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عاطفه یکی از عناصر سازنده شعر در کنار زبان، تخیّل، موسیقی و شکل است. این پژوهش به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، با هدف بررسی بازتاب عواطف فراشخصی در غزل های یکی از شاعران معاصر، یعنی حسین منزوی انجام می گیرد. مسئله پژوهش این است که انواع عواطف فراشخصی چگونه و به چه میزانی در غزل منزوی بازتاب یافته اند و انگیزه ها و زمینه های مؤثّر در ایجاد این عواطف چه بوده است؟ یافته های پژوهش حاکی از آن است که عواطف فراشخصی غزل او در دو دسته کلّی عواطف سیاسی- اجتماعی و فلسفی و در گروه بندی جزئی تر این دسته ها بازتاب یافته اند. در عواطف سیاسی- اجتماعی که پررنگ تر از عواطف فلسفی ظاهر شده اند، به ترتیب عواطف حسرت، اندوه و یأس بیشترین نمود را دارند. در عواطف فلسفی، یأس فلسفی، اندوه فلسفی و اعتراض و عصیان به ترتیب بیشترین بسامد را در غزل های منزوی دارند. انگیزه های مؤثّر در ایجاد عواطف سیاسی- اجتماعی، نمایاندن اوضاع نابسامان کشور، از جمله سلطه مستبدان بر کشور، فضای اختناق سیاسی، شکست در مبارزه ها و...، و در دوران پس از انقلاب، جنگ و شهید و شهادت هستند. در ایجاد عواطف فلسفی، ابراز اندیشه های فلسفی تقدیرگرایی، جبرگرایی و مرگ اندیشی، عصیان بندگی و... مؤثّر بوده اند.  

The Study of Function of Meta-personal Emotions in the Gazelle of Hosayn Monzavi

Emotion is one of the building elements of poetry along with language, imagination, music and form. The analysis of this poetic element as the most fundamental reason for the creation of many poems and a factor for recognizing their specific attitude towards the concepts and phenomena around, are often studied by researchers. This research is done by descriptive-analytical method, with the aim of reflecting and introducing meta-personal emotions in the poems of Hosayn Monzavi. The statement of problem  is how and to what extent the types of meta-personal emotions are reflected in the gazelle of Monzavi and what were the motivations and the effective contexts in creating these emotions? Emotion is the strongest element in Monzavi’s gazelle and the main factor in the beauty and immortality of his gazelles. The meta-personal emotions of his gazelle are reflected in the two general categories of socio-political and philosophical emotions and in the more detailed grouping of these categories. In socio-political emotions, which are more prominent than the philosophical emotions, the emotions of regret, sadness and despair are the most prominent, respectively. In philosophical emotions, despair, sorrow, protest, and rebellion have the highest frequency in Monzavi’s gazelles, respectively.          Introduction      Feeling (or emotion) in the field of artistic creations is considered as the artist's inner approach to individual issues and phenomena of the outside world and the main emotional manifestations are sadness, happiness, love, hate, pity, despair, hope, pain, regret, etc. ; the artistic and poetic emotions are divided into three categories: a) Individual emotions: in this type of emotion, the poet focuses on the individual "I" and talks about his personal feelings; B) Collective emotions: The poet speaks about the language of the people based on the collective "I"; C) Typical (human) emotions: The poet speaks about the human language absolutely based on the human "I", beyond time and place (see: Rüzbih, 1381: 17). The more popular emotion of the poem produces the deeper the impact and the higher the artistic value in the poem, and it also attracts the more audiences in the places in its emotional space, regardless of the time and place. Hosayn Monzav ï (1325-1383) is a famous poet of Persian literature in the contemporary era and one of the most prominent influential poets in modern Persian lyric poetry. One of the main themes of the lyric poems is the isolation of love, which is expressed with a new and different perspective than the description of love in the poems before the new lyric. The feelings and emotions of a poet in his love poems are well and dramatically visible to the readers. Research methodology  In this research, which was done in a descriptive-analytical manner, there is used the library resources. At first the characteristics of meta-personal emotions were examined from related sources; then, by studying isolated sonnets, the examples of those emotions were extracted and analyzed. Discussion      One of the scenes of human emotions and feelings is literature. Since poetry, especially lyrical poetry, is the product of emotion and the poems of Hosayn Munzav ï are also full of emotions, in this article, the meta-personal emotions of Munzav ï ’s lyric poems are examined and analyzed. With the changes in the content of the poem that followed the political and social developments of the country and the norm-breaking of Nymã Yoshyj in contemporary poetry, Monzavi goes further from romanticism and the expression of those personal moods and feelings and he depicts its socio-political and philosophical emotions in lyric poems. Hosayn Munzav ï composed his socio-political poems following the influences he received from the environment and the social and political atmosphere around