Background and purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of stress management skills training and problem-solving methods virtually on the mental health and test anxiety of high school students. Cases and Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental and the research design is pre-test-post-test with a control group. The statistical population consisted of 700 high school male students in dandi city. 93 people were selected by available sampling and randomly in two experimental groups (problem-solving and stress management) and A control group was placed. Research tools include ten sessions of stress management Anthony et al. (2007) and a summary of the problem-solving training program (Heidari and Rasoulzadeh Tabatabai, 2007; Adapted from Dixon and Glover, 1984), Goldberg Mental Health Scale (1979) and Anxiety Scale The exam was Friedman (1997). Results: The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the two groups that had been trained in stress management and problem-solving skills had higher mental health (f =25.02 and P<0.001) and lower test anxiety (f = 16.65 and P<0.001) than the control group. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that stress management training and problem-solving skills virtually can be used as an effective intervention to increase mental health and reduce test anxiety. Therefore, using virtual education, stress management skills, and problem-solving methods can improve students' mental health and reduce stress and anxiety in students.