
با توجه به نوسانات اقتصادی و تأثیر امور خیریه و وقف بر ارتقای سطح اجتماعی و اقتصادی جوامع، این موضوع اهمیت زیادی پیدا کرده است. این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و بررسی روابط بین این متغیرها در میان خیران مدرسه ساز استان مازندران انجام شده است. در این راستا ابتدا با مرور تحقیقات پیشین، گویه های: تبلیغات رسانه، دین داری اسلامی، مشارکت در خیرات و وقف، و نگرش خیران شناسایی و سپس روابط بین متغیرها مشخص شد. برای جمع آوری داده ها، از پرسش نامه ای شامل چهار سازه و 22 سؤال استفاده شد. پس از حذف گویه های نامناسب، ضرایب مطلوب به دست آمد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل خیران مدرسه ساز استان مازندران بود. پرسش نامه ها پس از اطمینان از روایی و پایایی، در نمونه ای از این جمعیت توزیع شد و در نهایت، 324 پرسش نامه  سالم جمع آوری شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها و تعیین روابط بین متغیرها، از مدل معادلات ساختاری استفاده شده است. یافته ها نشان می دهد که نگرش خیران در رابطه بین تبلیغات رسانه، دین داری و مشارکت در امور خیریه و وقف نقش میانجی دارد. همچنین، تبلیغات رسانه و دین داری بر مشارکت در امور خیریه و وقف و نگرش خیران اثرگذار است. 

The Effect of Media Advertising and Islamic Religiosity on Participation in Charity and Endowment Considering the Mediating Role of Benefactors' Attitude Among Benefactors of Schools

Introduction The endowment continues in all Muslim countries, including Iran, from the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) through Islamic caliphates and dynasties until today (Pasaribu & Kemora, 2024: 163). While endowments usually involve tangible assets such as land, there are also forms of charity that help individuals. On the other hand, health care and education have received a lot of attention in traditional and government programs. There are many measures to promote good things in Islam, such as zakat, charity, and endowment (Huda et al., 2022: 296(.Participating in charity is a voluntary act widely practiced in the early days of Islam and was recommended by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH( (Musahidah & Sobari, 2021: 67). Although the endowment is not mentioned in the Holy Quran, it contributes significantly to the nation's social affairs and economic development (Hassama & Ismail, 2023: 106). This voluntary action strengthens the spirit of brotherhood in Muslim societies, helps spread the true spirituality of Islam, and plays a vital role in facilitating education (Afaneh, 2024: 970). Throughout history, cash endowments have been necessary to implement many social welfare projects, such as building hospitals, and schools, and helping the underprivileged (Hassan et al., 2021: 1256).Endowment and charity cause motivation in the society and development of the nation's welfare and help the development of the society. Also, it is useful for empowering small businesses (Hassan et al., 2021: 1254; Aslam et al., 2024: 1502). Even in recent years, with the spread of the COVID-19 disease and its peak, as well as with the ban and restrictions on travel, the labor market was affected, many businesses were closed or stagnated, and faced with the uncertainties of the future (Amin et al., 2022: 2). At this time, many philanthropists around the world, with a sense of high social responsibility and unique moral potential, stepped forward to deal with the victims of the crisis and to provide peace of mind to the less fortunate, providing funds in various ways (Amin, 2022: 1020). However, despite the historical importance and potential of endowment and charity to promote constructive social change, there is still little knowledge about this topic in modern times. Islamic countries mostly have poor people (Aslam et al., 2024: 1501). Therefore, the effectiveness of the cash endowment program can help reduce poverty (Shabbir et al., 2020: 39164). In recent years, researchers, decision-makers, and practitioners have become more interested in investigating people's attitudes regarding participation in charity projects (Kasri & Chaerunnisa, 2022: 1335). To fully use the potential of charity as a sustainable tool to solve urgent social and economic problems in Muslim societies and beyond, it is necessary to understand the attitude of benefactors (Jain et al., 2023: 773; Aslam et al., 2024: 1500). In the meantime, the role of media advertising spreading religious information, and emphasizing the human aspect and altruism in doing good deeds is very important to influence the attitude of benefactors towards the participation of these people in charity affairs. Therefore, the current research was conducted to investigate the effect of media advertising and Islamic religiosity on participation in charity and endowment, taking into account the mediating role of benefactors' attitudes. Research MethodologyTo collect the information needed in this research, in the field of research literature and theoretical foundations, library studies and information are used, and questionnaires are used to collect field data. The statistical population in this research is the benefactors of Mazandaran province with the number of 2 thousand and 34 people, and by using Cochran's formula to determine the number of samples, the number of 324 correct and complete questionnaires was obtained without any problems. Sampling was done using a simple random method. The questionnaire distributed among people was a researcher-made questionnaire with 4 constructs and 22 questions which was collected from numerous articles and arranged in the form of a questionnaire. In this research, to check the validity of the questionnaire, the method of face and content validity was used by calculating Lawshe`s Content Validity Index. Cronbach's alpha coefficient, combined reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) were used to check the reliability of the questionnaire. Analysis of the obtained data was done using SPSS26 and SMART-PLS4 statistical software. Also, the structural equation model was used to check the relationships between variables and research hypotheses. Research FindingsThe model obtained from the literature review was presented quantitatively and based on the data collected using a questionnaire designed in the form of a 5-item Likert scale. The designed questionnaire was distributed among school donors from different spectrums of gender, age, and education, who answered each of the questions from very little to very much. All the variables were abnormal, the average of all variables was higher than 3, and since the questionnaire had a spectrum of 5 options, it indicates the agreement of the majority of the respondents with the items of the questionnaire. To check the validity of the structure, first, the value of the factor loading and the significance of the factor loading (T-statistic) of all the items in the questionnaire were determined to be appropriate, and after removing the inappropriate items, the value of the average variance extracted (AVE) was finally obtained. These results show that the predictive power of the model regarding these variables is optimal. Donors' attitude plays a mediating role in the relationship between media and religiosity with participation in charity work and endowment. Media and religiosity advertisements affect participation in charity and endowment, as well as the attitude of benefactors. Conclusion The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of media advertising and Islamic religiosity on participation in charity and endowment, taking into account the mediating role of benefactors' attitudes among the benefactors of Mazandaran. Considering the mediating role of benefactors' attitudes in the relationship between media messages and religiosity with participation in charity and endowment is based on the paradigm of altruism and behaviorism and tries to show a suitable image of the concept of participation in charity and endowment among Muslims. Encouraging the education of doing good deeds and dedication from childhood, especially in families, and investing in the development of children's attitudes from a young age and the institutionalization of this positive attitude can have undeniable effects in the following years. It is appropriate that on the one hand, the media and on the other hand, the religious scholars and elders of the bazaar should promote charity in religious gatherings/ceremonies or mosques. Most benefactors should be honored in official gatherings and publicize their behavior as great models of generosity so that this information creates a positive attitude among other industry and market leaders. 
