انواع طنزهای موقعیتی در شعر حافظ (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
کنش های نامتعارف رفتاری در یک موقعیت متعارف، نوعی از طنز را پدید می آورد که نامش طنز موقعیتی است. حافظ استاد طنزهای موقعیتی است، چون به موازات تلاش برای رسیدن به اوج هنرنمایی های ادبی، حساسیت به موضوعات سیاسی و اجتماعی نیز از دغدغه های اساسی در زندگی و اشعار اوست. گونه های طنز موقعیتی در اشعار او بیش از طنزهای ادبی است. این موضوع نشان دهنده ی آن است که در عصر حافظ، رفتار شخصیت های سیاسی و فرهنگی به حدی تمسخرآمیز و تعجب انگیز و متناقض بوده است که شاعری چون حافظ و هم چنین عبید زاکانی، نیاز چندانی به آفرینش طنز به شیوه ی تصنعی در اشعار و آثار خود احساس نمی کرده اند. آن ها با تصویر واقعیت های جاری در جامعه، گونه های مختلفی از طنز را پدید آورده اند که نامش طنز موقعیتی یا رفتاری است. حافظ با خلق شخصیت های آرمانی چون پیر مغان و رند بازاری تلاش می کند تا ارزش های مقبول عرفی را به عنوان مناسب ترین جای گزین ها در برابر گفتمان های مسلط و منفور سیاسی، دینی و عرفانیِ حاکم بر جامعه، الگوسازی کند.Types of situational humor in Hafez's poetry
Unconventional behavioral actions in a conventional situation create a type of humor called situational humor. Hafez is a master of situational satire, because along with trying to reach the peak of literary performances, sensitivity to political and social issues is also one of the main concerns in her life and poems. There are more types of situational humor in his poems than literary humor. This shows that during Hafez's era, the behavior of political and cultural figures was so mocking, surprising and contradictory that poets like Hafez and Obaid Zakani did not feel much need to create humor in an artificial way in their poems and works. By portraying current realities in society, they have created different types of humor, which is called situational or behavioral humor. By creating idealistic characters such as Pire Moghan and Rende Bazari, Hafez tries to model acceptable common values as the most suitable substitutes against the dominant and hateful political, religious and mystical discourses ruling the society. Key words: Hafez, Ilkhanian, humor, situational humor, Pire Moghan, Rende Bisaman. Introduction: Humor is sometimes the weapon of those who want to fight with the hostility and unjust violence in a peaceful way and shout their disgrace in history. Humor is a tool of revenge in the hands of people who sometimes find harsh and critical speech not beneficial but harmful to themselves and the society and have no choice but to express their dissatisfaction with the existing situation, sometimes with sarcasm. or taunting and insulting, or humiliating and mocking, and sometimes they depict the reality by simply quoting and narrating the news or presenting the reality itself. Method: Hafez doesn't use sharp critical language or mockery against Amir Mubarez al-Din, whose decisive argument is bare sword and brutality. Because the first becomes a reason for his anger and the poet gets caught, and the second does not have the power to depict the depth of the tragedies committed by Amir Mubarez al-Din. His method to scandalize the tyrannical rulers and their corrupt associates is to directly narrate their hypocritical behaviors and unjustified prejudices and their illogical and ridiculous actions. Sometimes the behaviors, words, and ideas that emerge from people, without any change or appropriation, are considered a great example of natural and mocking humor. Many natural jokes are also classified as situational jokes. Discussion: Situational Irony is a synonym for Comedy of Manners, which is translated as Comedy of Manners in Farsi, and it is also an equivalent for Situation Comedy. This type of humor, as it often happens in fiction, literature and the world of reality are more focused on unusual actions and reactions in people's behavior, which often disrupts the current norms of society. It causes defamiliarization and habit-breaking in customs and habits. Hafez is one of the great creators of situational satires in Iranian literature due to his critical view of the three discourses of government, religion and mysticism, and his reliance on the discourse of customs and common people. Here we review some types of situational humor in his poetry. The types of situational humor in Hafez's poetry are: 1. the combination of subcultures and the combination of mystical, religious and customary culture and the creation of Rend's character with multi-type and conflicting behaviors and favoring a multi-voiced culture in the society because it is in conflict. With the single voice that governs the behavior of the political and religious power of the society causes humor. 2. Inversion in recommending behaviors against religion and mysticism and agreeing with common behaviors in traditional culture is an example of a society of opposites and contradictions, which is one of the main creators of humor. 3. Show opposing actions in four areas: A. Political and social issues. B. Belief values. C. Emotional behaviors. D. Thinking and ima