
این مقاله به بررسی روش های شناختی و تأثیر آن ها بر تغییر و شکل دهی نگرش افراد از منظر آموزه های قرآنی، با تمرکز بر دیدگاه های امام خامنه ای (مدظله) می پردازد. این مطالعه به تجزیه وتحلیل اصول و مفاهیم قرآنی مرتبط با شناخت از قبیل تفکر و تعقل و چگونگی کاربرد آن ها در پرورش نگرش های مثبت و سازنده در جامعه اسلامی می پردازد. امام خامنه ای نه تنها با الهام از قرآن نگرش های اجتماعی و سیاسی خود را شکل داده بلکه توانسته که نگرش های مردم را هم تحت تأثیر قرار دهد و از قرآن به عنوان منبعی غنی برای هدایت فکری و عملی افراد بهره ببرد؛ ازاین رو این مقاله در راستای معرفی شخصیت علمی و قرآنی مقام معظم رهبری، با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ای و با روش توصیفی و تحلیلی به بررسی راهبردهای شناختی مؤثر بر تغییر نگرش ها می پردازد. یافته ها نشان می دهند که راهکارهایی مانند دعوت به تفکر، توجه به عظمت خدا، ایجاد ناهماهنگی شناختی، توجیه شناختی، استدلال و برهان های مختلف، استناد به قرآن و سنت، الگودهی، معرفی عبرت ها و قصه گویی می توانند در تثبیت نگرش های مثبت و تغییر نگرش های منفی مؤثر باشند. این راهکارها به عنوان ابزاری برای تقویت ایمان، اخلاق و رفتار اجتماعی مناسب به کار می روند و نقشی کلیدی در تحول فردی و اجتماعی ایفا می کنند.

Analyzing and examining the cognitive strategies of attitude formation and change with an emphasis on the Quranic thoughts of Imam Khamenei (Madazlah)

This article examines cognitive methods and their impact on formation and change of individuals’ attitudes from the perspective of Qur'anic teachings, focusing on the views of Imam Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. This study analyzes Qur'anic principles and concepts related to cognition, such as thinking and reasoning, and how they are used to cultivate positive and constructive attitudes in Islamic society. Imam Khamenei not only shaped his social and political attitudes with inspiration from the Qur'an, but he was also able to influence people’s attitudes and use the Qur’an as a rich source for intellectual and practical guidance of individuals. Therefore, this article, in order to introduce the scientific and Qur’anic personality of the Supreme Leader, uses library resources and a descriptive-analytical method to examine the cognitive strategies effective in changing attitudes.The findings of this study show that there are strategies for forming and changing attitudes that can be divided into three categories according to the three components of attitude: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional strategies. These strategies also correspond to the three areas of learning, namely cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor in the psychology of learning.Psychological analysis of the Supreme Leader's Qur’anic thoughts shows that there are numerous cognitive strategies for creating or changing attitudes. These strategies are divided into several main categories: 1. Methods based on thinking and reasoning, such as calling for thinking and reasoning, paying attention to important matters, creating cognitive dissonance, and cognitive justification for the outcome of each task; 2. Methods based on reasoning and proof, such as logical reasoning and proof, argument by Sabr and Taqsim (examination), argument by Nafy and Ithbat (negation and proof), analogy and personification, and simile; 3. Citing the Qur’an and Sunnah which are in harmony with human nature, as well as being stable, permanent, unchangeable, comprehensive to all aspects of human life, trustworthy and highly respected by believers, so they can be help people to reform their opinions; 4. A method based on modeling successful and popular people, which motivates the individual to move towards self-improvement and develop more positive attitudes; 5. A method based on learning from lessons. According to this method fear of repeating others’ mistakes is one of the strong motivations for changing attitudes. For example, instructive stories from past peoples show the individual what factors, including what attitudes, caused their downfall and destruction; 6. Storytelling-based method. Stories, especially for children and adolescents, are a very effective tool for teaching moral and religious concepts because, along with the effects of modeling and learning lessons, they also have many emotional and sentimental aspects. In general, these findings show that the Supreme Leader’s Qur’anic thoughts emphasize the importance of using diverse cognitive methods to form and change attitudes. These methods, by focusing on thinking, reasoning, modeling, and learning lessons, can be effectively used to create positive attitudes and change undesirable attitudes.
