 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