
«حقوق شهروندی» مجموعه مقررات و قوانینی است که در ابعاد حقوق مدنی، سیاسی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و قضایی جهت اتباع یک کشور به طور یکسان در نظر گرفته شده و این افراد در مقابل، مکلف به مساعدت مسئولانه در برابر جامعه سیاسی خود (دولت) هستند. جوهر بحث در موضوع حقوق شهروندی در مبانی نظری آن نهفته است و اگر در مسیر شناخت این مبانی غفلت ورزیم چه بسا در تحلیل قواعد مرتبط با آن به خطا رویم. چنانکه امروز تفاوت در نگرش فلسفی و مفهوم و غایت انسان و حیات بشری و ارزش های متناقض فرهنگی و اجتماعی حاکم بر تفکر قرآنی و تفکر مادی باعث شده است تا در مواجهه با مفهوم حقوق شهروندی تفاوت هایی پدیدار گردد. در این راستا، قرآن یک سلسله مبانی دارد که قوانین شهروندی خود را براساس آن اصول و مبانی وضع کرده است. باید دید بر طبق اصولی که از قرآن کریم و دستورات پیشوایان دین استنباط می شود، مبانی حقوق شهروندی چیست؟ ازنظر پیشینه، تحقیق پیش رو نوآورانه است و جنبه اصلی و جنبه های فرعی که مدنظر این تحقیق است در پژوهش های پیشین مورد توجه کافی و وافی قرار نگرفته و یافت نمی شود؛ درواقع تحقیقات حوزه «حقوق شهروندی» غالباً متمرکز بر مصادیق و قلمرو آن هستند مابقی نیز ورودشان از منظر محققان قرآنی نبوده است. یافته های این نوشتار که با روش توصیفی– تحلیلی و کنکاش در آیات قرآن و تفاسیر صورت گرفته، حاکی است مبانی حقوق شهروندی از منظر قرآن را می توان در سه محور: مبانی هستی شناسی، مبانی انسان شناسی و مبانی معرفت شناسی موردبررسی قرار داد.

The Basics of Citizenship Rights in the Perspective of Contemporary Qur’anic Researchers with Emphasis on the Views of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi

"Citizenship rights" are a set of regulations and laws that are considered equal for citizens of a state in terms of civil, political, social, cultural and judicial rights, and the citizens, in return, are obligated to provide responsible support to their political community (the state). The essence of research into the issue of citizenship rights lies in its theoretical foundations, and if we neglect to understand these foundations, we may make mistakes in analyzing the rules related to it as well. As is the case today, the difference in the philosophical position and the concept and purpose of man and human life, as well as the contradiction in the cultural and social values ​​that govern Qur’anic thinking and materialistic thinking, have led to the emergence of disagreements when confronting the concept of citizenship rights. In this regard, talking about the concept of citizenship and the foundations of rights arising from it in the Qur’an and Sunnah is of particular importance. By studying the Qur’an, and examining the conduct and words of the infallibles and religious leaders, it is quite evident that the observance of citizenship and human rights in Islam is regardless to ethnicity, tribe, or religion, and it has been strongly recommended and emphasized, so much so that one of the most important topics in Islamic literature and among the verses and narrations is the issue of citizenship rights. As for the foundations of “citizen rights,” their dimensions and angles, many discussions have taken place among thinkers in various fields of knowledge in recent decades, and many and varied discussions have been entered into by supporters and opponents of them. The Qur’anic researchers are among the intellectual groups whose opinions have always been important in cultural and social issues, including citizenship rights. Knowing their point of view, especially researchers who have a social and problem-oriented approach, including Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, on the subject of "Basics of Citizenship Rights" is very important, and rather necessary. This research aims to answer the question: What are the basics of citizenship rights according to the principles derived from the Holy Qur’an and the instructions of the religious leaders?The current research, in terms of background, is innovative, and neither main aspect nor subordinate aspects addressed in this research have not received sufficient attention in previous research or have not been researched at all. In fact, the researches in the field of "citizenship rights" often focuses on instances and their areas, or they have not been done from the point of view of Qur’anic researchers. As for the results of this research, which was conducted using the descriptive-analytical methode and investigating Qur’anic verses and their interpretations, it is that the basics of citizenship rights from the perspective of the Qur’an can be studied in three axes: ontological foundations, anthropological foundations, and epistemological foundations.
