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الهام از طبیعت برای پاسخگویی به مسائل علمی در حوزه های گوناگون دانش، هدف بیونیک در رشته های مختلف است که در طراحی و ساخت سازه های معماری نیز نقش های مختلفی را پذیرفته است. در این میان، به منظور افزایش شناخت رابطه میان سازه در طبیعت و معماری، راهکار و نگرش طبیعت در برابر نیروهای محیطی از طریق کارآمدترین ترتیبات سازه ای می تواند در معرفی الگوهای باربری برای سازه های معماری گسترش یابد. در این راستا، هدف اصلی این پژوهش دسته بندی وجوه گوناگون الگوهای باربری با بررسی نمونه های گوناگونی از ساختارهای موجود از سازه های طبیعی خمش محور است. در این نوشتار با تکیه بر یک روش توصیفی و تحلیلی و با استفاده از ادبیات حوزه های اصلی پژوهش، الگوهای باربری در این نوع سازه ها در قالب بررسی دو وجه، شامل رویکرد راه حل های باربری و ماهیت راه حل های باربری تبیین شده است. در وجه اول، چگونگی پاسخ سازه و در وجه دوم، ویژگی پاسخ سازه در برابر نیروهای محیطی مورد بحث است. نتیجه اصلی پژوهش آن است که سازه های طبیعی به جای مقاومت در برابر نیروها، به طور عمده از روش مدیریت نیروها استفاده می کنند. در بحث ارائه شده، لزوم توجه دقیق به فرایند پیچیده انتقال این الگوهای باربری از طبیعت به حوزه سازه های معماری نیز مدنظر است.

Classification of Load Bearing Patterns in Architectural Structures Based on a Bionic Approach (Case Study: Bending Structures)

As a scientific discipline, Bionics deals with the technical implementation and application of construction, process and development principles of biological systems. Also Bionics is the link between biology (with technical biology) and technology. The most sensible way of introducing suggestions from nature via the medium of bionics is the interface between evaluation and implementation. This procedure means a targeted search for possible solutions from nature for an existing technical problem. Inspiration from nature to respond to scientific issues in various fields of knowledge is the goal of bionics in various disciplines, which has also accepted various roles in the design and construction of architectural structures. The bionic approach has always included various attractions and has been a source of inspiration in the field of architectural and structural design and construction. Having structural designs that are the result of millions of years of evolution in nature provides a good opportunity to study their load bearing behavior. In the meantime, in order to increase the understanding of the relationship between structures in nature and structures in architecture, the solution and attitude of nature against environmental forces through the most efficient structural arrangements can be expanded in the introduction of load bearing patterns for architectural structures. In this regard, the main goal of this research is to determine the various aspects of load patterns by surveying various examples of existing structures from natural and architectural structures. Interfaces must be developed that enable the architect to move easily and safely in this extremely complex subject area of natural systems. The architects is used to being firm in his everyday work in different subject areas and to acting as a moderator between the specialist disciplines. In the presented discussion, it is necessary to pay close attention to the complex process of transferring these load patterns from nature to the domain of architectural structures. It is logical to transfer patterns from nature to the structural domain, because they are the result of a very complex evolutionary process. On the other hand, this high complexity is what makes their direct application, i.e. mere imitation, in structural engineering problems very difficult. In this article, by relying on a descriptive and analytical method and using the literature of the main areas of research, load bearing patterns in these types of structures have been explained in the form of a two-aspect investigation, including the structural solution approach and the nature of the structure solution. In the first aspect, the structural response type and in the second aspect, the characteristics of the structure's response to environmental forces are discussed. Research findings and results indicate that instead of maximum resistance to force, natural structures mainly use force management and control methods. Nature always tries to neutralize or repel all or part of them, instead of maximum resistance against the applied loads, increasing the transfer of forces and receiving the maximum tension, according to the nature of approaches and load solutions. Therefore, in nature, the force management method is always considered along with force resistance.
