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تعارض مطلق و مقید از اقسام تعارضات ادله لفظی به شمار می آید؛ معمولاً مدلول آن دو در کلام دارای تنافی ظاهری، و مقتضای عمل به هر کدام متفاوت است. حسب رأی مشهور علمای علم اصول، در صورتی که مطلق و مقید هر دو اثباتی و ایجابی باشند، حل تنافی به صورت حمل مطلق بر مقید و یا حمل مقید به افضل افراد مطلق صورت می گیرد، اگر چه حدود اعمال این راهکار در خصوص احکام تکلیفی و وضعی گاه یکسان نخواهد بود. باری، سوال اصلی جستار حاضر این است که در صورت حدوث تنافی فیمابین مطلق و مقید در خطابات قانون گذار، قواعد حل تعارض علم اصول با چه تدبیری به حل آن خواهد شتافت؟ آثار مهم این بحث در رویه قضایی، پژوهشگران را بر آن داشته است تا با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و ضمن مراجعه به آراء علمای علم اصول و دکترین حقوقی، راهکاری برای جمع اطلاقات و تقییدات قانونی به جامعه علمی ارائه کنند. شرط اساسی برای احراز تنافی مطلق و مقید و حمل یکی بر دیگری، وحدت سبب و ملاک است. احراز ملاک در اصول فقه، یا از لفظ مطلق و مقید و تناظر آن دو نسبت به یکدیگر حاصل می شود و یا به واسطه قرائن خارجی علم حاصل می گردد که مقید ناظر به مطلق صادر شده است. به نظر می رسد در قوانین موضوعه، آن جا که مقید در کلام قانون گذار کاملاً ناظر به کلام مطلق سابق الصدور باشد، می توان وحدت ملاک را به علت وحدت در سبب حکم از نفس دو خطاب قانونی به دست آورد. اما احراز وحدت ملاک از خارج دو خطاب قانونی، صرفاً از طریق بیان مقنن و شیوه تقنین و آمره بودن قانون حاصل می شود. ارائه تدابیری نظیر نسخ مواد قانونی به جای حمل مطلق بر مقید و یا عمل به هر دو دلیل مطلق و مقید در صورت عدم احراز وحدت در ملاک، باعث تعدیل رویه قضایی خواهد شد.

Resolving the Conflict between Absolute and Conditional Affirmative Rulings in Islamic Jurisprudence and Statutory Laws

  Introduction The inherent complexity in interpreting legal texts is often exacerbated by conflicts that arise between absolute and conditional affirmative rulings. An absolute ruling, devoid of qualifications or constraints, carries a distinct interpretation compared to a conditional ruling that is subject to specific prerequisites or conditions. This dichotomy becomes especially pronounced in Islamic jurisprudence, where absolute and conditional terms possess particular meanings informed by Moqaddamat al-Hikmah (conditions altering the absolute meaning to a general one). The linguistic and jurisprudential understanding of absolute and conditional rulings necessitate careful interpretation to avoid contradictions and ambiguities in legal practice.     Within principles of Islamic jurisprudence [Usul al-Fiqh], scholars have rigorously debated the scope of Moqaddamat al-Hikmah, particularly when both absolute and conditional rulings appear to affirm each other in legal texts. This issue presents a significant challenge in imperative rulings, where adherence to the conditional can be viewed as recommended (but not obligatory) [mustahabb], thereby reconciling it with the absolute. In contrast, postural rulings, which pertain to the positive affirmation of both conditions, are less straightforward and reveal the need for a nuanced framework.     The application of these jurisprudential principles to statutory laws remains underexplored. The legislative language used in statutory laws often reflects both absolute and conditional directives, posing a challenge for interpretation, especially when positive affirmation is required. Thus, investigating the applicability of principles derived from Islamic jurisprudence to statutory laws becomes essential in addressing these conflicts.   Research Question The primary research question guiding this inquiry is whether the conflict resolution mechanisms developed in principles of Islamic jurisprudence for reconciling absolute and conditional affirmative rulings can be applied to statutory laws. Specifically, this research seeks to explore the challenges of extending these principles from the realm of Islamic jurisprudence to statutory law interpretation, particularly in cases where both absolute and conditional rulings are positively affirmed.   Research Hypothesis The hypothesis posits that the doctrinal principles established in principles of Islamic jurisprudence for resolving conflicts between absolute and conditional affirmative rulings can be effectively extended to statutory laws. By adapting these principles, it is anticipated that statutory law interpretation can be unified and standardized in a way that aligns with Islamic judicial practices, providing a coherent framework for legal practitioners. This unification is hypothesized to outweigh the challenges of reconciling these principles with the unique structure of statutory laws.   Methodology & Framework, if Applicable This research adopts a doctrinal approach, focusing on a critical examination of both classical and contemporary sources within Islamic jurisprudence and statutory law. The doctrinal method involves analyzing legal texts, judicial interpretations, and scholarly commentary to understand the principles governing absolute and conditional rulings. Key elements of the methodology include:     Literature Review: An extensive review of classical and modern principles of Islamic jurisprudence texts to identify the principles and definitions of absolute and conditional rulings. Special attention is given to works addressing Moqaddamat al-Hikmah and its interpretation across different Islamic jurisprudential schools.     Comparative Analysis: A comparison of principles found in Islamic jurisprudence with those in statutory law to identify similarities and differences. This analysis involves reviewing existing statutory laws to detect instances of conflict between absolute and conditional affirmative rulings.     Synthesis: Synthesis of findings from the literature review and case studies to develop a framework for extending Islamic jurisprudential principles to statutory law. This framework aims to reconcile affirmative absolute and conditional rulings within a unified judicial practice.     