
مقدمه: هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر بررسی تطبیقی حقوق و تکالیف غیرمالی زوجین در قوانین ایران و کانادا است. روش : پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی انجام شده است. از مهمترین مواد غیرمالی بررسی شده در این پژوهش، حق ریاست و جایگاه مرد در خانواده است. این مهم باعث شده سایر موارد مطروحه همچون؛ حق حضانت، اشتغال، همزیستی و حسن معاشرت ذیل این عنوان بررسی شود. یافته ها: یافته های تحقیق حاصل از تطبیق حقوق غیرمالی زوجین در نظام حقوق خانواده ایران و کانادا نشان می دهد که در ایران، حقوق زنان و وظایف زوجین بیشتر تحت تأثیر اصول شرعی و فقهی قرار دارد، در حالی که در کانادا، حقوق زنان و وظایف زوجین بر اساس قوانین مدنی و حقوق بشر تعیین می شود. همچنین در کانادا تمرکز بر روی حقوق فردی و منافع بهترین فرزند است در حالی که در ایران تمرکز بر روی اصول شرعی و وظایف والدینی است. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به یافته های این مقاله و با بررسی قوانین داخلی ملاحضه شد که تبعیت زن از شوهر و دخالت شوهر در آزادی های فردی و اجتماعی او اعم از حضانت تا اشغال و حضور در جامعه، نشان دهنده این است که گرچه قانون گذار سعی کرده به فراخور تحولات جامعه تغییراتی را اعمال کند اما فاصله زیادی با استاندارد های موجود در نظام حقوق خانواده کانادا و میثاقین و کنوانسیون های بین المللی دارد.

A comparative study of the non-financial rights of couples in the family law system of Iran and Canada

Introduction:The main purpose of the current research is the comparative study of the non-financial rights and duties of couples in the laws of Iran and Canada. Method: The current research was done using the descriptive-analytical method. One of the most important non-financial items examined in this research is the right to head and the position of a man in the family. This has caused other issues to be raised, such as; The right to custody, employment, coexistence and good association should be examined under this title. Results:The findings of the research on the application of the non-financial rights of spouses in the family law system of Iran and Canada show that in Iran, the rights of women and the duties of spouses are more influenced by Sharia and jurisprudence principles, while in Canada, the rights of women and duties of spouses are based on laws Civil and human rights are determined. Also, in Canada, the focus is on individual rights and the interests of the best child, while in Iran, the focus is on Sharia principles and parental duties. Conclusion: According to the findings of this article and by examining the domestic laws, it was considered that the wife's obedience to her husband and her husband's interference in her personal and social freedoms, from custody to occupation and presence in the society, indicate that although the legislator tried to adapt to the changes in the society but it is far from the existing standards in the Canadian family law system and international covenants and conventions.Extended AbstractIntroductionMarriage is the most important stage of family formation, which is the marital contract, the emotional relationship and marital bond between a man and a woman, which makes the legal relationship called marriage between a husband and wife have rights and duties for each of them. they will be. Some of the effects of marriage are related to financial affairs and another part of non-financial rights related to personal protection and protection of women are among these rights. The right of good company, the right of intercourse, the right to refrain from and such things that some of these brief rights will be shared by a few couples and some shared between spouses. The special feature of the family is that it is an institution beyond a legal organization and based on emotions and moral values.Based on what was mentioned, examining the non-financial rights of couples in the laws of Iran and Canada; Studying the similarities and differences of these two legal systems; The purpose of this article is to examine the historical course and stages of change and evolution of Canadian family law in the subject of family administration and management and its results. In this article, an attempt is made to examine the legal models of family management in Canada, taking into account the current needs and requirements of the Iranian society, and considering the historical course and stages of development of Canadian law in the field of family management and its results, the possibility of The choice of some of the existing solutions of the above legal system should be investigated.MethodologyIn this article, the method of document analysis is used, which is based on the purposeful and systematic study of Iranian and Canadian law sources, and its focus is descriptive and interpretive search. Documentary research means the analysis of those documents that contain information about the phenomena that we intend to study. ResultsIn the Canadian legal system, marriage is a legal union and partnership in life and soul. Separation of spouses is a legal and optional quasi-divorce institution. The title of final decision-maker is not given to any of the couples. But in Iran's jurisprudence and legal laws, the non-financial rights of couples are based on three categories that have been considered in this comparative study: First, the most important effect of cohabitation is that the husband and wife partner morally and legally in strengthening the foundations of the family. In domestic law, we believe more in the moral dimension and the desirable aspect of the marriage contract, and the head of the family is one of the characteristics of the husband. discussionIn the topic of "social behavior", the difference between the Canadian law and the domestic law is that it has enumerated a number of good morals and placed a strong enforcement guarantee against their violation. Naturally, a violation of those cases has been serious and important for the Canadian legislator. But the domestic law is stricter in the matter of divorce and shows more willingness to reconcile couples. In Canadian law, the title of final decision-maker and head of the family is not given to any of the spouses. Even individual freedoms are limited due to the priority in the partnership of couples.In domestic law, we believe more in the moral aspect and the desirable aspect of the marriage contract, and the head of the family is one of the characteristics of the husband.
