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تبیین مسئله: برای تصحیح و تکمیل آثار سنائی مراجعه به منابعِ جنبی ضرورت دارد، از جمله فرهنگ های فارسی. در این مقاله، ابیاتِ منسوب به سنائی در سیزده فرهنگِ اوّلیّه فارسی بررسی و نوزده بیتِ تازه او معرّفی شده است. روش: روشِ این پژوهش تحلیلِ استنادی است. نویسنده ابتدا به روش کتابخانه ای و برپایه سیزده فرهنگ فارسی ابیات منسوب به سنائی را استخراج کرده است. سپس با استفاده از روشِ تحلیلِ استنادی معلوم کرده است که هر کدام از انتساب ها چه وضعیتی دارد. در ادامه به ذکر نوزده بیت نویافته او پرداخته است که در آثار مُصَحَّحِ او موجود نیست. همچنین، به اختصار مواردی را که سهواً بیتی از دیگران به سنائی منتسب شده، معرّفی کرده است. یافته ها و نتایج: 1) برای تصحیح و تکمیل آثارِ سنائی، توجّه به شواهدِ شعریِ او در فرهنگ های فارسی ضرورت دارد. با بررسی سیزده فرهنگ فارسی از قرن هفتم تا سیزدهم هجری، در مجموع 1515 بیت (یا مصراع) یافتیم که به سنائی منسوب شده است و در میان آن ها نوزده بیت تازه یافتیم که در آثارِ چاپیِ او نیامده است. 2) صحّتِ انتسابِ شاهدهای شعری در فرهنگ های فارسی نِسبی است و گاهی بیتی را سهواً به شخصی دیگر نسبت داده اند. چنانکه در این سیزده فرهنگ سی و یک بیت و یک مصراع به خطا به سنائی منسوب شده و این خطا بیش از همه درباره اشعار سوزنی سمرقندی و هفت پیکر نظامی گنجوی رخ داده است. 3) در فرهنگ های فارسی، از میان آثار سنائی، بیش از همه به ابیاتی از حدیقه الحقیقه و سپس دیوان او استشهاد شده است. 4) آثارِ چاپیِ سنائی جامعِ همه اشعارِ او نیست.

Citation of Sana`i’s Poetry in Thirteen Persian Dictionaries and Introduction of Nineteen Newly Found Verses Attributed to Him

To correct and complete Sana`i’s works, it is necessary to refer to secondary sources, including Persian dictionaries. In this study, verses attributed to Sana`i in thirteen early Persian dictionaries are reviewed and his nineteen newly found verses are introduced. The method of this research is citation analysis, where, first, the verses attributed to Sana`i are extracted by the library method and based on some Persian dictionaries, and next, by applying the method of citation analysis, the status of each of the attributions is determined. His nineteen verses not available in his edited works are mentioned here. The cases where other verses are mistakenly attributed to Sana`i are introduced in brief. For critical editing and completing Sana`i’s works, it is necessary to resort to his poetic evidence in Persian dictionaries. By assessing thirteen Persian dictionaries from the 7 th to the 13 th century AH, a total of 1515 verses, are attributed to Sana`i is found, among which, his nineteen verses are absent in his printed works. The attribution of poetic evidence in Persian dictionaries is sometimes incorrect and a verse is mistakenly attributed to another poet. As in these thirteen dictionaries, thirty-one verses and one stanza are wrongly attributed to Sana`i. This mistake occurred mostly in the Suzani Samarqandi poems and Nezami Ganjavi's Haft-Peykar . In Persian dictionaries, among the works of Sana`i, the verses of Hadiqa t al-Haqiqah and his Divan are cited the most. Sana`i’s printed works do not represent all his poems. Keywords: Sana`i, Persian Dictionaries, Poetic Evidence, Citation, Newly Found Verses. Introduction Referring to secondary sources is one of the necessary tasks for the critical editing of Sana`i’s works, because a) in his manuscripts, intentionally or unintentionally, all kinds of intrusions and omissions are evident; b) he was not able to compile and edit Hadiqa al-Haqiqah , and sections are scattered among the enthusiasts since long ago; consequently, by searching deeper in secondary sources, it would be possible to correct some of his verses and reconstruct some of his missing poems. The Persian dictionaries are among the secondary sources for critical editing. In this study, by assessing thirteen Persian citations from the 7 th to the 13 th century AH, it is sought to answer the following three research questions: 1) What is the status of citing Sana`i’s poetry in Persian dictionaries, and which one of his works has received the most attention? 2) Which poetic evidence of Sana`i is not available in Persian dictionaries in his edited works? 3) Which of Sana`i’s poetic witnesses in Persian dictionaries are not of Sana`i and are mistakenly attributed to him? Method and Materials The method of this research is citation analysis, where first, the verses attributed to Sana`i are extracted through the library method, based on some Persian dictionaries, next, by adopting the citation analysis method, the status of each one of the attributions is determined and next, his nineteen verses, not available in his edited works are revealed. Findings The findings here reveal that: 1) By assessing thirteen Persian dictionaries from the 7 th to the 13 th century, we found a total of 1515 verses (or stanzas) are attributed to Sana`i, among which, 19 verses did not appear in his printed works. There exist reasons that support the attribution of some of those nineteen verses to Sana`i. 2) A total of 36 verses and one stanza from other poets like Adib Saber Termazi, Azraqi Heravi, Anvari Abivardi, Owhadi Maraqi Isfahani, Bana`i Heravi, Jamalu al-din Abd al-Razzaq Isfahani, Khaqani Sharvani, Soozani Samarqandi, Shah Ne`matollah vali, Shahid Balkhi and Kasa`i Marvazi, Kamal Ismail Isfahani, Latifi, and Nezami Ganjavi are mistakenly attributed to Sana`i, and this mistake has occurred mostly in the poems of Soozani and Nezami’s Haft-Peykar . 3 ) In Persian dictionaries, among the works of Sana`i, the verses of Hadiqa t al-Haqiqah and then his Divan are cited the most. Among the masnavis attributed to Sana`i, only Karname-ye Balkh , Seyr al-Ebad el al-Ma'ad , and Tariq al-Tahqiq are cited, among which, Karname-ye Balkh is of high stance. 4) Sana`i’s printed works do not contain all his poems while containing other poets’ poems. 5) In the old days, some scribes wrote "Sana`i" as "θana`i".  Discussion of Results and Conclusions 1) In the critical editing of ancient texts, especially poetic texts, it is necessary to refer to secondary sources like Persian dictionaries and assess all the poetic references therein, especially for critical editing and completing the works that the author himself did not manage to compile and edit, while, the sections of those works are scattered and published separately for a long time. For the critical editing and completion of Sana`i’s works, it is necessary to consider the citations of the lexicographers to him in Persian dictionaries. 2) The attribution of poetic references in Persian dictionaries is sometimes incorrect, that is the degree of accuracy of the words of the dictionary authors is not to the extent that their words can be accepted without any doubt, because sometimes they have attributed a verse to another person mistakenly or for different reasons, including the similarity of the spelling of the name or the similarity in style. This type of mistake is more obvious, especially with equal-weight poems.
