
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


با شکل گیری مفهوم ملت- دولت و تشکیل کشور های جدید در قرون اخیر، وجوهی از ظرفیت های تمدن ایرانی- اسلامی در کشورهای همسایه قرار گرفته اند. ازآنجاکه در جهان امروز این ظرفیت ها از ارزش افزوده زیادی برخوردار هستند رقابت برای مصادره ی شخصیت های تمدن ساز در میان کشورهای منطقه تشدید شده است. حرکت در مسیر تمدن سازی نوین ایجاب می کند ضمن رعایت روابط حُسن هم جواری، نقش ایران در استفاده از جایگاه و بهره گیری از میراث ملموس و ناملموس این شخصیت ها بازتعریف شود. سؤالی که در این میان پیش می آید این است که چگونه می توان مرجعیت علمی- فرهنگی شخصیت های تمدن ساز همبسته با ایران را به داخل کشور منتقل کرد؟ برای این کار لازم است الگوی مدیریت آینده پرداز (Visionary Management) برای انتقال مرجعیت شخصیت های تمدن ساز مشخص شود. هدف از رسیدن به این الگو استفاده از ظرفیت های تمدن سازی این اندیشمندان است. در این راستا تجربیات انتقال مرجعیت علمی- فرهنگی شمس تبریزی مطابق مدل مینتزبرگ موردبازسازی قرار گرفت. پیشران ها و پس ران های این انتقال مرجعیت، تعیین و با استفاده از پنل خبرگان، وزن دهی شدند. با تحلیل یافته های حاصل از الگوی به کاررفته در انتقال مرجعیت شمس تبریزی، الگوی مدیریت آینده پرداز برای انتقال مرجعیت شخصیت های تمدن ساز به دست آمد.

Designing a pattern of visionary management to transfer the authority of civilizing figures: Case study of Shams Tabrizi

Purpose: Formation of the nation-state concept and establishment of new governments in recent centuries caused some of scientific-cultural capacities of Iran have been placed in neighboring countries. The existing conditions require Iran's role in using the position and benefiting from the tangible and intangible works of civilizing figures should be redefined. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine the pattern of visionary management to transfer the authority of civilizing figures. The goal of reaching this pattern is to use the civilizing capacities of these thinkers. Methodology: The historical dimensions of Shams Tabrizi's biography and the end of his work as a thinker whose thoughts directly and indirectly through the works of Rumi had an undeniable role in the formation of Iranian-Islamic civilization from the 13th century until now were investigated. The Mintzberg model was used to design the visionary management pattern to convey the scientific-cultural authority of Shams Tabrizi. Effective drivers and inhibitors in realizing the ideal vision of the transfer of authority of Shams Tabrizi in the last 25 years were determined using panel of experts and media scanning. Based on the analysis of the real pattern, the optimal proactive pattern for future planning was designed . Findings: The study of first-hand documents obtained from domestic and foreign sources, especially Ottoman sources, makes the location of Shams Tabrizi's tomb in Khoy acceptable. Examining the transfer pattern of Shams Tabrizi's authority shows that its approach is from the bottom up. The role of governance in the bottom-up pattern is a passive role that is formed by the pressure of public opinion and not necessarily the need to achieve a civilizational capacity. Such a situation leads to a delay in the speed and depth of realizing the desired future and the lack of planning in the use of these capacities in cultural diplomacy, economic exploitation and promotion of national security. Since in this pattern the government has left the main activism to the local communities without participating in the creation of a common vision, the benefits of transferring and consolidating authority at the local and regional levels have remained limited. Since the debates related to scientific-cultural authority are related to macro levels of policy making, therefore the approach of the proposed pattern is from top to bottom. The role of governance in the top-down pattern is to play the role of proactive management which makes future visioning and the realization of the ideal image happen in the shortest possible time. In this pattern a common vision between the people and the government is created and the necessary credits are allocated . Conclusion: The investigation of the drivers and the inhibitors of the transfer of authority of Shams Tabrizi shows that wherever progress has been made, it is the result of the demand and participation of the people and civil society and most of the inhibitors are due to the lack of active participation of the country's senior management. Therefore, in the pattern of transferring the authority of civilization-building figures, although the collective intentionality of the people, civil society and specialized institutions are considered a necessary and vital element, but without the support and guidance of the country's macro-management, the necessary result will not be achieved in the desired period of time. In order to solve this shortcoming, the scientific and cultural capacities of civilizing figures should be explained to senior managers and their civilizing functions should be emphasized. It seems that the active participation of governance, strategic studies in the fields of policy, credit allocation, media support and leadership in the international space, along with the participation of civil society and elites, are the requirements to reach the desired future. For this reason, the governance considerations and the strategic intention of the government in transferring the authority of civilizing figures have been prioritized in the proposed pattern .
