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تُعتبر العداله الاجتماعیه موضوعًا حیویا ومثیرا للجدل فی السیاق الاجتماعی والدینی خاصه وأن القرآن الکریم یحتوی على توجیهات ومبادئ تتعلق بالعداله الاجتماعیه؛ وذلک بالاستناد إلى النصوص القرآنیه وتفسیری المیزان وفی ظلال القرآن. یعمل هذا البحث على توضیح المفاهیم والمقومات الأساسیه للعداله الاجتماعیه وکیفیه تطبیقها وفقا للنصوص الدینیه. حیث فهمها الصحیح أمر حیوی للمجتمع وللدیانه الإسلامیه. فالعداله الاجتماعیه هی قضیه حیویه فی مجتمعاتنا، والتی تلعب دوراً کبیراً فی تحقیق التوازن والعداله بین الأفراد. من خلال البحث حول مفهوم ومقومات العداله الاجتماعیه وکیفیه تطبیقها وفقًا للتفسیر القرآنی، یمکن تحقیق فهم أعمق وأشمل لهذا المفهوم وکیفیه تطبیقه. سیتبع هذا البحث منهجاً یجمع بین تحلیل النصوص القرآنیه واستنتاجات تفسیری المیزان وفی ظلال القرآن. توصّل البحث إلی نتائج منها: اتضح أن دراسه العداله الاجتماعیه ومقوماتها من القرآن الکریم ذات أهمیه کبیره لفهم مبادئ الإسلام. تهدف العداله الاجتماعیه إلى تحقیق التوازن والمساواه فی توزیع الموارد والفرص. دراسه توجیهات القرآن حول العداله تساعد على العیش وفق مبادئ إسلامیه. تعزز دراسه العداله فهم مفاهیم الحق والعدل وکیفیه تطبیقها. توفر أدوات ومنهجیات لحلّ المشکلات الاجتماعیه وتحقیق التغییر وتدعم رؤیه مجتمع متساو وعادل وتعزز المشارکه لتحقیق ذلک.

The components of social justice and methods of applying them according to the interpretations of Al-Mizan and in the shadows of the Qur’an

Social justice is considered a vital and controversial topic in the social and religious context, especially since the Holy Qur’an contains directives and principles related to social justice. This is based on the Qur’anic texts, the two interpretations of Al-Mizan, and the shades of the Qur’an. This research works to clarify the basic concepts and components of social justice and how to apply them according to religious texts. Its correct understanding is vital for society and the Islamic religion. Social justice is a vital issue in our societies, which plays a major role in achieving balance and justice among individuals. Through research on the concept and components of social justice and how to apply it according to Quranic interpretation, a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this concept and how to apply it can be achieved. This research will follow an approach that combines the analysis of the Qur’anic texts with the conclusions of the two interpretations of Al-Mizan and in the shades of the Qur’an. The research reached results including: It became clear that studying social justice and its components from the Holy Qur’an is of great importance for understanding the principles of Islam. Social justice aims to achieve balance and equality in the distribution of resources and opportunities. Studying the Qur’an’s guidance on justice helps one live according to Islamic principles. The study of justice enhances understanding of the concepts of right and justice and how to apply them. It provides tools and methodologies to solve social problems and achieve change, supports the vision of an equal and just society, and promotes participation to achieve this. Keywords: The Qur’an, social justice, components, interpretation, balance, in the shadows of the Qur’an. Introduction: Social justice is considered a vital and controversial topic in the social and religious context, especially since the Holy Qur’an contains directives and principles related to social justice. This is based on the Qur’anic texts, the two interpretations of Al-Mizan, and the shades of the Qur’an. This research works to clarify the basic concepts and components of social justice and how to apply them according to religious texts. Its correct understanding is vital for society and the Islamic religion. Social justice is a vital issue in our societies, which plays a major role in achieving balance and justice among individuals. Through research on the concept and components of social justice and how to apply it according to Quranic interpretation, a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this concept and how to apply it can be achieved. Methods: This research will follow an approach that combines the analysis of the Qur’anic texts with the conclusions of the two interpretations of Al-Mizan and in the shades of the Qur’an. The research reached results including: It became clear that studying social justice and its components from the Holy Qur’an is of great importance for understanding the principles of Islam. Social justice aims to achieve balance and equality in the distribution of resources and opportunities. Studying the Qur’an’s guidance on justice helps one live according to Islamic principles. The study of justice enhances understanding of the concepts of right and justice and how to apply them. It provides tools and methodologies to solve social problems and achieve change, supports the vision of an equal and just society, and promotes participation to achieve this. Discussion: The advent of the Islamic law to achieve the goals and objectives and attract benefits and ward off corruptions and disasters in order to achieve happiness for all mankind in this world and the hereafter, and did not neglect the law to cover all aspects of people's lives, including the social and economic aspects. economic and social in Islamic societies, and when social justice is the great goal that Islam seeks to achieve, then all the methods and means that c
