
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


التناص هو إنتاج نص من خلال التفاعل مع نصوص أسلافه أو معاصریه ، وتتم مشارکه تلک النصوص فی النص المطلوب بشکل صریح ، غیر صریح وضمنی من نص إلى آخر. یُعد جیرار جینیه من أبرز الباحثین فی مجال التناص ، حیث یرکز معظم دراساته على طبیعه الخطاب السردی. تمت کتابه هذه المقاله بطریقه وصفیه وتحلیلیه باستخدام المصادر المکتبیه. و قد درس التناص فی کتابی "منازل السائرین" و "البیاض و السواد" ، والذَین کلاهما باللغه العربیه وقد ترجما إلى اللغه الفارسیه. تم تقییم منازل السائرین على أنها ما بعد النص وکتاب البیاض والسواد کنص مسبق ، وتم تحدید مشارکه نص البیاض والسواد فی نص منازل السائرین بشکل صریح وغیر صریح و ضمنی بإلقاء نظره خاصه على عقلیه جیرار جینیت. تشیر الأبحاث التی أجریت إلى تأثر خواجه عبد الله الأنصاری بکتاب البیاض والسواد السیرجانی. لا یُرى التناص الصریح فی هذا العمل ، والتناص الغیرصریح له تواتر أقل من التناص الضمنی ، وبشکل عام ، تقتصر القواسم المشترکه المفاهیمیه لمنازل السائرین على البیاض و السواد .

Analyzing the intertextual relations between the houses of the walkers and the book of whiteness and blackness based on Gerard Genet's theory

Intertextuality is the production of a text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, and those texts are shared in the required text explicitly, not explicitly and implicitly from one text to another. Gerard Genet is considered one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, as most of his studies focus on the nature of narrative discourse. This article was written in a descriptive and analytical manner using library sources. He studied the intertextuality in the books “Manazil al-Sa’irin” and “Al-Bayyad wa Al-Sawad”, both of which are in Arabic and have been translated into Persian. The Houses of the Walkers were assessed as post-text and the book of whiteness and blackness as a pre-text, and the participation of the text of whiteness and blackness in the text of the Houses of the Walkers was determined explicitly, indirectly and implicitly with a special look at the mentality of Gerard Genet.Research conducted indicates that Khwaja Abdullah Al-Ansari was influenced by Al-Bayad wa Al-Sawad Al-Sirjani. Explicit intertextuality is not seen in this work, non-explicit intertextuality has less frequency than implicit intertextuality, and in general, the conceptual commonalities of Walkers' Houses are limited to whiteness and blackness.
