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با رواج معنویت غیر دینی، متخصصان الهیات در جوامع غربی درصدد برآمدند تا نشان دهند معنویت در دل سنت های دینی یا ادیان نهادینه تحقق پذیر است. در قرن اخیر به مطالعاتی «الهیات معنوی» گفته می شود که متخصصان الهیات مسیحی درباره تجربه زیسته معنوی و راه های کسب و گسترش آن انجام می دهند. این مطالعات ریشه در الهیات عرفانی و الهیات زاهدانه دارد و در تعامل با دیگر شاخه های الهیاتی مانند الهیات نظام مند، الهیات اخلاق و الهیات عملی شکل گرفته است. مقاله حاضر، با هدف مرور انتقادی تلاش های علمی الهی دانان مسیحی در جهت گسترش معنویت دینی، به بازخوانی «الهیات معنوی» پرداخته و نشان داده شده است چگونه این سنت مطالعاتی پدیدار شده و چه مسیری را تا تبدیل به رشته مستقل دانشگاهی طی کرده است. در این مقاله پس از بیان تاریخچه، معرفی جریان ها و اشخاص و ارتباطات این مطالعات با دیگر شاخه های الهیات مسیحی، نقدهای موجود بر این فعالیت علمی و چالشهای پیش روی آن طرح خواهد شد.

A Critical Rereading of Spiritual Theology in Christianity and its Relationship with Other Branches of Christian Theology

Reviewing the efforts of Christian theologians to expand religious spirituality, the present study focuses on spiritual theology and examines the criticisms and related challenges. The method of the research is historical. Firstly, it examines the history of spiritual theology from mystical theology and ascetic theology to a new discipline. Then, it deals with its relationship with other theological branches, and finally, it examines the current state of this type of study and explains its challenges. The most important challenges found through this study are individualism, personalization of religion, and lack of defined connection with systematic theology and practical theology.   Keywords : Spirituality, Spiritual Lived Experience, Christian Theology, Spirituality Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies.   Introduction This study examines the academic efforts of Christian theologians in the direction of expanding religious spirituality with an emphasis on spiritual theology. In other words, examining the history and connections of these studies with other branches of Christian theology and addressing its criticisms and challenges is the main goal of the study. Theology and spirituality have had many meanings throughout the history of Christianity. In some cases, theology is interpreted as a religious science. In some cases, theology means a teaching discipline in the university. In addition, theology may be presented as a theory or idea in the field of religious studies. On the other hand, spirituality has also had many meanings at different times. Spirituality can mean a level of the supernatural world or it can refer to the connection with experiences beyond ordinary states. Spirituality may also refer to techniques and methods of achieving spiritual experience or to research about previous levels of spirituality. Therefore, both terms (theology and spirituality) are used with multiple meanings in Christianity and can be used as a study, discipline, theory, cult, or spiritual experience. In Persian, when it comes to spirituality, more than anything, it means the studies of the New Age Spirituality, and the spiritual theology of Christianity is not known in Iran. The only book that has been translated into Persian from this theological branch is the book Spirituality by Philip Sheldrake (as cited in Darfashi, 2018).   Materials and Methods The historical method of research has been used in this study. In this research, to deal with the experience of spiritual theology in Christianity, we first address the question of what theology and spirituality in Christianity mean. Then, we will examine what spiritual theology means in this tradition, what history it has gone through in terms of concepts and examples, and what relationship it has established with other branches of Christian theology. In the end, the existing criticisms of this scientific activity and the challenges facing it will be presented. In short, this study aims to critically review the scientific efforts of Christian theologians in order to expand religious spirituality and what challenges have been faced in this way.   Research Findings Criticisms and challenges of spiritual theology include the following: Spiritual theology needs to be fed from various sources to maintain its credibility, including church history, sacred text, and systematic theology. Spiritual theology needs to pay attention to the experience of people, modern sciences, and the experiences of other religions in order to deal with contemporary challenges and concerns. Challenges such as individualism and personalization of spirituality, diminution of God, and conflict with non-theological sciences also exist for spiritual theology. Some researchers of spiritual theology have paid attention to these challenges and have addressed topics such as theological currents, the relationship between spiritual theology and systematic theology, and spirituality and practical theology. Spiritual theology, in dealing with challenges, must pay attention to the Christian theological tradition and dogmatic teachings in order to maintain its credibility. Paying attention to the differences between spiritual theology and New Age Spirituality and relying on religious forms and formats in systematic theology and practical theology can also help in determining the boundaries and distinguishing these two types of spirituality. In addition, paying attention to fundamental Christian teachings and beliefs and not being limited to spiritual experience in the evaluation of spiritual experiences is also necessary to maintain the reliability of spiritual theology. Spiritual theology faces several challenges, including the issues of religious formalism, the intersection between scientific and theological research, the intersection between tradition and modern empirical findings, and the role of personal experience in the spiritual finding. The tendency of spiritual theology to focus on human beings and spiritual experience may lead to short-sightedness and lack of theology. In addition, separating spiritual theology from Christian tradition and the society and the tendency to focus on individualism can lead to the increase of this problem. In order to maintain the integrity of spiritual theology, it is important to connect with history, Christian doctrines, and other branches of theology. Spiritual theology can serve as a supplement to Christian theology, helping it to become more practical and balanced, avoiding formalism and superficiality. This discipline should move in the direction of helping other theological branches and balancing them, not as an independent discipline that has neglected the connection with other branches.   Discussion of Results and Conclusions Focusing on the critical review of spiritual theology in Catholic Christianity, this paper deals with the history of the emergence of spiritual concerns in Christian theology and its transformation into mystical theology and ascetic theology. Then, the method and goals of spiritual theology compared to other theological branches were examined, and the challenges of this field were also analyzed. These challenges include the combination of scientific and theological criteria and the combination of personal and individual findings with theological propositions. Finally, attention has been paid to the fact that these challenges may cause spiritual theology to distance itself from Christian theology and approach non-religious or non-religious tendencies.
