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در تحلیل گفتمان با ارزیابی سطوح گوناگون متن، امکان دستیابی به برداشتی جدید و عمیق از متن فراهم شده و تعاملات زبان با ساختارهای فکری- اجتماعی کشف می گردد. پژوهش حاضر در تلاش است تا با تکیه بر روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با استناد به مکتب آمریکایی ادبیات تطبیقی، نظام گفتمانی دو تن از شاعران مشهور عرصه وطن سرایی در ادبیات عربی و فارسی را مورد بررسی و تحلیل تطبیقی قرار دهد. علی محمود طه (1949-1901م) شاعر معاصر مصر و عارف قزوینی (1933-1882م) شاعر معاصر ایران، دو شاعر هم عصر عرب و ایرانی هستند که در بیان و طرح اندیشه های ملی و مضامین مرتبط با وطن از جایگاهی درخور توجه برخوردارند. پرسش اصلی پژوهش این است که میزان کارآیی تحلیل گفتمان مدار در شعر پایداری علی محمود طه و عارف قزوینی تا چه حد است؟ یافته های پژوهش نشان از آن دارد که در اشعار هر دو شاعر از واژگان و بندهای خاصی در جهت برجسته سازی هویت ملی استفاده شده است که همه این ها در راستای تأکید بر وطن دوستی، دلتنگی برای وطن و حمیت ملی قرار دارد. این نتیجه نشان دهنده نزدیکی اندیشگانی دو شاعر و جهت گیری مشابه آن ها نسبت به کارایی وطن گرایی به عنوان ابزاری ارزشمند در راستای ایستادگی و مقاومت است.

Homeland Discourse Analysis in the Ali Mahmoud Taha and Aref Ghazvini Poetry

  Discourse analysis allows for a new and comprehensive understanding of the text by analyzing multiple aspects of the text, and the relationships of language with social-intellectual structures are also identified. The current study uses the descriptive-analytical approach and the American school of comparative literature to examine and analyses the discourse systems of two well-known patriotic poets in Arabic and Persian literature. Two contemporary poets from the Arab and Iranian nations, Aref Qazvini (1882-1933) and Ali Mahmoud Taha (1901-1949) respectively, have a distinct role in expressing and projecting national sentiments and issues relating to the homeland. The primary question of the study is how successful discourse analysis is in Ali Mahmoud Taha's and Aref Qazvini's poetry. The results of the study demonstrate that certain words and sentences are employed in both writers' poems to emphasize the national identity, all of which are consistent with highlighting patriotism, long for the country, and national pride. This outcome demonstrates the intellectual affinity between the two poets and their shared perspective on the usefulness of patriotism as a strategy for resistance and standing. extended abstract 1.Introduction The resistance discourse analysis offers the chance to look at resistance writings beyond sentence boundaries and to investigate the complex interactions between language and social institutions. According to this perspective, resistance discourse is viewed as a linguistic event that primarily consists of the messenger, receiver, message, and objective. One of the main subjects of resistance poetry, which practically all poets have addressed in different ways, is homeland. One of the major themes of this collection of poems is love for one's country. Other themes include a glorious description of one's country, lamentations over occupied and destroyed cities, a call to fight and stand against the enemy's seditions, and pride in one's country. The current study aims to identify the metatextual connections between Ali Mahmoud Taha and Aref Qazvini's poetry as well as the degree of openness and concealment of the linguistic system of the patriotic poems in the works of these two poets. It should be noted that the countries of the East share many similarities from the perspectives of religion, culture, and history in connection to the requirement of inquiry. The poetry of the two poets also demonstrates their shared religious, cultural, and literary heritage, which is another benefit of studying contemporary literature of both countries beyond simply getting to know these two remarkable figures in Persian and Arabic literature.   Research Method The analysis of the critical discourse of homeland, which is the third type of linguistic-discourse analysis, has been done in this study's research method, which is based on the comparison and analysis of the poems of two poets. Power and ideology are also highlighted as important metatextual prerequisites for discourse analysis. Since it emphasizes the way in which text and discussion reproduce social and political power, it contains the largest sociological component of any discourse.   Discussion Ali Mahmoud Taha lives life to the fullest extent possible and experiences life on a regular basis; as a result, his poetry is never the same and always fresh. In these lyrics, the poet exhibits a propensity for regional patriotism and expresses his profound sadness over the pillage of his homeland and the separation of his nation from its former affluence. Rewriting history is a highly significant topic that has gained a lot of attention in literature in recent decades, and the poet's use of words to address this issue in his poems demonstrates his high degree of nobility towards the issues of the day. Aref was renowned in his day as Iran's national poet. His poetry demonstrates his attachment to his own country in a number of ways, such as admiration for the race, ancient Iran and emphasis on its glorious past, mythological figures, and historical personalities, his long-standing ambition to build a republic, his resistance to outsiders, etc. It should be remembered that Aref's interpretation of the idea of homeland is also influenced by the circumstances of the era and its inhabitants. He uses language like this to emphasize the necessity for these individuals to unite. Aref's poems demonstrate that Qazvini fully believes in the republic and the sovereignty of the country based on the critical discourse analysis. He criticizes the kings and promotes the republic. One of his conceptual inconsistencies is that while praising the republic, he is searching for a savior hero. He recognizes the sovereignty of the people and honors the heroes of the people. In the poetry of Ali Mahmoud Taha and Aref Qazvini, the sadness of exile is a result of sociopolitical issues, personal challenges, the poet's mental and psychological characteristics, the influence of modernism and contemporary industry on human relationships and spirit, as well as other factors. According to an analysis of the critical discourse, one of the primary factors contributing to the exile's sorrow in these two poets' works of art is the rapid development of civilization and industry. Technology and industrial advancements have destroyed some of human bonds, emotions, history, sanctuaries, and values, along with the wealth and comfort they have delivered to humans. And in the face of civilization, it has made individuals increasingly frightened, leading them to seek solace in their past and regrettably recall it in order to get over their fright and loneliness.    Conclusion From the perspectives of both poets, the homeland is the whole country of Iran as well as all the Arab nations, with all their traits and the ups and downs they have experienced. Ali Mahmoud Taha and Qazvini used words with epic significance and battle and blood imagery to describe the sad realities of their nation. They have given particular consideration to ideas like patriotism, homeland, desire for home, and national pride in this respect, so that the conceptual metaphor of their poetry is built on standing and stability against the aggressor enemy. This outcome demonstrates the two poets' intellectual compatibility and shared perspective on the usefulness of patriotism as a strategy for resistance and stubbornness. The discourse analysis of two poets reveals that the majority of their poems are filled with harsh critiques of politicians and the primary factors contributing to the disordered condition of society. The structure of Mahmoud Taha's and Aref Qazvini's poetry reveals that both writers steer clear of fanciful and ambitious phrases and strive to make their points as plainly and simply as possible. Their poems might be included in the literature of protest, since they adopted the language of the general populace and conveyed their message in a way that was clear, straightforward, and distant from creative or poetic ambiguity. Several styles have been utilized in the poems of two writers to emphasize the identity of "self" from the standpoint of discourse analysis. 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