شاخصه های سعادت بشر و میزان اهمیت هریک با تکیه بر احادیث طوبی (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
انسان دائماً در پی یافتن راهی برای نیل به سعادت ابدی است. در این میان، هر نحله و مذهبی طبق معلوماتش این مسیر را ترسیم نموده و سایرین را بدان دعوت کرده است. مسئله مهم اینجاست که آیا در اسلام نیز به طور جزئی به شاخصه های سعادت اشاره شده است؟ این نوشتار به روش تحلیل محتوا و با تشکیل جدول احادیث و شرح آن ها، حدود 2300 حدیث با ساختار طوبی را مورد کاوش قرار داده و می کوشد به این سؤال پاسخ دهد که شاخصه های سعادت بشر کدام اند و میزان اهمیت هریک به چه میزان است؟ دستاورد های این پژوهش نشان می دهد که احادیث طوبی را می توان در سه بازه زمانی تقسیم بندی کرد که به ترتیب تکرار شامل حال فرد، آینده و گذشته است. این سه بازه زمانی به عنوان مضامین سازمان دهنده و واژه «ذکر» به عنوان یک مضمون فراگیر است که دربرگیرنده همه آن هاست. «ذکر» به معنای یادآوری نعمت هایی است که خداوند در اختیار بشر نهاده و همچنین به این معناست که انسان دائماً متذکر حالات و عوامل مؤثر بر روح و جسمش باشد تا دچار یأس از گذشته، غفلت از حال و نسیان آینده نشود.The Indicators of Human Happiness and the Their Importance Based on Ţūbā Hadiths
Man is always looking for a way to achieve eternal happiness. Every sect and denomination draws this path according to their knowledge, inviting others towards it. Since the words of the Shiite imams originate from a divine source and are the best way to illuminate the path towards human happiness, through studying hadiths containing the Ţūbā structure and using modern research methods, this paper seeks to clearly and accurately examine the solutions to happiness and the importance of its elements and achieve reliable scientific results.
Materials and Methods
This article explores about 2300 hadiths with a Ţūbā structure by means of content analysis and by creating a table of hadiths and their description. It tries to answer the question, "What are the indicators of human happiness and how important is each of them?" It has chosen the content analysis method to analyze continuous descriptions with the word "Ţūbā". Although the usual ways of studying hadith texts, which are the main source of Islamic ethics, are useful and noteworthy, the basic questions about the role and guidance of ethical concepts of hadiths have been left unanswered. Therefore, choosing a new and interdisciplinary method in new formats will help to advance the goals of human resources. According to these points, the method of "content analysis" is considered a new step in the study of hadith texts. About 2237 hadiths were examined in order to obtain basic information and opinions of the Infallible Imams (as) about the criteria of human happiness, relying on the continuous descriptions of the word "Ţūbā", seeking to examine the opinions of some sociologists and scientists of the world in order to know other opinions and reach a useful conclusion in this regard. In the next stages, a table of hadiths was created to obtain a regular form to reach the final goal, which was an inclusive theme. Then, by removing the primary codes and sorting them and turning them into descriptive codes, an attempt was made to achieve single topics. In the next step, these descriptive codes become a series of primary themes that include several descriptive codes. The primary themes were also placed under an organizing theme and several organizing themes were placed under an overarching theme.
Results and Findings
Through carefully studying Ţūbā' hadiths and implementing different models using the theme analysis method, including forming a network of hadiths and analyzing it, a plan was reached in which hadiths are divided and discussed in three-time frames. These periods of time include three stages: past, present, and future, which a person will pass through during his life and go to the abode of the hereafter. Paying special attention to these periods and performance in relation to each will have a very decisive effect on a person's destiny.
1- Looking at the past 2- Looking at the individual and society 3- Looking at the future
The first point in this division is that the present tasks include almost 82% of all hadiths. In other words, a person should look for what duties he has in the present to ensure his happiness. Taking into account the social nature of human, contrary to the opinion of many thought schools that introduce man as a secluded being and away from society, it is worth noting that more than 22% of these hadiths refer to the relation and interaction of individuals with society. These relations are in such a way that benevolence and good influence in the society are more prominent than others. In the era when there was no name of psychology, the Imams mentioned the important issue of not delving into the past of others and not remaining in the bad memories of the past. Today it has been proven that one of the causes of depression and subsequent retardation in people's lives is dwelling on the past and repeatedly revisiting bad memories of the past. Two duties were mentioned in the past of man and they did not address other private issues of people. The first is to be born in a pure land that will be the basis of happiness, and the second is to look at past damages or in other words to compensate for past sins and losses. In the part of paying attention to the future, it is also important to note that no matter how many good deeds a person has during his life, without a final goal and motivation, he will probably reach emptiness. Paying attention to the criteria of happiness in the future is a lever that will put a person on this path, firstly, away from excesses and secondly, crookedness. Remembrance of death, attention to the resurrection or resurrection belief and attention to the appearance of the savior are three issues that should be considered in the future.
Through drawing the network of Ţūbā hadiths and analyzing them, these hadiths can be placed under the very important topic of "Remembrance" which includes paying attention to the past and mentioning its requirements, paying attention to the present duties and mentioning the requirements, and finally paying attention to the future and mentioning the duties related to it. "Rememberance" is considered as inclusive theme, which includes the organizing themes of the past, present and future. As the peak of the pyramid of indicators of happiness, remembrance is a driving factor to avoid stopping in the past, paying attention to the tasks of the present and remembering the goal and continuing the path.