
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


در عصر پساحقیقت، احتمال کذب خبر افزایش یافته است. هدف از این تحقیق ارائه راه حل هایی برای مقابله با اخبار جعلی است که در شبکه های اجتماعی منتشر می شوند. بدین منظور با استفاده از تحلیل گفتمان فرکلاف از کنش های گفتمانی اخبار جعلی که از 52 خبر جعلی که از اکانت های رسانه های بی بی سی فارسی و ایران اینترنشال در رسانه اجتماعی ایکس در اتفاقات موسوم به حوادث پاییز 1401 منتشر شدند، بهره می بریم. واکنش های گفتمانی به دست آمده از کنش ها که برگرفته از سطح سوم تحلیل گفتمان فرکلاف یعنی سطح تبیین که عبارت است از راه اندازی اکانت ایکس معتبر، کثرت گرایی رسانه ای، فعالیت رهبران افکار در شبکه های اجتماعی، سواد خبری و تحلیل اخبار فوری، راستی آزمایی، بازگرداندن دانش عمومی و اصل ابطال گرایی به رسانه و کنترل واژگان ایدئولوژیک با استفاده از نظریه انافام. مباحث مارپیچ سکوت، روایت ها و روزنامه نگاری تحقیقی، حفظ سرمایه اجتماعی و اعتماد عمومی با خارج کردن مخاطب از اتاق های پژواک در شبکه های اجتماعی.واژگان کلیدیشبکه های اجتماعی ایکس، اخبار جعلی، بی بی سی فارسی، شبکه ایران اینترنشنال، تحلیل گفتمان فرکلاف.

Discourse solutions to deal with fake news

Objective:Fake news has severely overshadowed the process of public awareness and trust, and has caused many damages to the foundations of governance and democracy. These include disrupting all democratic processes, holding healthy elections, practicing any kind of politics, creating disruption in any political and social developments, and even managing natural and social crises, weakening professional journalism, destroying the social communication system of human societies, injecting fake crises into the economy, and weakening the objective and psychological security of human societies. The emergence of these concerns has opened a new path of research to timely control and reduces the destructive effects of fake news on public opinion. One of these cases is the events that occurred in the fall of 1401 in the country, and mainstream media accounts such as BBC Persian and Iran International, while covering the events, also used fake news as a spice for reporting that the events had occurred and user feedback showed that they had not recognized the falseness of this news. To reduce the impact of fake news, the main goal of this research is to provide solutions obtained from discourse analysis. This is done through a discourse analysis of fake news published on X to answer the question of what discursive reactions are needed in these events to deal with fake news published by the X accounts of the BBC Persian and Iran International news networks. X social media was chosen because it has a news and reporting approach more than other prominent social media in Iran such as Instagram or Telegram, and as a microblog, it shares a greater share of the users' virtual interaction space with reporting.Method:Critical discourse analysis is often used to refer to Norman Fairclough's approach, because his approach is the most well-established method for research in the field of communication, culture, and society compared to others. This approach examines the relationships between verbal events and cultural, political, and social factors, but specifically emphasizes how discourse is influenced by ideology and how discourse influences power relations in society.The approach we use in this study is Fairclough's approach. Because by using this approach, we can answer the questions of this study. In his book (Critical Discourse Analysis), he states that: "I consider discourse to be an interconnected set of three elements: social action, discursive action (production, distribution, and consumption of the text), and text. The analysis of a particular discourse requires the analysis of each of these three dimensions and the relationships between them. Our hypothesis is that there is a meaningful connection between the specific features of texts, the ways in which texts are linked and embedded, and the nature of social action.”Findings:Reaction to “Launching a reliable X account”;Reaction to “Media pluralism”;Reaction “Activity of opinion leaders on social networks”;Reaction “News literacy and breaking news analysis”;Reaction “Fact checking”;Reaction “Returning public knowledge and falsificationism to the media”;Reaction “Controlling ideological vocabulary using NFM theory”.Results: The most important model that can be presented to combat fake news is the establishment of a media outlet with the characteristics of media outlets such as BBC Persian. A media outlet that can be important as a model not only for the country but also for the region. This establishment requires extensive research in psychology, sociology, political science, art, communication and journalism, social networks, technological developments and media economics. Currently, social networks are under the influence of standard and mainstream media in the matter of news; therefore, it can be argued that social networks are not considered a suitable and influential source of news in themselves, but rather with the support and reliance of mainstream media, they are able to broadcast and inform a large volume of audiences and users.Another suggestion related to the establishment of a standard media outlet is at least in social networks. Whether Iran can create a social media account with credible media frameworks that plays the role of a news agency on social networks to some extent, with millions of followers, is worth investigating. In other words, a mainstream media outlet not in the traditional media world but solely on social networks.Reflecting the public sphere in domestic media, providing conditions for media pluralism, both in content and type, the activity of opinion leaders on social networks (which seems to be possible today), teaching news literacy and breaking news analysis, teaching critical thinking about media content to members of society as a basis from schools, designing websites for verification and fact-finding, returning public knowledge and falsificationism to the media sphere, controlling ideological vocabulary using the NFM theory, and maintaining social capital and public trust by removing the audience from echo chambers on social networks.Keywords: Social Network X, fake news, BBC Persian, Iran International Network, Fairclough discourse analysis.
