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دیوان شعری ابن حُسام، شاعر و مدیحه سرای صاحب نام قرن نهم هجری، مهم ترین اثر او مشتمل بر قصاید، غزلیات، ترجیع بندها، رباعیات و مثنوی های زیبا و دلنشین است. او شاعری آیینی است که تسلط وی بر علوم زمانش، به ویژه تفسیر، حدیث و رجال موجب شده تا بسیاری از آیات قرآن و احادیث را در گفتارش به نظم درآورده و آن ها را به انواع صنایع لفظی و معنوی بیاراید. بارزترین این صنایع که نمود قابل توجهی در اشعارش یافته، دوزبانگی یا تلمیع است. براین اساس در پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از ابزار کتابخانه ای و روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به ساختار لفظی ملمّعات و ساختار محتوایی آن در مناقب علوی ابن حُسام پرداخته شده است. در دیوان ابن حُسام، ملمّعات در سه محور ملمّعات قرآنی، ملمّعات حدیثی و ملمّعات خود شاعر آمده است. مناقب علوی به موضوعاتی مانند اخلاق، ارزش های دینی، فضیلت علمی، شرح جنگ ها و ذکر دلاوری ها اختصاص دارد که شاعر به طور ماهرانه این ویژگی ها را  به زیور آیه ای از قرآن یا حدیثی از پیامبر(ص) آراسته است. بی شک این امر علاقه ی ابن حسام به قرآن کریم و مضامین آن و اشراف کامل او بر زبان وحی را نشان می دهد. پرداختن به تنوّع ملمّعات و مضامین آن ها، علاوه بر اینکه کاری هنرمندانه در عرصه ی ادبیات آیینی است، ما را با گستره ی اندیشه و تفکر این شاعر بزرگ آشنا می سازد.

A Study of the Literal and Content Structure of Macaronic Language in Ibn Husam Khusfi’s Alawi Religious Panegyrics

Introduction Ibn Husam is one of the most prominent poets of devotional and Shia literature of the 9th century AH. He excelled in various sciences such as syntax, rhetoric, history, exegesis, hadith, biographical studies, astronomy, and history. He was a poet of odes and did not have an independent style, often emulating the poets who came before him (Lamei-Giv, 2015: 75). His works include Diwan Ash'ar (Collection of Poems), Nathr al-La'ali, Dala'il al-Nubuwwah, Nasabnameh, and Khavaran-nameh. Due to his genuine faith in Islam and the Quran, as well as his familiarity with the holy book and his mastery of hadith and anecdotes about the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), he has employed many verses and hadiths in the form of macaronic language. The odes dedicated to the praise of the Ahl al-Bayt in his Diwan can be considered a collection of valuable prophetic hadiths and Noble Quranic verses. The research aims to analyze the poetic technique of macaronic language used by Ibn-Husam in his Alawi religious panegyrics. The study focuses on two main questions:Why did Ibn Husam employ the literary device of macaronic language in his religious poetry praising the virtues of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)?What is the underlying message conveyed through macaronic language in Ibn Husam’s Alawi religious panegyrics?Extensive scholarship is available on Ibn Husam, yet a dedicated analysis of macaronic language within his Diwan remains absent. While briefly mentioned in certain studies, macaronic language in Ibn Husam’s poetry warrants in-depth investigation. Notably, this poetic technique is predominantly employed in extolling the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), encompassing diverse themes from Islamic history and the virtues of the Prophet’s family. Method This research employs a descriptive-analytical approach and library resources to analyze the macaronic language within Ibn Husam’s diwan. By meticulously examining the religious panegyrics dedicated to Imam Ali (peace be upon him), the study identifies Quranic and Hadith-based macaronic language for in-depth analysis of both literal and content structures. Findings Ibn Husam’s mastery of Arabic, coupled with his profound knowledge of Quranic recitation and interpretation, is evident in his frequent incorporation of relevant Quranic verses. His poetic artistry is often enhanced by the inclusion of entire Quranic verses or their carefully selected fragments. The macaronic language, a prominent feature of his poetry, can be classified into three structural categories: Quranic, Hadith-based, and innovative. The pervasive presence of Quranic verses and hadiths, especially in his praises and accounts of Imam Ali’s virtues, transforms his poetry into a devotional literary work and, in essence, a compendium of Quranic and Hadith wisdom.To accommodate poetic form and meter, Ibn Husam skillfully adapted Quranic verses and hadiths, at times employing excerpts and other times citing them in full. Thematically, his poetry can be categorized into three primary areas: the manifestation of Quranic verses and hadiths, the delineation of personal and social virtues, and expressions of devotion and love for Imam Ali. With a realistic perspective and scholarly acumen, Ibn Husam leveraged Quranic teachings and hadiths to elevate the Prophet’s family’s stature. Through admonition and guidance, he fostered love and reverence for the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) as the guardians of spiritual authority. Conclusion Ibn Husam, an enduring figure in the religious literature of Khorasan in the 9th century AH, made significant strides in defending the sanctity of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) through his valuable works. By presenting religious arguments and occasional admonitions, he fostered a deep-rooted affection for the Prophet’s family among his followers. As a scholar well-versed in the Quran, the enlightening teachings of Islam, and the comprehensive body of hadiths and prophetic traditions, he constructed the pillars of his poetry upon this solid foundation. Ibn Husam dedicated most of his poetry to the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), particularly Amir al-Mu’minin (peace be upon him). He skillfully employed artistic language and ornate literary devices to present the personal, social, scholarly, and divine attributes of the Imam to the literary community of his time and to future generations. One of his artistic creations is the technique of macaronic language, particularly in the context of the Quran. The poet’s profound love for religious knowledge and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), combined with his mastery of Arabic, is evident in his poetry. Ibn Husam’s verses are enriched with expressions drawn from the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet. By incorporating these beautiful bilingual poems, the poet showcases his scholarly abilities. Such a multilingualism feature often takes the form of a single verse, half-verse, or a portion of a Quranic verse or hadith. Most of Ibn Husam’s bilingual poems are dedicated to the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), encompassing themes such as moral and personal qualities, courage and bravery in jihad, knowledge, piety, divine ranks, succession, and prophethood. This article examines several examples, supported by Quranic verses and hadiths.