By combining these methodological elements, this research strives to produce a comprehensive analysis of the applicability of Islamic jurisprudential principles to statutory law, offering practical recommendations for legal practitioners.   Results & Discussion The research findings reveal significant nuances in resolving conflicts between absolute and conditional affirmative rulings within Islamic jurisprudence and statutory law. These distinctions primarily emerge in imperative and postural rulings, and an analysis of the results helps in understanding the mechanisms that principles of Islamic jurisprudence offer.     Imperative Rulings: In imperative rulings, Islamic jurists have differing opinions regarding the reconciliation of absolute and conditional rulings. Some jurists argue that conditional rulings should be interpreted as Mustahabb (recommended) rather than obligatory, allowing them to coexist harmoniously with absolute rulings. This approach effectively retains the integrity of the absolute ruling while offering additional guidance through the conditional provision. Other scholars advocate directly reconciling absolute and conditional rulings by allowing the conditions to modify the absolute nature, ensuring consistency in legal interpretation.     In statutory law, however, the approach requires further refinement. The interpretation of conditional rulings as merely recommended is not feasible due to the mandatory nature of statutory regulations. Thus, in imperative statutory rulings, the primary solution lies in finding a way to reconcile absolute and conditional rulings. The results suggest that adopting a hierarchical interpretation, where the conditional complements the absolute without altering its foundational framework, provides a practical approach.     Postural Rulings: Most scholars agree on reconciling the absolute with the conditional in postural rulings, provided that the unity and consistency of obligation and ruling are maintained. In postural statutory rulings, the essential requirement for determining and reconciling the conflict between absolute and conditional provisions is establishing the unity of cause and criterion. However, establishing unity is more complex in postural contexts due to the layered nature of statutory regulations.     In both imperative and postural statutory laws, unity of cause and criterion can sometimes be inferred directly from the legislative texts themselves. In other cases, it can be deduced from external evidence pointing to a legislative intent to connect the conditional to the absolute. A systematic approach to inferring unity of criteria and cause is required to effectively harmonize conflicting statutory provisions.     Broader Context and Application: The broader analysis reveals the importance of systematizing the unity of cause and criterion when reconciling absolute and conditional rulings. By adhering to principles that align absolute and conditional provisions, judicial practices can remain consistent and coherent. However, solutions like repealing statutory provisions instead of reconciling them or maintaining adherence to both absolute and conditional provisions without verifying unity create ambiguity and inconsistencies in legal interpretation.     Moreover, the study uncovers challenges in reconciling principles from Islamic jurisprudence with statutory legal frameworks due to differences in language, intent, and legal culture. The discussion underscores the need for a hybrid methodology that respects the foundations of Islamic jurisprudence while acknowledging the structural requirements of statutory law.   Conclusion The reconciliation of absolute and conditional affirmative rulings in Islamic jurisprudence and statutory laws requires a nuanced understanding of both legal frameworks. In Islamic jurisprudence, jurists have articulated different approaches depending on whether the ruling is imperative or postural. In imperative rulings, opinions vary between interpreting the conditional as recommended or reconciling the absolute directly with the conditional. In postural rulings, consensus exists among scholars regarding reconciliation, given that the unity of cause and criterion is established.     In statutory laws, the approach to resolving conflicts between absolute and conditional rulings differs fundamentally. Conditional rulings cannot be interpreted as merely recommended due to the obligatory nature of statutory regulations. Thus, the only viable solution in imperative statutory rulings is to reconcile the absolute with the conditional, finding a harmonious interpretation that does not detract from the clarity or intent of either provision.     For postural and imperative statutory laws, establishing unity of cause and criterion is essential yet challenging. Scholars infer unity from textual and external evidence, while statutory interpretations rely on legislative intent and the broader context of the law. Adhering to these principles ensures consistent application and interpretation. A systematic framework that reconciles absolute and conditional rulings can better coordinate statutory provisions, avoiding repeal or strict adherence without unity verification.     Ultimately, the study demonstrates the feasibility of applying principles from Islamic jurisprudence to statutory law, emphasizing the importance of a unified judicial practice. However, this must be balanced with the challenges inherent in adapting traditional jurisprudential principles to contemporary statutory frameworks. The proposed framework seeks to achieve this balance, offering legal practitioners a coherent methodology for resolving conflicts between absolute and conditional affirmative rulings.
