مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه

Market risk


Studying the Effects of Related Factors to Risk on Shareholders’ Equity Cost by Considering Earnings Quality for Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Market risk Size risk Book risk to market Earnings risk Earnings Quality shareholders’ equity cost

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۱۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۸
cost by considering earnings quality for accepted companies in Tehran StockExchange. This survey investigates a population of 76 companies during the timeperiod of 2009-2014. The results show that under high earnings quality, the marketrisk factor, the book risk to market factor, and the size risk factor have positiveeffects, and the profit risk factor has negative effects on shareholders equity cost.

Asymmetric Reaction of Investors to Market Risk, Illiquidity Risk, and Credit Risk: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Market risk Illiquidity Risk Credit risk Asymmetric Reaction

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۷
The relationship between risk and return is not symmetric under different circumstances. As the prospect theory describes, the value function which passes through the reference point is steeper for losses than gains (asymmetric risk appetite). But such an asymmetrical risk aversion could be traced in different periods of investment and market boom and bust cycles behind the reference point. Moreover, investors’ asymmetric behavior is different regarding various risks, such as market risk, illiquidity risk, and credit risk. This paper examines the asymmetric investors' reaction to various risks in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) both in recession and growth from 2011 through 2016. Evidence reveals that although all three kinds of risks are relevant, especially illiquidity risk, risk factors’ explanation power in the bullish market is less than the bearish one. This indicates that investors tend to show an asymmetric reaction to risk in up and downswing markets. The asymmetric behavior is also predominant due to investors’ weak attention to the market risk in a growing market in opposition to a recessive market condition that turns out to be an important risk consideration. The results of this study can help investors to consider asymmetrical behavior effect when they are making their minds on investment decisions.

Market Risk Recognition by Different Models in Listed Banks of Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Market risk Value at Risk GARCH model Monte Carlo method Historical simulation TSP method

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۹ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۷
One of the most important methods employed to measure the market risk is value at risk calculation method. In this study, the value at risk of banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange and Over-the-counter (OTC) are calculated using parametric model, Monte Carlo simulation, historical simulation and Two-Sided Power (TSP) Distribution. The sample includes all listed banks in Iran. The results showed that the value at risk estimated by TSP and historical models is more accurate than the VaR estimated by Monte Carlo and GARCH models. TSP model and then historical model are more accurate than the other ones. Moreover, GARCH is the least accurate model. So far, no research has been conducted to investigate all four models of value at risk assessment. JEL Classification: E5, E58, J21

Does the Merger of Banks Reduce Operational and Market Risk?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: merger Operational risk Market risk Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۷
The objective of banks’ policymakers is risk management. Merging of banks is a method to improve risk management. Operational risk and market risk are two of the most crucial risks for banks, serving as the foundation for other risks. Therefore, the management of these risks is important. Iran merged five banks in 2017. One of the concerns of this program’s administrators and banking researchers is whether the merger of banks can enhance the management of operational risk and market risk. To answer this question, this article investigates the short- and long-term effects of bank mergers on operational risk and market risk using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. To measure operational risk and market risk, we used the Basel Committee’s guidelines and Sepah Bank’s financial statement data for 2011-2022. For the purpose of measuring the integration of banks, a dummy variable has been considered, during the 2011-2017 that it is one and it is zero before 2011 and after 2017. Results indicate the merger of banks increases operational risk in the short- and long-term, while market risk increases in the short-term and decreases in the long-term. Investing in assets ratio has little impact on operational risk, but can reduce market risk. The relationship between the increase in deposit interest rate and operational risk is negative, while there is positive relationship between market risk and deposit interest rate.

Portfolio Optimization under Varying Market Risk Conditions: Copula Dependence and Marginal Value Approaches(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Asset Portfolio Extreme Value Theory Copula Market risk

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۷
This paper aims to investigate the portfolio optimization under various market risk conditions using copula dependence and extreme value approaches. According to the modern portfolio theory, diversifying investments in assets that are less correlated with one another allows investors to assume less risk. In many models, asset returns are assumed to follow a normal distribution. Consequently, the linear correlation coefficient explains the dependence between financial assets, and the Markowitz mean-variance optimization model is used to calculate efficient asset portfolios. In this regard, monthly data-driven information on the top 30 companies from 2011 to 2021 was the subject to consideration. In addition, extreme value theory was utilized to model the asset return distribution. Using Gumbel’s copula model, the dependence structure of returns has been analyzed. Distribution tails were modeled utilizing extreme value theory. If the weights of the investment portfolio are allocated according to Gumbel’s copula model, a risk of 2.8% should be considered to obtain a return of 3.2%, according to the obtained results.

تحدید وتصنیف أنواع المخاطر فی صناعه المصارف فی إیران(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۶۶ تعداد دانلود : ۶۰
إنّ التغییر فی أشکال وطرق عمل المصارف والدخول إلی أسواق جدیده وتغییر طبیعه الأنظمه المصرفیه من التقلیدیه والکلاسیکیه إلی المصارف الإلکترونیه، وکذلک ظهور التکنولوجیا المالیه والشرکات المبتدئه فی صناعه المصارف من جانب، وفقدان رؤیه شامله وجامعه فی مجال تحدید والسیطره علی المخاطر من جانب آخر زادت من قلق البنوک ومخاوفها من الأزمات الاقتصادیه وما قد ینجم عن فقدان الرؤیه الواضحه من المستقبل. وما هو واضح وجلی إن حجم التغییرات والتطورات فی هذا المجال لا تنم عن مستقبل هادئ ومطمئن بالنسبه للمصارف والبنوک، علی هذا الأساس فإن البنوک یجب أن تزید جهودها ومساعیها من أجل مواجهه هذا المستقبل غیر الهادئ. یحاول البحث الراهن تقدیم تصنیف جامع من أنواع المخاطر فی صناعه المصارف فی إیران. عینه البحث تتکون من مراجعه 30 شخصا من الخبراء والمتخصصین فی مجال صناعه المصارف فی إیران وفق طریقه أخذ العینات علی أساس الاستبعاد المنهجی. تم الحصول علی عشرین مؤشرًا نهائیًا لتصنیف المخاطر فی الصناعه المصرفیه من 68 مکونًا مستخرجًا من مراجعه الأدب النظری للبحث، عن طریق تکرار طریقه دلفی ثلاث مرات فی الفتره 1399-1400. ووفق النتائج التی توصلنا إلیها فإن التصنیف المقترح شمل المخاطر المالیه، والمخاطر التشغیلیه، والمخاطر الاقتصادیه، والمخاطر السیاسیه – الاجتماعیه، والمخاطر التطبیقیه، والمخاطر المعرفیه والتکنولوجیه. أظهرت نتائج التحقق من الصدق وفق طریق دلفی أن معامل ألفا کرونباخ للمرحله الثالثه کان یساوی 0.899 ودل ذلک علی أن جمیع المؤشرات کانت داله وصحیحه، کما دل علی وجود مستوی عالٍ من الإجماع بین خبراء الصناعه المصرفیه حول هذه المخاطر.