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امروزه شرکت های دانش بنیان جایگاه ویژه ای در شکوفایی اقتصاد کشور دارند. این شرکت ها بویژه فعالان حوزه فناوری اطلاعات بانکی همواره با تغییر سلیقه مشتریان مواجه بوده و از طرفی نیازمند ارتقاء نوآوری در جهت بهبود مستمر خود هستند. یکی از راه های بهبود نوآوری در این سازمان ها بکارگیری دانش و جذب آن از طریق توسعه قابلیت شبکه سازی است. به همین منظور پژوهش حاضر درصدد بررسی تأثیر قابلیت شبکه سازی و نوآوری دوسوتوان با تأکید بر نقش میانجی گری کاربردهای دانش در شرکت های دانش بنیان حوزه فناوری اطلاعات بانکی برآمده استاین پژوهش از نظر هدف، کاربردی و رویکرد کمی دارد و از نظر ماهیت روش و گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی - پیمایشی است. جامعه هدف این پژوهش، 19 شرکت های دانش بنیان حوزه فناوری اطلاعات بانکی شهر تهران می باشد که تمامی بعنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. در این پژوهش روش تحلیل داده ها، آمار توصیفی و آمار استباطی به شیوه تحلیل روابط بین متغیرها از طریق ماتریس همبستگی، آزمون معادلات ساختاری و آزمون برازش مدل است.نتایج نشان داد قابلیت شبکه سازی بر نوآوری دوسوتوان، کاربرد جذب دانش و کاربرد تحول دانش تأثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد. همچنین کاربردهای جذب و تحول دانش بر نوآوری دوسوتوان تأثیر مثبت و معنادار دارند و نقش میانجی گر در رابطه بین قابلیت شبکه سازی و نوآوری دوسوتوان دارند و فرآیند اثرگذاری این دو متغیر را شفاف می کنند. بر اساس نتایج بدست آمده مدیران شرکت های دانش بنیان حوزه فناوری اطلاعات بانکی باید بر جذب دانش جدید و غیرمرتبط با پایگاه دانش فعلی خود از طریق قابلیت شبکه سازی و بکارگیری کاربردهای دانش به منظور اجرا و خلق نوآوری دوسوتوان اهتمام ورزند.

Investigating the Impact of Networking capability on ambidextrous innovation with the mediating role of knowledge applications (Case Study: Banking Information Technology Companies)

Aim and introduction: Knowledge-based companies are the engine of economic growth and development of a country. These types of businesses are very important for governments due to their special nature and the important contribution they have in creating jobs and economic growth and development of a country. A large amount of economic activities in developing and even developed countries are made up of small and medium-sized and knowledge-based companies. In our country, despite the appropriate capacity for technology growth, these types of businesses are developing. On the other hand, these businesses operate in very dynamic and competitive environments that face significant and often unpredictable technological, political and economic changes. For this purpose, the development of innovation has become one of the basic requirements for these businesses in order to survive and maintain their competitive position. One of the types of innovation that has become very important today is ambidextrous innovation. One of the ways to obtain the resources and knowledge needed by organizations to create and implement ambidextrous innovation is the networking capability. On the other hand, knowledge assimilation applications and knowledge transformation applications make the process of influencing networking capability on ambidextrous innovation clear. Knowledge applications make relevant and unrelated knowledge absorbed into the organization understandable for units. Based on this, the current research aims to investigate the relationship between networking capability and ambidextrous innovation with the mediating role of knowledge applications in knowledge-based companies in the field of banking information technology.Methodology: In terms of purpose, this research is applied and has a quantitative approach, and in terms of the nature of the method and data collection, it is descriptive-survey and in terms of time, it is a cross-sectional research. In this research, the library method has been used in order to collect theoretical topics and develop the conceptual model of the research. Also, a field study and data collection has been done through a questionnaire. To test the validity of the content of this research, with the aim of resolving possible ambiguities in the questions and to check the content validity of the questionnaire, a copy of the questionnaire was given to six professors of strategic management at Allameh Tabataba'i University, and after confirming the results, the questionnaires were distributed. Also, convergent and divergent validity methods have been used to check construct validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha measurement method and compound reliability. Cronbach's alpha values of all variables are higher than 0.7, so the questionnaire has the necessary reliability. The target society of this research is knowledge-based companies in the field of banking information technology in Tehran. Since 19 companies are active in this field and the society is the target of this research, all 19 companies were selected as a sample in this research. In this research, the method of data analysis is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by analyzing the relationships between variables through correlation matrix, structural equation test and model fit test.Findings: The results of this test show that: The maximum amount of work experience of the managers who participated in this research is between 5 and 10 years, which indicates the sufficient experience and knowledge of the majority of the participants of this research regarding the problem and the subject of the research. The highest frequency is for companies with more than 10 years of experience. The age distribution of companies shows the presence of companies with relatively long working history next to new companies. Also, the data of this research have convergent and divergent validity and they had a normal distribution. The overall fit index of the model (GOF) also shows a number of 0.550. This value shows the very appropriate power of the model in predicting the endogenous current variable of the model. Finally, the results of the hypothesis test are as follows: The significance statistic between networking capability and ambidextrous innovation is equal to 7.334, which is greater than 1.96 and indicates the significance of the relationship between these two variables at the 95% confidence level. The significance statistic between networking capability and knowledge assimilation application and knowledge transformation application is equal to 13.198 and 16.775, which are greater than 1.96 and indicates the significance of the relationship between these variables at the 95% confidence level. The significance statistic between knowledge assimilation application and ambidextrous innovation is equal to 4.054, which is greater than 1.96 and indicates the significance of the relationship between these two variables at the 95% confidence level. The significance statistic between knowledge transformation application and ambidextrous innovation is equal to 4.268, which is greater than 1.96 and indicates the significance of the relationship between these two variables at the 95% confidence level. At least, sobel's test was used to check the mediator variable. According to the results of this test, the value of Z-value or the Sobel test statistic is equal to 2.414 for knowledge assimilation application and 3.112 for knowledge transformation application, which are higher than 1.96. Therefore, knowledge assimilation application and knowledge transformation application plays a mediating role in the relationship between networking capability and ambidextrous innovation.Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the results, in order to create and implement ambidextrous innovation in knowledge-based companies in the field of banking information technology, special attention should be paid to the development of networking capabilities in these companies. Managers of these companies should facilitate the process of applying foreign knowledge by developing networking capabilities. In the knowledge-based economy, knowledge-based companies in the field of information technology may gain access to external knowledge related and unrelated to their knowledge base through networking with their strategic partners. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge applications and facilitates the achievement of ambidextrous innovation. Managers of knowledge-based companies active in the field of banking information technology should pay special attention to absorbing knowledge through networking to create ambidextrous innovation. They should develop clear and applicable knowledge application processes and procedures (such as the application of knowledge acquisition and transformation) in their companies.
