نویسندگان: احمد سعیدی

کلیدواژه‌ها: علم عالم معلوم حکایت ذاتی حکایت شأنی

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
شماره صفحات: ۷۱ - ۱۰۲
دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۱۶۰


آرشیو شماره‌ها:


بسیاری از فلاسفه بر این باورند که در علم حصولی، حکایت مفهوم یا صورت ذهنی از محکی خود، ذاتیِ صورت ذهنی است؛ به این معنا که اولا خاصیت حکایت گری را نمی توان از مفهوم یا صورت ذهنی جدا کرد و ثانیا هر مفهومی صرفا با یک محکی خاص ارتباط دارد، و به اصطلاح، هر چیزی را نشان نمی دهد. اما برخی بر این باورند که نظریه «حکایت ذاتی» صحیح نیست و نظریة درست در زمینة حکایت گری علوم حصولی، دیدگاه مرحوم علامه مصباح یزدی (ره) است که با عنوان «حکایت شأنی» شناخته می شود. در این نوشتار، با بررسی دو دیدگاه مزبور نشان داده ایم که اولا اشکالاتی که نسبت به «حکایت ذاتی» مطرح شده-اند، صحیح نیستند، ثانیا نظریة «حکایت شأنی» - دست کم بر اساس برخی خوانش های ارائه شده – نه قابل دفاع است و نه با مبانی دیگر علامه مصباح یزدی (ره) سازگار است.

A second reflection on "Intrinsic Designation" and "Potentially Designation"

Introduction : The importance of designation (anecdote, description, implication) in Epistemology and acquired knowledge is clear. In the field of designation, there are various viewpoints and some of them can be combined with each other and some of them are contradictory and cannot be combined. One of the famous opinions of philosophers is that the relationship between the concept and the described object is intrinsic to the concept.Some believe that the intrinsic description view has indefensible flaws. For example, in the article "Intrinsic Designation under Scrutiny",  the view of famous philosophers about "Intrinsic Designation" (Hekait-e dhātī) has been criticized, and more or less the view of the Allameh Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi has been confirmed and strengthened under the title "Potentially Designation" (Hekait-e Shaani; Contingent Designation). In the mentioned article, the authors have made seven objections to the "Intrinsic Designation". In our opinion, all the mentioned objections towards the view of "Intrinsic Designation" have several problems; And on the contrary, "Potentially Designation", as presented in this article, is both wrong in itself and inconsistent with principles of Allameh Mesbah. A detailed treatment of all the objections raised around the "Intrinsic Designation" and all the problems of the, "Potentially Designation", as presented in the mentioned article, requires the writing of a book in the field of the designation. Therefore, inevitably, in this article, we have evaluated the first two objections briefly and left the criticism of other objections to a wider field. It is necessary to mention: First of all, rejecting the objections raised about "Intrinsic Designation" does not logically require the truth of "Intrinsic Designation" and in order to establish this point of view, we should have a positive discussion about its ontological, anthropological and epistemological foundations, and about its consequences. Secondly, in this article, our defenses of the "Intrinsic Designation" and our objections to the "Potentially Designation" are based on this common basis between the famous philosophers and Allameh Mesbah that on the one hand, the knowledge of ordinary people about the material world is exclusive to the acquired knowledge, and on the other hand, the mental image has two aspects: from one aspect, it exists in the human soul and itself is known, and it is a presentational knowledge, and from the second aspect, it presents something else and it is acquired knowledge. Thirdly, our main discussion in this article is, first of all, the defense of the "Intrinsic Designation", not the criticism of the "Potentially Designation". Methodology Our method in this article is analytical and descriptive. Findings In our opinion, objections made to the theory of "Intrinsic Designation" and affirmations raised in the field of establishing the "Potentially Designation" are debatable. Some of the disputes are as follows: (1) Involving the characteristics of Arabic words in semantic and philosophical analyses; (2) Not paying attention to the difference between conventional understanding and conventional analysis; (3) Confusion between the role of the knower and the specific role of knowledge in the designation process; (4) Inserting the concepts of existence and non-existence into whatness; (5) Confiscation and self-explanatory nature of some claims and arguments; (6) Ignoring the differences between mental images and external forms, or ignoring the differences between what is reasonable in itself and what is reasonable through an intermediary; (7) non-distinction between of designation (hekait, description, implication) and transmission. Conclusion At least some of the problems that have entered the theory of "Intrinsic Designation" are due to the lack of correct understanding of this theory, and this theory is more accurate than the theory of "Potentially Designation".  
