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مدیریت شهری در راستای توسعه پایدار به طور خاص در بافت های فرسوده یکی از مباحث مهم و اساسی قلمرو مطالعات شهری در کشورهای مدرن و درحال توسعه ازجمله کشور ایران به شمار می آید که مشکلات خاصی را در دل خود دارا هستند. بر این اساس پژوهش حاضر با نام تحلیل و نقش مدیریت شهری درتوسعه بافت های فرسوده با رویکرد توسعه پایدار(مطالعه موردی بافت تاریخی بوشهر) مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. وشاخص های توسعه پایدار آن مورد بررسی قرار گرفته اند. تحقیق حاضر که با استفاده از مطالعات پیمایش میدانی و روش تحقیق توصیفی- تحلیلی انجام شده،به کمک ابزار پرسشنامه الکترونیکی از میان نمونه آماری 381 نفر با فرمول کوکران تعیین شده و پایایی آن با آلفای کرونباخ 6/90 مورد تأیید قرار گرفته است همچنین تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از روش های آمار توصیفی، شاخص های گرایش به مرکز (میانگین، میانه و نما) و شاخص های پراکندگی (واریانس، انحراف معیار، کشیدگی و چولگی و ...) استفاده شد. سپس با استفاده از نرم افزار(SPSS) نسخه 22، برای آزمون فرضیه ها از روش های آماری ضریب همبستگی، رویکرد پیشرفته معادلات ساختاری (تحلیل عامل تأییدی مرتبه دوم) استفاده گردیده است. یافته های تبیینی از آزمون T-Test تحقیق نشان داد که از دید ساکنان وضعیت شناسی نقش مدیریت شهری در راستای توسعه پایدار بافت فرسوده شهر بوشهر نشان می دهد که میانگین محاسبه شده نمره آزمودنی ها در فاصله اطمینان 95 درصدی آزمون t و در حد بالای آن قرار دارد؛ می توان نتیجه گرفت که وضعیت مدیریت شهری در راستای توسعه پایدار بافت فرسوده در محدوده موردمطالعه در وضعیت مطلوب قرار دارد و این یافته در سطح (01/α=) معنادار است.

The role of urban management in the development of worn-out structures with a sustainable development approach from the perspective of citizens, historical context of Bushehr

Extended AbstractIntroductionCity rules and regulations can be considered as one of the most important and main points of connection between city management and citizens. In other words, the actors of the main elements of urban management in the light of urban rules and regulations, despite defining roles for themselves and other members, can contribute and participate citizens in the administration of affairs and fulfill the concept of citizenship. Urban management in the direction of sustainable development, especially in dilapidated contexts, is one of the important and fundamental topics of urban studies in modern and developing countries, including Iran. Urban areas are the main and important centers of political, economic, social and security growth in any country and have proven to be the most important points for creating creativity, work, innovation and wealth. The main purpose of this research is to analyze and investigate the role of urban management in the direction of sustainable development of worn-out structures (case study: old structure of Bushehr) based on influential indicators. Since there are many indicators of sustainable development, suitable indicators were designed for this context in several general headings, each of which consists of subcategories such as access, economic, social, cultural and environmental.MethodologyThe present research, which was determined using field survey studies and descriptive-analytical research method and electronic questionnaire tool among the statistical sample of 381 people with Cochran's formula, and its reliability was confirmed with Cronbach's alpha of 90.6. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics methods, central tendency indices (mean, median, and mode) and dispersion indices (variance, standard deviation, skewness, and...) were used. Then, using SPSS version 22 software, statistical methods of correlation coefficient, advanced approach of structural equations (second-order confirmatory factor analysis) were used to test the hypotheses. Results and Discussion This research examines the role of urban management in terms of accessibility, economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions. In this regard, the role of urban management is analyzed from the aspect of provided statistics including gender, employment, age group, level of education, history of residence, place of residence and in terms of significance and desirability of indicators of dimensions such as access, economic, social, cultural and environmental. and reviewed. The explanatory findings of the T-Test of the research showed that from the residents' point of view, the role of urban management in the sustainable development of the dilapidated fabric of Bushehr shows that the calculated average score of the subjects is within the 95% confidence interval of the t-test and is at its upper limit. ; It can be concluded that the state of urban management in the direction of sustainable development of worn-out fabric in the studied area is in a favorable condition and this finding is significant at the level (α=01). ConclusionBy thinking about the effective forces at the level of neighborhood sustainability and especially the worn and historical tissues of cities, if urban management is the process of integrating the efforts of the government and citizens to improve the physical, social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions of cities and to If we specifically consider urban contexts, the concept of sustainability, growth and excellence comes to mind and in a way, urban management by shaping the living space in all areas, seeking to improve the welfare of citizens and achieve sustainable neighborhood development (texture) ) and is a city. Now, by evaluating the performance, urban management is able to check the efficiency of its system, determine its strengths and weaknesses, and plan for sustainable urban development, growth, and improvement. Considering the emergence of sustainable development as the main slogan of the third millennium, which originates from the impact of cities on the biosphere and various dimensions of human life, and without a doubt, the talk of sustainability and sustainable development without considering and paying attention to the city and the category of urbanization It will be meaningless. Based on this, one of the most important and sensitive requirements of the city and urbanization of the present era is the development of these tissues. The obtained results show that the five dimensions of access, economic, social, cultural and environmental are the effective indicators of urban management in the development of the worn-out fabric of Bushehr. Therefore, the social dimension with an average score of 2.39 has the highest rank and the economic dimension with an average score of 1.97 has the lowest rank among the dimensions of the old fabric of Bushehr. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAll of the authors approved the content ofthe manuscript and agreed on all aspects ofthe work. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to all the scientificconsultants of this paper. 
