
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یلفتنا دراسه الأساطیر والأعمال الأدبیه القدیمه والحدیثه، أنّنا نقرأ قصصاً موضوعها الصراع بین الأقارب؛ وخاصه بین الابن والأب. یعبّر عن هذا الموضوع بأشکال عدّه منها: الأسطوره والمأساه والسرد الدینی والملحمه والخرافه. وهی قریبه من بعضها البعض فی العناصر، والبنیه ولدیها فی الوقت عینه خصائصها الخاصه التی تقسّم بها وتمیّزها عن غیرها، لذلک نظراً لأهمیه هذا الموضوع، تشیر الدراسه هذه، إلی دراسه الابن والأب فی القصتین؛ قصه رستم وسهراب من قصص شاهنامه الفارسی وقصه بدر الدین وعجیب من قصص ألف لیله ولیله العربی. وبما أنّ هاتین القصتین تمثلان نوعین مختلفین من الأدب. اعتمدنا فی هذه الدراسه علی المنهج التحلیلی- الوصفی حسب منهج المقارنه علی طریقه المدرسه الأمریکیه فی الأدب المقارن. یمکننا رؤیه الهیکل العام للقصتین من خلال الترکیز علی موضوعهما وهو دراسه الابن والأب، علماً بأنّ أحدهما یمثل مأساه والأخری هی أسطوره. تشیر نتائج دراستنا إلی أنّ القصتین اشترکتا فی توظیف عناصر القصه، وتشابهت فی بدایتهما وفی التنویر النهائی أمّا الاختلاف فی کیفیه المعالجه التی بدات قضیه وطنیه عند سهراب، وفی حین بدات صراعا شخصیا عند عجیب، فخاتمه قصه رستم وسهراب تراجیدیه مأساویه بعد أن عرف الأب ابنه وقصه بدر الدین وعجیب کانت نهایتها مفرحه سعیده. وفی النتیجه لاتخلو القصتان معاً من الفوائد التعلیمیه والأخلاقیه.

The son and the father in “Rostam and Sohrab” and “Badr al-Din and Ajib” (A study of their elements)

Research on myths and old or new literary works leads to stories about the battle between relatives, especially the battle between the son and the father. These stories have emerged in multiple genres including, myths, tragedies, epics, and religious narratives. When it comes to form and structure, they have a lot of similarities, however, they are significantly different in their particular characteristics that distinguish them from others. For instance; the story of Rostam and Sohrab in Shahnameh and the story of Badr-al-din and Ajaib from the stories of One Thousand and One Nights which belong to two different literary types. This research, considering that one is a tragedy and the other is a myth, examines their similarities and differences. This research is conducted using an analytical-descriptive method and is based on the American school of comparative literature studies. It. Precisely, targets the general structure of the two stories by emphasizing the subject of the son-father battle. As the findings have indicated, the two stories are similar in elements and some themes Such as the anonymity of the father, marriage for one night, the absence of the father and searching him, the quarrel between the son and the father, etc. However, the difference between the two stories is in the manner of the quarrel. Additionally, the battle in the story of Rostam and Sohrab is a national issue, but in the story of Badr-al-din and Ajib, it is considered as a personal issue. In the story of Rostam, the proposal of marriage is by a woman means Tahmineh and ,finally, the two stories are full of educational, training and moral benefits.
