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حکومت های ایرانی سده های میانه اسلامی (قرون 4 تا 9ق) با انواعی از نیازها و در عین حال چالش های سیاسی مواجه بودند. از این رو، سلاطین و متفکران پیرامونی شان از هر وسیله ای برای حفظ و تحکیم پایه های قدرت و غلبه بر موانع سیاسی و مشکلات احتمالی بهره می بردند. در همین زمینه رؤیا و تظاهر به خواب دیدن به عنوان ابزار برقراری ارتباط با مبدأ غیب و الهام از عالم قدسی ماورایی و در قالب پیشگویی مورد توجه آنان بود. این پژوهش به روش توصیفی تحلیلی در پی پاسخ به این پرسش بنیادین است که میان نقش پیشگویانه رؤیا و مشروعیت در سده های چهارم و پنجم هجری چه رابطه ای وجود دارد؟ یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهند مواجهه با چالش های مشروعیتی یکی از دغدغه های اساسی حکومت های ایرانی در این مقطع بوده و در همین زمینه القا و تبلیغ پیشگویی آینده سیاسی حکومت ها و رهبران آنان از راه الهامات غیبی و در قالب رؤیا در دستور کار صاحبان قدرت و متفکران قرار داشته است. تولد و در عین حال زنده ماندن رهبران آن هم در میان انبوهی از تردیدها، نیل ناباورانه به قدرت و تأسیس و تداوم حکومت و فرمانروایی، توسعه قلمرو، سرکوب و حتّی سقوط دشمنان و نیز برخورداری از عمر طولانی براساس تقدیر و سرنوشت و مطابق قضا و قدر الهی محتوای این رؤیاها با مضمون پیشگویانه بود. بسیاری از رؤیاها به آغاز شکل گیری حکومت حاکمان می پردازند که خود از دیدگاه توجیه قدرت گیری قابل تحلیل است. تعدادی نیز درباره اواخر حکومت ها و از منظر توجیه زوال آنان مطرح هستند. ضمناً برای رفع هر گونه تردید و در عین حال اثرگذاری بیشتر بر اذهان عمومی، استفاده از نمادهای پرمفهوم و در عین حال مؤیّد مفاهیم نهفته پیشگویانه در رؤیا در دستور کار قرار داشته است که البته با توجه به اشتراک قابل توجه رؤیاها در کاربست این نمادها، می تواند نشانی بر جعلی بودن آنها باشد.    

The Prophetic Role of Dreams and Political Legitimacy in the History of Iran from the 4th to 5th Centuries AH

Iranian governments during the medieval centuries used visions and prophetic dreams to set a connection with the transcendent and divine realm and pretended to be inspired by the sacred-spiritual world. Through a descriptive-analytical approach, the research addressed the fundamental question of the relationship between prophetic dreams function with political legitimacy during the 4th and 5th centuries AH Iran. It showed that dealing with legitimacy challenges was a key concern for Iranian governments during this period. Propagating future political events through prophetic inspiration in the form of dreams was integral to the agenda of those in power and surrounding elites. The birth and survival of leaders amid doubts, achieving seemingly implausible power, establishing and sustaining governance, territorial expansion, suppression of enemies, and even the downfall of their rule were all encompassed in the content of prophetic dreams during these centuries. Additionally, to dispel doubts and have huge impacts on public perception, using symbols with profound meanings embedded with prophetic concepts in dreams was a part of the agenda. However, given the significant overlap of applying these symbols in dreams, it is indicative of their forgery.   INTRODUCTION The history of Iran narrates the fact that people associated with politics and power would not stop at anything to gain, and maintain their political purposes. Periodically, they abused the most common practices of the people or their routine experiences, such as “dreams” to pursue and achieve them. The Iranian governments during the 4th and 5th centuries AH were in dire need of stating or approving frequent claims to power, defining and justifying critical political decisions, and measuring their situations. In this context, the sultans and their political elites benefited from the ancient and, at the same time, general beliefs that the public had already accepted regarding the matters of fate, destiny, and its relation to the cosmos, heavens, and astrology to acquire their political objectives. Therefore, it is possible to refer to “dream(s)” as a common practice of the people and as a means of belief for Iranians since the ancient times that the Islamic centuries accentuated and emphasized again. In the historical period in question, according to the political states, dreams were considered very influential by those in power and manipulated their functions for their political propaganda facet. METHODOLOGYThe research raises this fundamental question and tries to answer it: what is the relation between the prophetic role of dreams and power legitimacy in the history of Iran during the 4th and 5th centuries AH? In a descriptive-analytical way, we have scientifically discussed and investigated these dreams with prophetical meanings and their attribution to those in power and the elite group of politicians that had the same goals to follow. RESULT AND DISCISSIONPolitical legitimacy has been one of the main concerns of Iranian governments in the medieval centuries, especially in the 4th and 5th centuries AH. In this context, resorting to dreams, particularly prophetic dreams and those attached to a legend, became a penetrating tool to prove the legitimacy of power, and those who wield it tried to benefit from it with all their might. The dreams were considered a gateway into the unseen, and due to the influence of such belief and this vision on the Iranians and the sect-religious foundations supporting it, they were able to consolidate political power and overcome the challenges of legitimacy. In a general criticism of previous research, one must mention their lack of a theoretical framework, no partitioning or distinction between the dreams of those in power and those of the commoners, considering the dreams attributed to the political structure of power to be legit and only giving the mere description of the dreams. This research, while paying special attention to one of the political functions of dreams and that too in a specific period, has come to conclusions that dreams attributed to the ruling family were falsified in line with the pursuit of political interests of the governments of that era. CONCLUSIONThe Iranian governments of the 4th and 5th centuries AH benefited from the dream to gain and strengthen the legitimacy of their power and overcome its challenges during the mentioned period. In this regard, a significant number of prophetic and popular dreams were about the ancestors or the founders of their government. In the historiography parallel to them, there are stories of prophetic dreams mainly with the concept of a miracle birth and survival of the leaders against all odds, their reaching to power and foundation of dynasties with the divine support; their territorial expansions, vanquishing of the enemies, their long life, and even their fall. These contents indoctrinated the predestination of such events and helped to establish their legitimacy, with a theme and prophetic literature in the mentioned centuries.
