مسئله "شهود" از دیدگاه سهروردی و برگسون (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
سهرورودی و برگسون،دو فیلسوف متعلق به حوزه تفکرات فلسفه اشراقی، مساله"کشف" و "شهود" را بگونه ای در فلسفه خود مطرح نموده اند که جهان شناسی آنها تحت تاثیر نوع نگاهشان به این مساله شکل گرفته است. شیخ اشراق انسانی است که علاوه بر اینکه در حوزه نظر و استدلال فردی برجسته است ، در مراتب عرفانی نیز گام نهاده است و بسیاری از نظرات و یافته های خود را رهاورد مقام شهود علمی خود می داند .شیخ اشراق مهمترین اثر خود یعنی حکمت الاشراق را که نماینده تفکر اشراقی اوست، محصول یک کشف می داند و فلسفه برگسون بر دو مساله اساسی زمان حقیقی یا "دیرند" و "شهود"(Intuition ) استوار گشته است و پیوند عمیقی میان مفاهیم سه گانه "زمان"، "حرکت" و"شهود" برقرارنموده است. وی معتقد بودکه فلسفه حقیقی مبتنی بر شهود است نه "هوش"، و متعلق این شهود، "حرکت"، "شدن" و "استمرار" است؛ یعنی چیزی که فقط می توان از راه آگاهی بی واسطه یا شهودی شناخت نه از طریق هوش که تداوم را از بین می برد.شهود برگسون علاوه بر جنبه درون نگری بیشتر جنبه « برون شد » دارد . در این اتحاد شهودی محض ، انسان در خود محبوس و اسیر نمی شود ، بلکه با هستی و واقعیت سیلانی نوعی همدلی و همرازی (sympathies) پیدا می کند . در اینجا « برون شد » رهایی از محدودیت ها و انجماد است.The problem of "intuition" from the point of view of Suhravardi and Bergson
Bergson's philosophy is based on the two basic issues of real time or "Dirand" and "intuition" and there is a deep connection between the trinity of "time", "movement" and "intuition". Bergson believed that true philosophy is based on intuition. In this pure intuitive union, man does not get locked up and captured in himself, but finds a kind of sympathy and harmony with the existence and reality of Ceylon. Here, "came out" means freedom from limitations and freezing. In Suhrawardi's philosophy, the problem of intuition is as a way to find the truth, which is preferable to reasoning and proof. Therefore, compared to other methods of discovering the truth, originality with receiving inner things, discovery and intuition, and for this reason, Sohrawardi's philosophy can be called "authenticity of intuition". The authenticity of Sohrawardi's intuition is based on a view of intuition as a means and an end. Sohrawardi's intuition is heart intuition, which is distinct and superior to intellectual intuition; something that In Bergson's philosophy, it has received less attention. For both, "intuition" is the highest form of consciousness. Suhravardi, intuitive knowledge is a special thing that some people are deprived.<br> Keywords : Intuition, Movement, Illumination, Sohrvardi, Bergson.<br> <br> Extended Abstract <br> Introduction <br>One of the ways to acquire knowledge is discovery and intuition. The purpose of this research is to show the importance of discovery and intuition from the point of view of Sheikh Ashraq and Bergson. Sheikh Eshraq introduces his philosophy as the wisdom of taste and discussion. The wisdom of discussion is based on reasoning and the wisdom of taste is based on observation. According to Sohravardi, reasoning is a matter of persuasion and observation is a matter of certainty. In Ishraqi's wisdom of taste, intuition has a special place and is more valid than rational reasoning.<br>Sohrawardi introduces a type of science that is connected and intuitive, and it is present science, in contrast to the science of acquisition, which in his opinion is a completely abstract science. He calls it.<br> Sohravardi accepts the formal division of science as an imagination and acknowledges it, but he believes that science has more value than the purely formal aspect of everything, and it should always be done with divine inspiration.<br> For Bergson, intuition is not a language, because intuition is a slow continuity, while language is a division of words, and because it deals with social needs, it is the limit of words. On the other hand, intuition is a continuum because it is directly related to our inner life. Finally, the language is just a rearrangement of old words.<br> Method <br>In this research, we have first examined the topic of discovery and intuition from Sheikh Ashraq's point of view and then from Bergson's point of view.<br> Findings <br>Sheikh Ashraq and Bergson both based their philosophy on they have established intuition and they consider the philosophical method to be an intuitive method and in addition they have paid attention to the role of reason in intuition. Sheikh Eshraq considers intuition to be a matter of the heart and mysticism. Reason is with the nature of things and Bergson took a negative approach to intelligence and reason, and the reason that is criticized by Bergson is the reason that is instrumental and productive of industry, not reason as the understanding power of man. In Suhravardi's philosophical system, the integration of reason and intuition was presented in a novel way, and the true knowledge was called the same knowledge as irradiance and intuition.<br>The authenticity of Sohrawardi's intuition is based on a view of intuition as a means and an end. Sohrawardi's intuition is heart intuition, which is distinct and superior to intellectual intuition; something that In Bergson's philosophy, it has received less attention. For both, "intuition" is the highest form of consciousness. Suhravardi, intuitive knowledge is a special thing that some people are deprived.<br> Conclusion <br>For Suhravardi, intuitive knowledge is a special thing that some people are deprived of.Suhravardi does not deny other ways of acquiring knowledge and believes in the rank system in acquiring knowledge.<br>Like Suhrvardi, Bergson based his philosophy on intuition and believes that intuition directly acquaints us with reality, or considers what belongs to intuition as reality, and considers the philosophical method to be purely intuitive. He believes that intuition is a kind of internal and present perception that It goes beyond the boundaries of theoretical and instrumental reason, and it cannot be understood through this theoretical reason, and like Suhrvardi, he considers intuition to be the addition of the soul's luminousness to what is visible and evidenced outside, and in intuition to the role of reason and its tool, language.<br> He also paid attention, but in his expression, he took a negative approach to reason and intelligence, and in fact, the reason criticized in Bergson is the reason that is a tool and producer of industry, not the reason as a human understanding power. And the direct connection of reason itself with the essence of things is indescribable and we are forced to use words and concepts to express it.<br> In fact, with the clarification of this doctrine, many problems in philosophy can be solved, including the importance of discovery and intuition in the view of Western philosophers and East, paid and reached a spiritual and well-founded worldview.