An Extended View of Hermeneutics: Implications for Language, Discourse and Pedagogy
فصلنامه حکمت و فلسفه ۱۳۸۴ شماره ۴
49 - 67
حوزههای تخصصی:
Philosopl:y in its broad sense constitutes the origin and foundation of almost each and every discipline ive observe in today's world. Despite the focal influence philosophical unde1pinnings have on an ensemble of ideological and epistemological issues in our life, this branch of human knowledge is not welcomed the 1vqy it deserves f?y the administrators of a number of disciplines. One such field o.f stucfy is the area of language teaching in ivhich philosophical concerns are left near/y intact. The present article is aimed at recapitulating the mqjor impact a partial acquaintance nitb philosopl!J can have on our general conceptualizations particular/y as it concerns Language and pedagogy. In so doing, a brief introduction is made, at the outset, to the tuo principal divisions of philosopl:y, i.e. ana/ytical and continental philosopl?J. The concept of bermeneutical thought is then presented as an issue relevant to the school of continentalphilosopl?J, and the vieivpoints of several celebrated progenitors and pioneers of this sub-branch of philosopl:y, i.e. hermeneutics are dimmed. An attempt is made, aftenaards, to introduce some traces of hermeneutics in linguistics and some of its main sub-branches inclttding pragmatics, critical discourse analysis andp.rychological studies. In the encl a brief account is given of some practical advantages of a .familiarity with these philosophical concepts in pedagogical terms