
پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی الگوی اثربخش اقتصادی خانواده با رویکرد فرهنگی انجام گرفت. این پژوهش بصورت کیفی از نوع داده بنیاد انجام گردیده است. جامعه آماری کلیه اساتید، خبرگان و کارشناسان حوزه اقتصاد خانواده در شهر اصفهان بود. برای نمونه گیری از روش گلوله برفی استفاده شد و حجم نمونه با 13 خبره به اشباع رسید، در ضمن از چهار آزمون اصلیتاثیرپذیری، باور پذیری، انتقال پذیری، اعتماد پذیری برای بررسی کیفیت داده های پژوهش بهره گرفته شد. نتایج نشان داد که عوامل علی شامل: (1. تورم و بی عدالتی اقتصادی در جامعه ناشی از تحولات سیاسی، 2. نیاز خانواده ها براساس الگوهای مصرفی)؛ عوامل مداخله گر شامل: (1. رسانه و شبکه های اجتماعی، 2. تکنولوژی، 3. تغییر در الگوهای مصرف جهانی از نظر فرهنگی و 4. تحریم ها و شرایط اقتصادی کنونی)؛ عوامل زمینه ساز شامل:(1.ارزش های معنوی ریشه در فرهنگ، 2. فرهنگ و ارزش های محوری جامعه و 3. عوامل محیطی و فرهنگی)، عوامل استراتژی شامل: (1.آموزش و فرهنگ سازی، 2. عوامل ساختاری / زیرساخت های فرهنگی جامعه، 3. حمایت و پشتیبانی از نیازهای فرهنگی خانواده ها، 4.ترسیم افق و چشم انداز واحد اقتصادی در جامعه) و پیامدها شامل(1. اثرات رفتاری و فرهنگی، 2.اعتماد، پشتیبانی و حمایت دولت، 3.اشتغال زایی و کارآفرینی و 4.آموزش و توانمندسازی نیروی انسانی مولد) می باشند.

Designing an effective economic model of the family with a cultural approach

The current research was conducted with the aim of designing an effective economic model of the family with a cultural approach. This research has been conducted qualitatively using foundational data. The statistical population was all professors, experts and experts in the field of family economics in the city of Isfahan. The snowball method was used for sampling and the sample volume reached saturation with 13 experts, in addition, four main tests of "impressiveness", "believability", "transferability", and "reliability" were used to check the quality of the research data became. The results showed that the causal factors include: (1. Inflation and economic injustice in society caused by political developments, 2. The needs of families based on consumption patterns); Intervening factors include: (1. Media and social networks, 2. Technology, 3. Changes in global consumption patterns from a cultural point of view, and 4. Sanctions and current economic conditions); Background factors include: (1. spiritual values rooted in culture, 2. culture and core values of society and 3. environmental and cultural factors), strategy factors include: (1. education and culture building, 2. structural factors / cultural infrastructure society, 3. supporting and supporting the cultural needs of families, 4. drawing the horizon and perspective of the economic unit in society) and the consequences including (1. behavioral and cultural effects, 2. trust, support and support of the government, 3. employment generation and entrepreneurship and 4. training and empowering productive human resources).Extend AbstractThe cultural approach is one of the important factors in the continuation of the cultural life of the society, which plays a significant role in preserving the independence and cultural growth of the country. One of the most important and influential institutions in human societies is the family; the role of the family is very important in the consolidation and continuity of cultural issues in the society. Family, especially parents, play an important and effective role in transferring culture and ethics to future generations. Another issue in the society regarding the development and promotion of relevant cultural issues is the responsibility of educational centers and institutions. Iranian society is a family-oriented society, and this familism is derived from divine values, and in social sciences, the family is called as an effective institution from which the primary core of the society originates. The family not only plays the first role in the cultural and social progress and development of the society, but also plays a fundamental role in the economic progress and development of the country, and the degree of its presence affects the performance and cycle of the country's economy. In this research, we seek to design an effective economic model of the family with a cultural approach, which will promote the excellence of the family from an economic and cultural point of view. In some families, we have removed the prevailing economic culture that hinders the progress of that family, such as the culture of luxury, the culture of extravagance or excessive consumption in any field. In this research, the major question is: what is the effective economic model of the family with a cultural approach?MethodologyThis research has been conducted qualitatively using Grounded theory. The statistical population was all professors, specialists and experts in the field of family economics in the city of Isfahan. Due to the lack of an accurate source and reference to identify and access knowledgeable specialists and experts regarding the subject of this research, the snowball method was used to select the sample.Therefore, after conducting interviews with several family experts, they were asked to introduce people who have expertise in this field and this process continued until reaching saturation (with 13 experts) in collecting the required data. In addition, four main tests of "impressiveness" "believability", "transferability", and "reliability" were used to check the quality of the research data.Results and DiscussionThe results indicated that the causal factors include: 1. Inflation and economic injustice in society caused by political developments, 2. The needs of families based on consumption patterns); Intervening factors include: 1. Media and social networks, 2. Technology, 3. Changes in global consumption patterns from a cultural point of view, and 4. Sanctions and current economic conditions; Background factors include: 1. spiritual values rooted in culture, 2. culture and core values of society and 3. environmental and cultural factors, strategy factors include: 1. education and culture building, 2. structural factors / cultural infrastructure society, 3. supporting and supporting the cultural needs of families, 4. drawing the horizon and perspective of the economic unit in society and the consequences include: 1. behavioral and cultural effects, 2. trust, support and support of the government, 3. employment generation and entrepreneurship and 4. training and empowering productive human resources.ConclusionThe results of this research help the cultural field of the country in relation to the family. Also, the results of this research help students to do more research regarding the cultural approach in the family.LimitationsAlthough the results of the current research enriched the research background in the field, this qualitative research was not exempt from some limitations, such as the lack of generalizability of the findings to other societies and the researcher's subjective judgments during implementation and analysis.SuggestionsFuture researches can examine the economic model of the family by considering factors other than culture. This research was conducted in Isfahan city, other researches can be conducted in other cities of Iran and be compared with the results of this research.FundingThe current research was taken from the doctoral dissertation of Mojtaba Fakhari, one of the authors of the article, in the Department of Cultural Management and Planning, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch.Ethics approval and consent to participateThe cooperation of the participants was voluntary and consent was received from them at the beginning of the cooperation. In addition, the aspects of confidentiality and withdrawal from the research were announced to them at each stage.Conflict of interestsAccording to the authors, this article has no conflict of interest.Acknowledgments We would like to thank all those people who participated in this study.
