کلیدواژه‌ها: ادبیات عامه بچه خوانی تعزیه مکتب خانه

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شماره صفحات: ۳۰۹ - ۳۳۳
دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۱۲۶


آرشیو شماره‌ها:


  بچّه خوانی اصطلاحی است مربوط به دو حوزه ادبیات عامه: تعزیه (شبیه خوانی) و ادبیات مکتب خانه ای. در تعزیه کودکانی که در نقش هایی همچون طفلان مسلم، سکینه و رقیه شبیه خوانی می کنند، اصطلاحاً بچّه خوان نامیده می شوند و در ادبّات مکتب خانه ای نیز منظور از بچّه خوانی، کتاب هایی است که برای آموزش کودکان در دوره قاجار و اوایل پهلوی به صورت منظوم و منثور تألیف می شده است. در این مقاله، پس از تبیین این اصطلاح در تعزیه و ادبیات مکتب خانه ای، به ابعاد مختلف موضوع پرداخته و کوشش شده است تا جوانب مختلف مسئله، جستارگشایی شود. با این هدف، شیوه آموزش و تربیت کودکان در شبیه خوانی به منظور ایفای نقش های گوناگون و نیز منابع و مواد درسی در مکتب خانه ها بررسی می شود. پیش از این درباره بچّه خوانی، صرفاً اطّلاعاتی پراکنده وجود داشته است و مقاله حاضر، از حیث پرداختن مستقل به این موضوع، اهمیت دارد. روش تحقیق در این نوشتار، توصیفی تحلیلی و روش گردآوری اطّلاعات، کتابخانه ای و سندپژوهی است.

Bachekhani in Folk literature

The term "Bachekhani" has two uses in folklore, firstly in Maktabkhaneh literature and secondly in Ta'zieh or Shabiye Khani. Bachekhani, in Maktabkhane terms, is related to the collection of lithographic and illustrated books that were written for children in the Qajar period. Many of their writings were used in schools and became known as "Bachekhani". These books are mostly booklets like small volumes without covers, cheap and in small pieces were printed for children to study. Bachekhani in Taziyr terms is related to the role-playing of children in Ta'zieh ceremonies; whether in the role of Ahl al-Bayt children or in the role of Ashqiyya (enemies) children, many works have been published about the concept and history of reciting as well as Maktabkhaneh literature. This type of research should be based on the mentioned texts the field of home school literature is more, the works are focused on the publication of related texts and works less research has been done in its different dimensions on the topic of Bachekhani in Ta'zieh. Maktabkhaneh literature - no independent research has been done so far and it has only been published in works while dealing with other topics, there is also a reference to the role-playing of children in ta'zieh gatherings it is called "Bachekhani ". In Ta'zieh ceremonies, the singers of the group of "Movafeghan" were chosen from among the children with good voice. The parents of these children were either reciters themselves or from the fans of the Ahl al-Bayt and the audience and those who were interested in the art of ta'zieh. Any shortcoming in teaching children the correct rhythms, and gestures could disrupt the order and reduce the effectiveness of the live performance of Ta'zieh, so the training of children's singers has been carried out in a very serious process. The costume of the singers in ta'zieh ceremonies is simple, except for some roles, so that many of the audience of ta'zieh can present their children by wearing such simple clothes under the title "children in ta'zieh ceremonies ". These children who do not have a prescription such as "Agha ya Hossein" and "Amoo Al-Atash" participate in creating atmosphere and portraying the heartbreaking scenes of exile, captivity and oppression of the Ahl al-Bayt. The effect of the presence of children and the correct and poignant performance of the related versions was so great that even non-Muslim audiences were affected. One of the first roles that children learn and perform in ta'zieh ceremonies is Shabiye of "Hazrat Sakina", the daughter of Imam Hussain. This role is given to a ten-year-old. Although there are not many poems related to the Shabiye of Hazrat Sakina in the mentioned gatherings, the impact and passion of these poems will never be forgotten by the audience. Abdullah bin Hassan, the nephew of Imam Hussain, was a child of about ten-year-old who, in the last moments of the Imam's life, came out of the tents and ran to him and put his hand against the sword of one of the soldiers of Umar ibn Saad shielded and died in Imam's arms. The Shabiye of Abdullah bin Hassan is usually performed by seven-to-twelve-year-old boys. After his martyrdom, the pieces of the Shroud of Abdullah bin Hassan are distributed among the faithful audience of Taazieh for blessing. It shows the captivity and martyrdom of Muhammad and Ibrahim, the children of Moslem ibn Aqeel, after the martyrdom of their father in Kufa. The children who perform Ta'zieh in the role of Moslem children are usually less than twelve years old and sing most of their poems in harmony with each other. And they have learned to shed tears while reciting. In the historical and narrative sources of Shia for centuries, the name of Hazrat Ruqayyah - the daughter of Imam Hussain - has not been mentioned and the story of the death of that young child in Sham became more famous during the Qajar period. At the same time, the death ceremony of Hazrat Ruqiya in the ruins of Sham is one of the most painful The congregations are Ta'ziyeh and usually children under seven years of age play this role. Roles such as Ahu (episode of martyrdom of Imam Reza) son of Harith (episode of martyrdom of the children of Moslem), Muhammad son of Hani (episode of martyrdom of Moslem bin Aqeel), Hodhod (episode of martyrdom of Hazrat Soleiman) and Ali bin Hor ibn Yazid Riahi Martyrdom Assembly of Imam Javad (episode of Martyrdom of Imam Reza) and the like. Another point is that the children sometimes chant Taziye alone, for example, Hazrat Ruqiya, the son of Hani, Hazrat Sakina, etc., and sometimes they play a role in pairs, such as Muslim children in the episode of Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqeel or Zainab's children in the old assemblies and or Hasanain and sometimes they chant or whisper a poem in groups, such as Ahl al-Bayt in the Sham People market (Bazare Alhe Sham), the first list of Bachekhani  books in another sense, which is the subject of this article, includes 47 titles, which are under the name of the list "Haj Musa Tajer of Tehran" is included in the appendix of the book "Gajineh Neshat" - authored by Mirza Abdul Wahab Neshat Esfahani - and according to the announcement of the Iran newspaper, No. 575, Thursday, 15 Rabi' al-Thani 1282 AH). This list contains the names of 320 Persian books and 14 Arabic books in five groups, one group of which is Bachekhani books. At the same time, the number of Bachekhani books based on the list of Iranian school literature books is 70 titles. In this article, the complete list is included. Bachekhani books have been introduced.