him. His emotions in this category of lyric poems in the pre-Islamic Revolution, arising from the concepts of tyranny and the cruelty of rulers, the atmosphere of political suffocation in the country, chaos and disorder in society, injustice, poverty, neglect and ignorance of enemies and oppressors in the post-revolutionary period, issues. They are imposed, homeland, martyr and martyrdom. In Monzav ï ’s lyric poems, the emotion of regret is expressed in describing the suffocating atmosphere and oppression of the rulers of the homeland, the loss of fighters and heroes, and the captivity and neglect of the people. In contemporary socio-political poetry, many works could be found about the tragic conditions of the homeland and society, oppression and cruelty, especially the path of  martyr’s freedom. In the lyric, Munzav ï also depicts the sad and bloody atmosphere of the society and the days of the shootings and massacres of the freedom fighters; he also mourns the martyrs of lyric poetry and his eyes are tearful of them. After the coup d'état of 28 August and the bitter experiences and successive defeats of the fighters, Munzav ï depicts the desperate dry and rainy garden of the homeland, which over the years is not happy with the arrival of spring. Munzavï’s duty to the values of society is evident in his social sonnets; Especially where he has dealt with the martyrdom and struggles and sacrifices of the martyrs. The awakened martyrs, in the struggle against darkness and oppression, died in love and consciousness, and their blood shed light on the darkness. Munzav ï , despite all of his dissatisfaction, frustration and discouragement caused by the socio-political situation, he still hopes for the salvation of the homeland and the victory of the freedom fighters. Husayn Munzav ï is one of the contemporary poets who reflects patriotic feelings and themes in his poetry.Like many of his contemporary poets, Munzav ï has poems about praising freedom and hating darkness. In a poem, he considers freedom as the right of the people of his country; because they have always paid a heavy price for it by sacrificing their lives. The traces of philosophical thought can be found among Munzavï’s lyric poems. The philosophical despair is the feeling that evokes the philosophical thoughts in the man. Destinyism, determinism, absurdism, and mortalism are among the philosophical thoughts that have emerged as a result of the emotion of despair and hopelessness; we see these in Munzavï’s sonnets. The endless sorrows and grief of Munzav ï ’s life have led him to philosophical thoughts and some of his verses have been brought closer to philosophical themes. Emotions are also categorized as thoughts of destiny, determinism, and mortalism, like the emotion of despair. Philosophical doubts and questions about the logic and the system governing the universe have always existed in the poems of some poets. Munzav ï looks at the fate of the sinner with skepticism; this has made him question, and in the answer, he points out the incompatibility of man's sin with hell, and he considers man inevitable from that first sin. Conclusion After a thorough study of Munzav ï ’s lyric poems, it was found that in his meta-personal emotions, the socio-political emotions have appeared more than philosophical emotions; thus, Munzav ï cannot be considered a poet who is indifferent to the situation of society; but the noteworthy point is the scattering verses among the passive and ineffective emotions that influence and arouse the emotions of the audience and making them think about making even a small improvement in the society. Emotions of regret, sadness, despair and fear have the largest number of socio-political verses; while the emotions of freedom and anger are much less. The frequency and motivations for the emergence of each of the socio-political emotions are as follows: Emotions of regret in 119 verses, sorrow in 88 verses, despair in 49 verses, praise of martyrs in 44 verses, hope in 32 verses, fear in 25 verses, dissatisfaction in 20 verses, patriotism in 17 verses, Emotions of wonder in 11 verses, desire in 11 verses, freedom in 8 verses, emotion of altruism and empathy with people in 7 verses and anger and resentment in 6 verses. In philosophical emotions, despair and sorrow have the highest frequency, which are mostly due to the idea of ​​destiny. The frequency and motives for the occurrence of each of the philosophical emotions are as follows: Emotions and despair in 92 verses and sorrow in 82 verses, protest and rebellious emotions in 33 verses, happiness and tolerance in 21 verses, condemnation of the times in 19 verses and doubt in 4 verses. In a general view, it can be concluded that emotion as the strongest element in Husayn Munzav ï 's lyric poems and the main factor of the beauty and immortality of his lyric poems, has played a special role in expressing his socio-political attitudes and philosophical thoughts as well as their perception and recognition by the audience . 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