
کسب و کارهای اینترنتی در حال حاضر گسترشی چشمگیر در سطح جهان داشته اند. یکی از حوزه های مهم که عرصه به کارگیری کسب و کارهای اینترنتی است، حوزه خیریه است. کسب وکارهای اینترنتی مؤسسات خیریه یکی از موضوع های جدیدی است که در عرصه حکمرانی خیریه ها مطرح شده است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی الگوی کسب وکار اینترنتی مؤسسات خیریه در کشور انجام شده است. در راستای هدف این پژوهش، ابتدا مبنای نظری حوزه الگو های کسب وکار و الگو های کسب وکار اینترنتی و همچنین مؤسسات خیریه مطالعه و بررسی شدند. روش شناسی پژوهش حاضر از نوع کیفی و اکتشافی است و به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، از روش تحلیل مضمون بهره گرفته است. به منظور پاسخ دادن به پرسش اصلی، ابتدا مصاحبه های نیمه ساختاریافته با صاحبان کسب وکار اینترنتی خیریه ها انجام شدند. سپس، با استفاده از روش تحلیل مضمون، مصاحبه ها تحلیل شدند و شبکه مضامین مستخرج از مصاحبه ها با 353 مضمون پایه، 51 مضمون سازمان دهنده و 10 مضمون فراگیر شامل ارزش پیشنهادی، فعالیت اصلی، منابع اصلی، شرکای کلیدی، مشتریان، روابط با مشتریان، مسیرهای توزیع، هزینه ها، جریان های درآمدی و محیط به دست آمدند. اصلاح قوانین بالادستی مرتبط با خیریه ها به منظور تسهیل گسترش خیریه های اینترنتی در کشور، لزوم طراحی قرارگاه و نهاد شورای عالی بالادستی برای مدیریت خیریه ها و کسب وکارهای اینترنتی، بهبود دسترسی کسب وکارهای اینترنتی به فضای مجازی و در نظر گرفتن تسهیلات مناسب برای آن ها از جمله مهم ترین اقداماتی هستند که برای گسترش کسب وکار اینترنتی خیریه ها باید در دستور کار سیاست گذاران قرار گیرند.

Designing Internet Business Models in Charity Organizations

IntroductionInternet businesses have now expanded significantly worldwide. One of the important fields in which Internet businesses are used is charity. Internet businesses of charitable institutions are one of the new topics that have been raised in the field of charity governance. The current research was conducted to design the Internet business model of charitable institutions in the country. The Internet business model allows charitable organizations to have information about the organization, financial aid opportunities, and resources available at all hours of the day and night, and the audience can access the organization anywhere in the world. Also, internet platforms reduce the overhead costs associated with the traditional method of fundraising or face-to-face events, increase speed, and thus increase efficiency. Also, they will improve communication and interactions and be transparent and reliable about reporting. Research Methodology​In line with the purpose of this research, first, the theoretical basis of the field of business models and Internet business models as well as charitable institutions were studied and investigated. The methodology of the current research is qualitative and exploratory, and the thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data. To answer the main question, first, semi-structured interviews were conducted with charity internet business owners, then the interviews were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. In this research, the components of the canvas model were used as the basis of the work due to their comprehensiveness and frequency of application in the field of practice, and the interview framework was set based on it. The qualitative research approach has been conducted with a fundamental orientation and inductive logic using the thematic analysis method.Research FindingsThe network of themes was extracted from the interviews with 353 basic themes, 51 organizing themes, and 10 overarching themes including value proposition, main activity, main resources, key partners, customers, relationships with customers, distribution channels, costs and income streams, and environment. Amending the upstream laws related to charities to facilitate the expansion of internet charities in the country, the need to design the headquarters and institution of the upstream Supreme Council for the management of charities and internet businesses, improving the access of internet businesses to the virtual space, and considering suitable facilities for them were among the most important measures that should be placed on the agenda of policymakers to expand the online business of charities. The final model of the research is in Figure 1.Figure 1 - The final research model Discussion and ConclusionThe current research was done in response to the main question, that is what is the model of internet business in charity organizations? This research was carried out with semi-structured interviews with experts in this field. After that, using theme analysis, all the interviews were reviewed and their themes were extracted, which include 353 basic themes, 51 organizing themes, and 10 overarching themes. The Internet business model of charities was obtained based on the nine-component model of the well-known business including value proposition, main activity, main resources, key partners, customers, relationships with customers, distribution channels, costs and income streams. Also, the environmental component and environmental restrictions were added as one of the new dimensions to the business model of charities. In each of these components, explanations were provided according to the obtained themes, and the organizing themes were briefly described in each one.After examining the background of the research, it was found that the present article is different from previous studies. The difference is in creating a new framework for fundraising in charitable organizations on the World Wide Web (Internet). This is the main innovation of the current research and makes the current article uniquely different from previous research. This new framework allows charities to fundraise more effectively and efficiently. Unlike previous research that focused more on traditional and non-online methods, the current research has investigated and analyzed in the global network space and presented a comprehensive and innovative model for charity activities in the global network. This model can be used as a practical guide for charitable organizations and help to improve their performance and increase their productivity. 
