
نظر به اهمیت مردمی سازی حکمرانی در تجربه جمهوری اسلامی ایران، مقاله حاضر با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با تکیه بر گزارش ها و پژوهش های صورت گرفته در باره این دو و با تحلیل مفهومی وقف، به نسبت سنجی وقف و حکمرانی مردمی می پردازد. تحلیل مفهومی وقف نشان دهنده نسبت معنادار وقف و حکمرانی مردمی دست کم در سه زمینه است. مردمی سازی حکمرانی متوقف بر اثبات حق مشارکت مردم در امر حکمرانی است که بر پایه ظرفیت مفهومی وقف امکان پذیر است. همچنین، وقف از قلمرو گسترده ای برخوردار است و با ورود وقف به عرصه های اجتماعی به منظور تأمین اجتماعی و تحقق عدالت اجتماعی، امکان توسعه مشارکت مردم در امر حکمرانی فراهم می شود و درنهایت، وقف موجبات تداوم مشارکت مردم در امر حکمرانی را ازطریق در پیش گرفتن الگوی مشارکتی مردم در تولیت وقف فراهم می سازد. مقاله حاضر با توجه به چنین یافته هایی، الگوی مدیریتی با ویژگی های مستقل بودن، مردمی/مدنی بودن، غیرانتفاعی بودن، داوطلبانه بودن و شراکتی بودن را برای اداره وقف پیشنهاد داده و به این نتیجه رسیده است که بهره گیری از وقف در مردمی سازی حکمرانی با چنین الگویی، ممکن به نظر می رسد.


Waqf (endowment) and participation in popular governance

Introduction The research on Waqf (endowment) has a long history, especially from a jurisprudential and sociological point of view. However, so far, the relationship of waqf with governance has not been addressed. What is of great importance is the analysis of the conceptual and structural capacities of waqf for the realization of popular governance. In this regard, the question of these capacities for the transition from non-popular governance to popular governance seems to be fundamental. In response to this question, this article investigates the claim that Waqf has a suitable conceptual and structural capacity for this transition. Waqf has a suitable capacity for the formation and promotion of popular governance, both in terms of the related conceptual words and jurisprudential arguments related to it, as well as in terms of dense historical experience in its structure and how to administer it. Referring to jurisprudential and non-jurisprudential texts and sources about waqf, the author describes the concepts and teachings related to it, and finally analyzes the conceptual and structural capacity of it for the popularization of governance. This analysis is necessarily within the framework of Islamic and structural waqf regulations and considers these regulations as the premise of its analysis. In this regard, after referring to the concepts that make up the conceptual framework of the article and explaining the methodological model, first, the capacity of waqf in proving the right of people's participation in governance, then its capacity in developing people's participation in governance, and finally its capacity in continuing people's participation in governance will be reviewed.   Research Methodology   Explaining the relationship of waqf with popular governance requires a suitable method that can explain the ratio of the two by extracting the conceptual capacity of waqf. Hence, a descriptive-analytical method is used in this article. For this reason, relying on reports and research about waqf, the article analyzed the concept of waqf to explain its relationship with popular governance. The mentioned method has highlighted the importance of the concept of participation as an intermediate concept through which it has explained the meaningful relationship between waqf and popular governance. Therefore, in this article, waqf is considered an independent variable and popular governance a dependent variable, and the impact of waqf on governance is investigated through the intermediary variable of participation.   Research Findings Popularity of governance entails the right of people to participate, and thus, the concept of waqf from a religious point of view leads to the generation of people's right to participate in governance. In fact, by using the conceptual capacity of waqf, it is possible to argue about the participatory nature of governance and conclude that waqf can propose the theoretical foundations necessary to move from non-popular governance to popular governance. With the development of people's participation through waqf, the position and role of the people in the realization of social justice are strengthened, and as a result, their position and role in governance are enhanced. In this case, waqf becomes one of the most important factors in the popularization of governance. The proposal of this article is the model of people's participation, based on which the organization of waqf and charity affairs should be placed in the position of policy-making and monitoring and create several managerial and executive models in the administration of waqf. From this point of view, as under the supervision of this organization, natural persons undertake the management of endowments as waqifs and trustees, this organization can create the basis for the realization of the people's participation model in the matter of waqf, and in this way, the continuation of people's participation in the waqf will happen.   Discussion and conclusion People, as the owners of governance, have common rights in the matter of governance, and as a result, the ruler is only placed in the position of trustee or custodian of the waqf. Therefore, the ruler cannot have a proprietary possession in the matter of governance, because such a possession causes the rule to become tyrannical, which is against the teachings of religion. The result of such a perception is to prove the right of people to participate. The popularity of governance entails the right of people's participation, and thus, the concept of waqf from a religious point of view leads to the generation of people's right to participate in governance. Also, according to the new needs, the development of the waqf area can develop the area of ​​popular participation. Currently, the development of people's participation in the matter of waqf requires the development of waqf expenditures in the fields of education, culture, welfare, economy, health, etc. What, however, seems necessary, is the prioritization of waqf expenses according to the main needs of society. From this point of view, it seems that "social justice" is one of these priorities that the capacity of waqf can be used to realize and thus help popularize governance. This connection seems clear from this point that social security leads to the general authority of the society, thus governance becomes efficient. And finally, the history of Waqf has such a capacity that it is possible to rely on it to ensure the continuation of popular participation in governance. As long as people and popular institutions are the main trustees of waqf in various public areas of society, governance will enjoy the nature of the people. Meanwhile, the role of governments will not be to take over the waqf but to facilitate people's participation in it. Through waqf, people can play a role in many public affairs of society as a partner of the government in the matter of governance Based on this, it can be concluded that Waqf, both conceptually and structurally, has a suitable capacity for popularizing governance. Waqf has a popular character and entrusting at least a part of it to the people can play a significant role in popularizing governance.
