
From past to present, there have been many differences among Islamic thinkers about the quiddity of Mutashābih and its Ta’wīl in the Qur'an. Each of these thinkers has spoken on this subject according to their profession and method. In the meantime, the view of "Shari’at Sanglaji" is remarkable. Sanglaji, who is known for his modern thinking and inclination towards the Qur'an-sufficiency, believes that Qur'anic similarities mean the end of the matter and include only occult concepts. The general public is unable to comprehend similarities due to its preoccupation with tangibility. Leading research with a descriptive-analytical method tries to discuss some aspects of Sanglaji’s theory while accurately reporting his point of view. The result of the research shows that Sanglaji’s view does not have the necessary accuracy and credibility, because Mutashābih i.e. the similarity does not only include occult concepts but also material concepts. The result of this research is used in the field of Qur’anic research and interpretation.
