نقش صنعت حلال در پیشبرد تمدن نوین اسلامی با تأکید بر راهبردهای اقتصادی بیانیه ی گام دوم انقلاب (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
ظهور و گسترش تمدن نوین اسلامی به عنوان راهبرد کلان انقلاب اسلامی ایران، مستلزم به کارگیری ظرفیت های مادی و معنوی در جهان اسلام است. یکی از مهم ترین ظرفیت ها، سازمان دهی قدرت اقتصادی پویا و مستقل مبتنی بر آموزه های اسلام است که در بیانیه ی گام دوم انقلاب (توصیه سوم) شناسایی و تبیین گردیده است. رهنمودهای اقتصادی امام خامنه ای در توصیه ی سوم این بیانیه، نقشه ی راه روشنی را برای سیاست گذاران و برنامه ریزان در جهت تمدن سازی نوین اسلامی را ترسیم می کند. این پژوهش درصدد است تأثیر صنعت حلال بر تحقق راهبردهای اقتصادی تمدن نوین اسلامی را بر اساس فرمایشات امام خامنه ای در بیانیه ی گام دوم انقلاب بررسی نماید. بر این اساس، پژوهش مذکور با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی مبتنی بر تحلیل مضمون (آترید- استرلینگ) در نظر دارد به این پرسش پاسخ دهد که با توجه به راهبردهای اقتصادی بیانیه ی گام دوم انقلاب، ترویج صنعت حلال چگونه بر ظهور و پیشبرد تمدن نوین اسلامی تأثیر می گذارد؟ یافته های پژوهش حاکی از آن است که راهبردهای اقتصادی مقام معظم رهبری در توصیه سوم این بیانیه در دو سطح ملی و فراملی قابل تبیین می باشد و صنعت حلال نیز با افزایش تولید ملی، اقتصاد مستقل، مقابله با تحریم های ایالات متحده و تبدیل شدن به قدرت اقتصادی منطقه ای می تواند در ایجاد و شکوفایی آرمان تمدن نوین اسلامی تأثیرگذار باشد.The role of Halal industry in the advancement of new Islamic civilization emphasizing the economic strategies of the second phase of the revolution
Purpose: The aim of this research is to examine the influence of the halal industry on the realisation of the economic power of the new Islamic civilisation based on Imam Khamenei's statements in the second phase of the revolution. The emergence and spread of the new Islamic civilisation as the grand strategy of the Islamic Revolution in Iran requires the use of the material and spiritual capacities in the Islamic world; one of the most important capacities is the organisation of a dynamic and independent economic power based on the teachings of Islam, which was identified and explained in the second phase of the revolution (the third recommendation). Imam Khamenei's economic guidelines in the third recommendation of this statement draw a clear roadmap for officials and planners towards a new Islamic civilisation. In addition, by using their strategies, with a special focus on the link between theory and practise, to provide a roadmap for efficient and appropriate policy making in the economic category for the creation and prosperity of the new Islamic civilisation. The research question is that how does the promotion of halal industry affect the emergence and progress of the new Islamic civilisation? In answering this question, it was considered that the statistical society is the text of the declaration of the second step of the Islamic revolution, especially the statements of the Supreme Leader in the field of economics.Methodology: This research attempts to answer the question by applying the descriptive-analytical method based on thematic analysis (Atride-Sterling) according to the economic strategies of explaining the second step of the revolution: In the first step, according to the purpose and research question, significant statements in the field of economics were extracted from the originaltext and analysed under title of basic themes. These concepts were 36 themes. In the second step, the themes were organised according to the principle of proportionality and similarity and these concepts were divided into two groups. These themes are considered as the basis for the comprehensive theme (the economic strategies of leadership in the third recommendation of the explanation of the second step of the revolution). In the next step, after an overview of Iran's geopolitical capacities in halal trade, the influential components of the halal industry for the progress of modern Islamic civilisation at both national moreover, transnational levels were analysed.Findings: The research findings show that the Supreme Leader's strategies can be divided into two categories, namely the national sphere (emphasizing indigeneity) and the strategies in the transnational sphere (emphasizing extraversion), in four indicators: increasing national production, independent economy, dealing with US sanctions, and becoming a regional economic power. The way the original idea was explored has proven to be correct considering Iran's capabilities, including diverse and rich natural resources, efficient human capital, unique geographical location, superiority of transit routes, and jihadist spirit based on the values of the Islamic Revolution. The halal industry creates new markets for domestic products; the development of production infrastructure can lead to an increase in domestic production and contributes to an independent economy through the increase and development of non-oil exports. On the other hand, halal trade will significantly reduce the negative impact of US sanctions by providing the country with foreign exchange and creating synergy through halal food diplomacy; finally, branding halal products in Iran creates significant opportunities on the way to becoming an economic power in the region.Conclusion: The study of the research has shown that the halal industry has a positive impact on the implementation of the Supreme Leader's economic strategies to create a new Islamic civilization. Halal industry is capable of creating a favorable economic system in line with the ideal of modern Islamic civilization.Some practical measures such as providing export incentives for halal brand activists, requiring producers to comply with international quality standards and obtain the halal mark, international marketing training for exporters in the halal industry, industrialising and technologically improving the production process of halal livestock and agricultural products, identifying the needs and recognising the demand for halal consumption in the region and the world, and opening up new markets will lead to achieving a maximum share of this market.