
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تشکیل حکومت به منظور دستیابی بشر به اهداف فردی و اجتماعی خود، یک ضرورت عقلانی است؛ اما بحث دربارۀ حق حاکمیت و ویژگی های حاکم همواره ازجمله مباحث چالش برانگیز بوده است. هدف از این نوشتار، واکاوی آراء ملاصدرا دربارۀ رئیس حکومت و خصوصیات اوست. پرسش اصلی این است که از منظر ملاصدرا حق حاکمیت بر جامعۀ اسلامی برای چه کسی ثابت است و چه ویژگی هایی باید داشته باشد؟ این مطالعه از نوع پژوهش تحلیل محتواست که با مراجعه بر منابع مکتوب آن حکیم متأله و مبانی فلسفی وی، با تکیه بر کتاب مبدأ و معاد انجام می گیرد. با گردآوری داده ها و با عنایت به برخی مبانی فکری ملاصدرا معلوم شد که از نظر وی اولاً، وجود رئیس حکومت برای ادارۀ جامعه و سوق دادن افراد به سعادت و کمال حقیقی بشر یک ضرورت است و ثانیاً، از آنجا که حق حاکمیت بالذات از آن خداوند است، تنها فردی حق حاکمیت بر مردم را دارد که مأذون و منصوب از جانب او باشد؛ چنین فردی بر پایۀ قاعدۀ امکان اشرف به ترتیب یا نبی خداست که با تکیه بر دانش لدنی خود، سعادت حقیقی و راه رسیدن به آن را به درستی می شناسد یا امام مأذون و منصوب از طرف اوست. وی سپس برخی از ویژگی های حاکم را برمی شمارد.

Mulla Sadra's Opinion About the Head of Government and His Characteristics; Based on the Book of Origin and Resurrection

Forming a government in order for humans to achieve their individual and social goals is a rational necessity. The necessity of forming a government and, as some philosophers call it, "Medina" and the existence of the head of the government, has been the focus of Western and Islamic philosophers, and Mulla Sadra, as the founder of "Hekmat Ta'alaye" has also paid great attention to this issue in various works, especially the book "The Origin and Resurrection". But the discussion about the right of sovereignty and the characteristics of the ruler has always been among the challenging topics among philosophers and sages. The purpose of this article is to analyze Mulla Sadra's opinions as the founder of Hikmat Ta'ala, in the context of the head of government and his characteristics. Therefore, the main question is: From Mullah Sadra's point of view, for whom is the right of sovereignty over the Islamic society fixed and what characteristics should it have? The answer to this question has been examined based on his opinions based on the book of origin and resurrection. This study is a type of content analysis research, which is done by referring to the written sources of Hakim Mataleh, relying on the book Mabada wa Maad. By collecting data in line with the goal and the main question of the research, and taking into account some of Mullah Sadra's intellectual foundations, such as the belief in monotheism, the right of divine sovereignty, the rule of possibility, the levels of reason, the rule of unity, the originality and doubt of existence, and the meaning of happiness and true perfection. It turned out that according to Mulla Sadra, first of all, the existence of a head of government is a necessity to run the society and lead people to the true happiness and perfection of mankind, and secondly, since the right to rule belongs to God, only a person has the right to rule over the people who is authorized and be appointed directly or indirectly by the ruler. Such a person is either a prophet of God who, relying on his knowledge, knows the true happiness and the way to achieve it correctly, or an authorized imam appointed by him. He then lists some of the characteristics of the ruler. This study can determine the task of governance and the type of governance in Islamic society and establish a governance model based on the principles of transcendental wisdom.  
